Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis extender? ?

Originally Posted by mc_rolla
Thanks austfred… when I spoke about I don’t know if it’s stretching my penis, well it must of been because I have outgrown the bars and my penis has got too big for it

Congrats . You are on your way. If you grow like me you will find your flaccid grows first then after a few months your erect length will follow.

Are you using all your extender rods?

Well I have 2 sets of two, I can’t use the next size up as they are double the ones I am currently using and theres no way o can stretch my penis that far

Mu routine is currently looking like this:

I take weekend’s off

Monday-friday is anywhere between 2-8 hours of extender.

I have a bath of the night and perform jelq in the bath with lotion that works well as a lubricant and get 10 minutes done.

Then watching tele in bed I do kegel, hold for approx 3 seconds for 50 reps followed by 100 reps of fast squeezes…

Only thing with jelq is the skin on my pubic region comes up after every jelq which makes it a bit difficult to get it right after the base, I read that getting little red splodges on your penis represents you have stretched it and it is just blood molecules so is this proof that I must be doing jelq correctly?

Austfred and rootsnatty, could you tell us what you think about what Film87 says in this thread ?

Sounds like maybe he was going a little harder than he needed to with the extender, you are better off hanging if you really want to push for discomfort and fatigue like that, but mostly what he was saying was sound. Stretch further and further, use your extender for a long time, etc. With his philosophy, I am glad he made the switch to hanging though, this seems more in line with his approach.

Originally Posted by gekiro
Austfred and rootsnatty, could you tell us what you think about what Film87 says in this thread ?

Thanks for sharing this. Looks as if Film87 had success with extending and is now trying to get more by including hanging and clamping.

His results from just extending (2") are very impressive. I am very interested in his move to include both hanging and and clamping but must add I have no experience in either.

I have plateaued over the last few months and am very interested in getting momentum again. If you read down this thread you will see he had a similar experience with his extender. He seemed to solve that by focusing on BPFSL and gradually increasing his in the extender. When I first got my LeLuv slider extender I was doing this and getting results. However recently I have found I cannot seem to increase BPFSL in the extender without very high tension which my dick does not like. I was going to PM Rootsnatty about this but have decided to post it here because it is relevant to Film87’s approach. So Roots, can you offer any advice on why my BPFSL seems to have hit a wall. The only thing I can think of is that in my dynamic pumping routine I was using too short cycles that may have toughened up my ligs and tunica. Perhaps a deconditioning break is in order.

Now getting back to Film87’s Extender routine. I would not recommend it to a newbie. I would stick to the tension approach at least for the first 6 months and then go to his focusing on BPFSL approach. I would recommend the slider type extender for this type of extending. Makes it easier.One thing I do not think he is correct about is " hanging focuses on ligs and extending is cell division and breaks the cells down and they grow through multiplying " I am pretty sure my early extending was also focusing on ligs. Extending is just a way of stretching your dick as is hanging and your ligs cannot tell how they were stretched. Roots do you agree.

Now on Film87’s move to include hanging and clamping. Again an approach not for newbies. On the other hand for an experienced PEer including the hanging and clamping looks like a great idea.


BPFSL: or rather extended stretched length I suppose. Tell me a couple things. How long is each Slider session for you? How often are you re-stretching after relaxation? How often are you using the extender?

I don’t think you toughened anything up too much. The screws can create tremendous stretching force and a static stretcher like the slider works somewhat independently of tension because as the tissues relax the stress will decrease until the next re-stretch.

Ligs and extenders: I pretty much agree, except that connective tissues can definitely tell how hard they are stretched (stress) and how much they are stretched (strain). Generally speaking, lower stretching forces are going to primarily cause fibroblasts in the connective tissue to make more collagen, migrate, and proliferate. This process begins happening almost immediately after an adequate stretch is applied, but it is a slow process on the macroscopic level. This is the principle extenders work on, and it is why time spent extending is so important. What definitely DOES NOT happen is cells being broken down and multiplying, as this guy, and many others, often describe. I think this comes from the false idea that these tissues are actually a bunch of cells butted up against one another. They are not. In fact, connective tissue is only about 20% cells and 80% extra cellular matrix (mostly collagen outside cells).

Once tensions become higher and you reach the “yield” region of the stress-strain curve, true plastic deformation begins. This is a relatively fast process. This is why hardcore hangers still gain, but generally need rest days. The more plastic deformation of this type (collagen fibril breakage and slippage), the more trauma. Standard “bib-style” hanging is kind of a middle ground where you can still spend a long time doing it (though less than with an extender), but cause a bit of plastic deformation as well (though less than the hardcore hanger). Vac hanging is a further middle ground between extenders and standard compression hanging.

I do think that stretching is stretching in the sense that ANY of these methods, if performed properly, will produce results.

Hi Roots

>BPFSL: or rather extended stretched length I suppose.


>Tell me a couple things. How long is each Slider session for you? How often are you re-stretching after relaxation? How often are you using the extender?

Each slider session is almost exactly 60 mins. My unit seems to start getting sore about that time. I would say I restretch up to 4 to 5 times after relaxation during a session. I do get reasonable extra stretch doing this. I use the extender on average for 2 x 1hr sessions 4 days a week.

Funnily enough after a week end break I often get the best stretch the first day but not always

>I don’t think you toughened anything up too much. The screws can create tremendous stretching force and a static stretcher like the slider works somewhat independently of tension because as the tissues relax the stress will decrease until the next re-stretch.

I tension pretty hard usually as much as the strap will take without slipping and not so tight that I cannot last an hour at a time. If you think higher tension may be the answer I could up the wrapping under the comfort sleeve much like hangers do. I normally do most restretches in the first half of a session and run out of extra gain towards the end.

>Ligs and extenders: I pretty much agree, except that connective tissues can definitely tell how hard they are stretched (stress) and how much they are stretched (strain). Generally speaking, lower stretching forces are going to primarily cause fibroblasts in the connective tissue to make more collagen, migrate, and proliferate. This process begins happening almost immediately after an adequate stretch is applied, but it is a slow process on the macroscopic level. This is the principle extenders work on, and it is why time spent extending is so important. What definitely DOES NOT happen is cells being broken down and multiplying, as this guy, and many others, often describe. I think this comes from the false idea that these tissues are actually a bunch of cells butted up against one another. They are not. In fact, connective tissue is only about 20% cells and 80% extra cellular matrix (mostly collagen outside cells).

Very interesting. One thing I noticed soon after starting extending was that my flaccid was much larger as if my dick had been pulled out of the pubic area so to speak. That suggests the ligs had been stretched. Now since I have been doing dynamic pumping as well my flaccid is even much larger probably as big as my erect size at the time I started PE. My erect size was bigger in my youth.

>Once tensions become higher and you reach the “yield” region of the stress-strain curve, true plastic deformation begins. This is a relatively fast process. This is why hardcore hangers still gain, but generally need rest days. The more plastic deformation of this type (collagen fibril breakage and slippage), the more trauma. Standard “bib-style” hanging is kind of a middle ground where you can still spend a long time doing it (though less than with an extender), but cause a bit of plastic deformation as well (though less than the hardcore hanger). Vac hanging is a further middle ground between extenders and standard compression hanging.

I will have to get psyched up to do a bit of hanging as part of my PE



In an ideal world, to see the best possible gains from your extender, you should use it everyday for as long as you possibly can, only taking breaks as you need them. While the slider works based on a different viscoelastic property, the fundamentals of extender use remain the same: low force (though this is variable with the slider, it must have a pretty low average to achieve the second principle), long duration, consistent daily use. Like all extenders also, the slider is going to take a significant time investment to get results. I think most studies and anecdotal reports state 1000-2000 hours per inch. This may be faster with static stretching because stress relaxation produces more lasting deformation than creep, but it will not be dramatically different. You have had solid newbie gains, but now time is the important variable.

Your frequency of re-stretching sounds good, but longer sets would benefit this greatly as you would spend more time at those higher levels of stretch and get in more re-stretches. I would actually maybe try a bit less tension on each stretch. Go until you have a tight, stretched feeling in your shaft and mild discomfort in the target tissues - NOT discomfort where the strap attaches. Do not stretch until discomfort becomes intolerable either, or even forces you to concentrate on it. This might only be a couple turns of the nuts at the later re-stretches in each session. This low level of discomfort is what makes extenders effective as it allows you to wear them a very long time, but still gives a good enough stretch to promote growth.

If putting in that amount of time does not sound feasible in your schedule, or those results sound too slow, transitioning to hanging or some other form of stretching might be beneficial.


Originally Posted by rootsnatty

In an ideal world, to see the best possible gains from your extender, you should use it everyday for as long as you possibly can, only taking breaks as you need them. While the slider works based on a different viscoelastic property, the fundamentals of extender use remain the same: low force (though this is variable with the slider, it must have a pretty low average to achieve the second principle), long duration, consistent daily use. Like all extenders also, the slider is going to take a significant time investment to get results. I think most studies and anecdotal reports state 1000-2000 hours per inch. This may be faster with static stretching because stress relaxation produces more lasting deformation than creep, but it will not be dramatically different. You have had solid newbie gains, but now time is the important variable.

Your frequency of re-stretching sounds good, but longer sets would benefit this greatly as you would spend more time at those higher levels of stretch and get in more re-stretches. I would actually maybe try a bit less tension on each stretch. Go until you have a tight, stretched feeling in your shaft and mild discomfort in the target tissues - NOT discomfort where the strap attaches. Do not stretch until discomfort becomes intolerable either, or even forces you to concentrate on it. This might only be a couple turns of the nuts at the later re-stretches in each session. This low level of discomfort is what makes extenders effective as it allows you to wear them a very long time, but still gives a good enough stretch to promote growth.

If putting in that amount of time does not sound feasible in your schedule, or those results sound too slow, transitioning to hanging or some other form of stretching might be beneficial.



That is very good advice. I’ve let the hours in the extender slide. I used to do more sessions but recently I have cut back as I focused more on pumping and stopped wearing the extender around the house etc. From memory most of my gains were from when I did more sessions. So I will go back to reduced tension, and more sets and see how that goes. I also understand you are saying to try to extend each session well beyond 60 mins but starting at lower tension and only increasing the tension after each relaxation till you get tight, stretched feeling in your shaft and mild discomfort in the target tissues - NOT discomfort where the strap attaches. I think I have that correct?



Originally Posted by austfred

That is very good advice. I’ve let the hours in the extender slide. I used to do more sessions but recently I have cut back as I focused more on pumping and stopped wearing the extender around the house etc. From memory most of my gains were from when I did more sessions. So I will go back to reduced tension, and more sets and see how that goes. I also understand you are saying to try to extend each session well beyond 60 mins but starting at lower tension and only increasing the tension after each relaxation till you get tight, stretched feeling in your shaft and mild discomfort in the target tissues - NOT discomfort where the strap attaches. I think I have that correct?



Exactly correct. The closer you can get to that ideal situation, the quicker your gains will come.

Austfred I checked the site you told me to and there were no penis extenders on there, do you have a link connected directly to one please

Why is it important to make sure it is behind the glans (the noose)

Also how does my routine look:
2-8 hours extender daily
5 days a week of jelq - 10 minutes
5 days a week of kegel - 50x3 second squeezes followed by 100 rapid squeezes

HI mc_rolla]
>Why is it important to make sure it is behind the glans (the noose)

Not sure what you are asking here. The glans is sensitive and any stretching device etc should be attached behind it. Also if you try to attach on the glans you will find it impossible to get a good grip and it will be painful.

>Also how does my routine look:
2-8 hours extender daily
5 days a week of jelq - 10 minutes
5 days a week of kegel - 50x3 second squeezes followed by 100 rapid squeezes

Looks good but assuming yopu are a newbie I would gradually build up both the hours and tension level in the extender. Berl;ieve that is conventional wisdom.


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