Hey GP, I don’t hang anymore finally got fed up with it was eating up my life for absolutely no results I was sometimes hanging with the bib starter 5-6 sessions for about 20 min a session. Everyday after work and then finally just gave up, I haven’t hung in about 1 1/2 years. My flaccid hasn’t changed much since I started PE altogether, maybe a 1/4 in if I’m lucky.
But you know, sometimes I wonder if it’s impossible for me to gain at all I pump about every other day with a 2 in tube and nothing, temporary girth but thats it.
But curiosity kills me, when I was a lot younger I had to have a surgery down by my nuts on one side and ever since then my unit leans slightly to the left. So I’ve always wondered if I have too much scar tissue on that side, keeping me from ever gaining a thing.
The weird thing is, what would seem to be the tunica running down the top of the penile shaft, on me on the right side it feels like it enters my body straight. But on the left side it heads to the left a little in other words not entering the body so straight on that side. I’ts very disheartening, somtimes I feel if I could get the tunica, tendon, scar tissue or whatever to weaken just slightly maybe I could completely just break through and get some serious gains.
Sometimes I think maybe I need to go to one of these penile surgeons that cut suspensory ligs, to get an X-ray of the area to see if there is scar tissue there and if so maybe they could just go in there and instead of cutting my suspensory ligs, thin out that tunica or scar tissue. It’s not huge or anything but I mean just doubling the normal size of where the tunica anchors could probably be stopping me.
That’s probably why I was able to hang 30 lbs before so easily. I would lay face down torso on a pillow on the dresser and legs on the bed, mid region with open space under it and lean to my right completely putting all the pressure on the left side and it would support like it was steel or something. So manual stretching, jelquing for length etc. Has never worked a drop for me