Hi, what kind of MOD did you do to make more comfortable? I purchased my device back in 2014 used it for 3 months before getting married and it was a pain back then, after my divorce I picked it up and it showed some slight discoloration but still perfectly working so it’s not bothering me. I got new latex parts and lube and make sure to lube it correctly and went over the instructions all again and learned a few things, I think my penis head is fine, what I am having issues with is just the rod extension I have to tighten and lose a bit as the tension doesn’t seem to be constant all the time, then the discomfort of it pressing on the bones for multiple hours. I am not a fan of the belt system since I like the tension to be downward rather than upwards or sideways as it seems to bring more results, furthermore I feel the tension of the belt is not controllable, sometimes I pull too hard or it twists then I lose tension and need to readjust. I think best way is using free weights, ideally during sleep. I am working on a solution for that, but I am open for suggestions to see what you guys are using or came up with.I am on a self improvement journey now, going to the gym daily and fully dedicated to this. Willing to share my journey here to help others
You should have to increase the tension on the rods as you wear it as your dick will stretch out. You can cut a strip out of an old sock and make a loop and put it at the base of your dick between the pubic bone and extender base to help with discomfort. You know what I’m doing right now to make it super comfortable too? I’ve got an electric blanket on my lap while wearing the extender and it feels heavenly! I’m also alternating between letting the extender lay on my abdomen and bunching the blanket up inbetween the extender and my abdomen so as to get a little more tension, keep it at the erection angle, and because that’s also what the manual recommends if I remember correctly. Good luck using free weights during sleep - that’s going to be difficult. If you want something you can wear in your sleep you could get the Phallosan Forte. I’ve had it though and I think the Phallosan Forte is a far superior device.
Penimaster Pro 8 1/2" BPEL Progress Picture: Gunther's Penimaster Pro Progress Picture - 8 1/2" BPEL in PMP, 8" outside of it.
Psalm 23