Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Penis extender? ?

Originally Posted by mc_rolla
I heard that if your morning wood isn’t as hard as usual that you should take time off the extender, but I haven’t got morning wood for years is this normal?

How old are you? If you don’t mind sharing that, of course.

Originally Posted by mc_rolla
I heard that if your morning wood isn’t as hard as usual that you should take time off the extender, but I haven’t got morning wood for years is this normal?


I find as a general rule that when I start doing most forms of PE, including extending, my EQ improves. After a while of doing regular PE (say a frew weeks or a month or so) depending on how hard I have been at it) my EQ drops off. At that point it is a good idea to take a rest break. After a little while you will feel your EQ improve and it is time to start again.

Morning wood is an indicator of EQ but there are others. The most important one is how easy it is to get an erection and your ability to keep hard during sex. Do a search on EQ here and you will find out a lot about how it relates to you. The same applies to morning wood.


Originally Posted by rootsnatty

How old are you? If you don’t mind sharing that, of course.

I am 21 years old

Originally Posted by mc_rolla
I am 21 years old

You should definitely be getting regular nocturnal erections. Have you ever had your testosterone levels checked?

Originally Posted by rootsnatty
You should definitely be getting regular nocturnal erections. Have you ever had your testosterone levels checked?

I agree. Also how often have you been having sex or beating off? How much porn? If you have been overworking it that might explain the lack of morning wood as over regular ejaculation is likely to pull down test levels.

Just lately I’m an everyday sort of guy as my fianceě is very much in the mood, I also box with should boost my testosterone, but I’ll tell the misses I want a week off sex to see if I can get this problem sorted as I am now pretty worried

Originally Posted by rootsnatty

You should definitely be getting regular nocturnal erections. Have you ever had your testosterone levels checked?

Never even heard of it, do I just need to ask a doctor?

Probably nothing to worry about

Originally Posted by mc_rolla
Just lately I’m an everyday sort of guy as my fianceě is very much in the mood, I also box with should boost my testosterone, but I’ll tell the misses I want a week off sex to see if I can get this problem sorted as I am now pretty worried

> I’ll tell the misses I want a week off sex to see if I can get this problem sorted as I am now pretty worried

At your age there is no reason to have to do that. If you are having sex no more than once a day you should be fine. If your EQ other than morning wood is good you probably do not have a problem. If you want to research it more place a post in the Men’s Sexual Health Forum describing your situation (eg Morning wood issue. your other EQ indicators, your age and fitness which should be excellent, how much and what PE you have been doing etc and you are likely to much better advice that what i could give.


Ok thank you I’ll see what I can do

I took a complete week off from my extender and I’m starting to turtle in it after an hour or so. Is it usual ? The tension I use at the moment is the same as last days.

Thanks guys. I liked this thread.

Ok so I have extender, hands (for jelq), kegel I know of and a pump, but how do I initiate all this into a routine

Originally Posted by mc_rolla
Ok so I have extender, hands (for jelq), kegel I know of and a pump, but how do I initiate all this into a routine

Wear the extender as long as you can each day. When you take it off do your jelqs and kegels. Jelqing should be light, at least at first, since the extender is your entree. Jelqing and kegels will be for penile health, circulation and EQ.

Skip the pump. With the amount of time you should be extending for, pumping as well will be impractical. Also, could cause overwork and negative PI’s if done on top of everything else.


Thank you roots, also using my extender today I’m having an issue, I put my flaccid stretched penis in the extender and extend it as far as possible, only it doesn’t feel like it’s stretching anymore, is this normal?

Originally Posted by mc_rolla
Thank you roots, also using my extender today I’m having an issue, I put my flaccid stretched penis in the extender and extend it as far as possible, only it doesn’t feel like it’s stretching anymore, is this normal?

Do you mean it stops feeling stretched after you have it on for a while, or immediately?


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