Thunder's Place

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Results using Penimaster Pro?

Results using Penimaster Pro?

Hey guys, I have a Penimaster Pro and would like to know anyone else’s success stories with the device, what your routine is, and if you wear anything else for ADS or while sleeping. Thanks! :)

I started manual stretching in Jan this year and 3-4 months later I gained .5” and then no gains for a few months after that. I bought the Penimaster Aug 30th. An now a month later i’ve gained another .25”.

My routine was a 15min manual stretch in the mornings when i wake up then from 5am-3pm I wear the penimaster between 1 hour to 1.5 hours at a time. Then I take a 15-20min break and repeat. Then before bed I do another 15min manual stretch then do between 100-200 slow an controlled jelqs. 5 days on - 2 days off.

I’m hoping the Penimaster paired with the manual stuff can net me an inch over time! We shall see. So far so good

Best stats 2009 = NBPEL - 6.25", BPEL - 7.25".. Mid EG - 5".. Base EG - 5.75" BPSFL - 7.375 —New stat 2021 = NBPEL - 5.5", BPEL - 6.5", Mid EG - 5.25

Goal stat = NBPEL - 7.75", BPEL - 8.25".. Tip EG - 5.75".. Base EG - 6.25

:dance: Need a workout log? I've got one Here. :-pulse:

The Penis Master is one of similar products that work the same way, and this forum is full of success-stories with those devices. Yes, they work. My routine has been an average of 4 hours per day, ( if I have the time), and usually I do 5-6 days on and 1 or 2 off. You should not wear any device when sleeping.

Never PE’d before and been using it for about 8 months now. I’ve gone form BPEL 16.5 cm to 19.5cm. Average around 6 hours a day, when I can. It’s a good device, it needs a little mod her or there though to make it more comfortable.

Thanks for the input guys. I’m wearing the Penimaster Pro right now and am approaching hour 3. Just took it off to take a restroom and circulation break. It was difficult to get the hang of at first and I seriously considered sending it back during the return period, but decided to stick with it due to all the positive reviews and results with it, as well as the quality of craftsmanship and ingenuity of the design. I used to sleep with the Phallosan Forte on all night long, as that’s what it’s designed for and one of the major advantages of the PF. Although the instruction manual says that it may be possible to sleep with the PMP, I understand why you guys recommend against it due to it being a rod system and nocturnal erections. I started out using the blue cap and sluice, as I am rather large, but kept experiencing slippage, so I went with blue cap tan sluice and although it feels somewhat tight around the neck of my penis, I haven’t experienced any further slippage, unless I have the rods extended way out and the tension is high. I found that that is the key trick to learn. I also find it necessary to switch between downwards and upwards extending. I started out downwards tonight for about 1/2 an hour and started getting sore, so I switched to upwards. The manual also says something about trying to keep it at more of a right angle away from the body to maximize the extension benefits, so I currently am sitting in a recliner with just my sleep pants on and have the extender out the fly of my pajama pants at a high erection angle and have a blanket laying on top of that and wrapped underneath the device between the device and my abdomen/belly button and sometime stuffed in between so as to increase the tension and more efficiently gain. Do you guys use a cock ring afterwards or any other devices along with the PMP? Do any of you guys use the Phallosan Forte afterwards as an ADS extender or have you experienced good enough gains with the device standalone? I used to use a Bathmate, DP-4000 Digital Maximizer, and then Phallosan Forte afterwards while sleeping and would sometimes come out of that in the morning with a big floppy donkey dick.

Penis Master Pro Purchase.

My first post, I’m a noob and I need everyone’s advice. Bought a PMP 10/19. Had them change the delivery address but somehow they canceled the order and refunded my money. 10/27 I repurchased. Then they tell me because of the covid orders are backed up and they can’t tell me a estimated delivery date. Something I would have like to have known from the beginning. My question is should I wait it out for delivery? Should I cancel the order? If I cancel, what other type of extender that is well made that allows hanging and stretching should I buy? I should point out that I have a bib hanger. I’m want to try something that attaches to the head and allows ADS and hanging.

Originally Posted by Cjrobinson831
My first post, I’m a noob and I need everyone’s advice. Bought a PMP 10/19. Had them change the delivery address but somehow they canceled the order and refunded my money. 10/27 I repurchased. Then they tell me because of the covid orders are backed up and they can’t tell me a estimated delivery date. Something I would have like to have known from the beginning. My question is should I wait it out for delivery? Should I cancel the order? If I cancel, what other type of extender that is well made that allows hanging and stretching should I buy? I should point out that I have a bib hanger. I’m want to try something that attaches to the head and allows ADS and hanging.

Hey man I would just stick with the PMP and wait for your order - it’s worth it, although there is a rather steep learning curve. It’s a rather complicated device, but that’s the Germans for you – they like to engineer things complicated. Let me know if you need any help.

Originally Posted by Cjrobinson831
My first post, I’m a noob and I need everyone’s advice. Bought a PMP 10/19. Had them change the delivery address but somehow they canceled the order and refunded my money. 10/27 I repurchased. Then they tell me because of the covid orders are backed up and they can’t tell me a estimated delivery date. Something I would have like to have known from the beginning. My question is should I wait it out for delivery? Should I cancel the order? If I cancel, what other type of extender that is well made that allows hanging and stretching should I buy? I should point out that I have a bib hanger. I’m want to try something that attaches to the head and allows ADS and hanging.

I think it took me the better part of a month to get mine, and I ordered mine this summer. There is a major shipping back up right now, so you must be patient.

Originally Posted by norwegian wood
The Penis Master is one of similar products that work the same way, and this forum is full of success-stories with those devices. Yes, they work. My routine has been an average of 4 hours per day, ( if I have the time), and usually I do 5-6 days on and 1 or 2 off. You should not wear any device when sleeping.

Do you usually wear yours up or down or do you alternate? Do you use the ADS portion of the device? Do you use yours while you do work around the house or is your use mostly sedentary?

Originally Posted by 2Big4u
I started manual stretching in Jan this year and 3-4 months later I gained .5” and then no gains for a few months after that. I bought the Penimaster Aug 30th. An now a month later I’ve gained another .25”.

My routine was a 15min manual stretch in the mornings when I wake up then from 5am-3pm I wear the penimaster between 1 hour to 1.5 hours at a time. Then I take a 15-20min break and repeat. Then before bed I do another 15min manual stretch then do between 100-200 slow an controlled jelqs. 5 days on - 2 days off.

I’m hoping the Penimaster paired with the manual stuff can net me an inch over time! We shall see. So far so good

I’m wearing my PMP right now again and am at about hour number 3 with a break in the middle as my base and shaft was getting sore and to take a pee break and to help get some circulation in the area where the base meets my pelvis as it presses hard in there and I have quite a substantial fat pad which the base ring of the PMP presses into. I am at 7 3/4-just under 8” inches with 100% EQ max erection. Typically after a good sesh I will break out my Fleshlight Ice Lady and am able to bury my dick deep in her just past the 2nd to the last line which is about 7 3/4 - almost 8”! I am wearing it in the downwards position right now. It seems to get a better pull in the downwards position, but the upwards position facilitates erections in the device much better and I think it’s wise to alternate. What do you think?

Originally Posted by Gunther!
Do you usually wear yours up or down or do you alternate? Do you use the ADS portion of the device? Do you use yours while you do work around the house or is your use mostly sedentary?

I alternate between wearing it up and down. I can use it while working around the house or while walking in the forrest, I don’t have to be sitting or laying down to use it. I like to keep it at 1200 grams of traction, and it is comfortable enough to wear for hours.

I have been using the PMP for about a year and have regained back about 1” in my length from peyronies disease. I am now at 7 1/4 ” length and 5 3/4 girth. I wear it around 4 to 6 hours a day and also use the Restorex device to help with correcting curvature.

Originally Posted by Mr T447
I have been using the PMP for about a year and have regained back about 1” in my length from peyronies disease. I am now at 7 1/4 ” length and 5 3/4 girth. I wear it around 4 to 6 hours a day and also use the Restorex device to help with correcting curvature.

Wow! Congratulations on your gains and recovery!

Originally Posted by Mr T447
I have been using the PMP for about a year and have regained back about 1” in my length from peyronies disease. I am now at 7 1/4 ” length and 5 3/4 girth. I wear it around 4 to 6 hours a day and also use the Restorex device to help with correcting curvature.

How did you even get it to fit in between the rods with Peyronie’s? Was the curve not that bad?

Originally Posted by norwegian wood

The Penis Master is one of similar products that work the same way, and this forum is full of success-stories with those devices. Yes, they work. My routine has been an average of 4 hours per day, ( if I have the time), and usually I do 5-6 days on and 1 or 2 off. You should not wear any device when sleeping.

How much gain have You had? In how Many hours?

El Muchacho crece sano y Fuerte :D !!! jejejeje

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