The last several days, I’ve only been able to get in about 4 hours. Prior to that it was 6-8 hrs. Only take it off to go to the bathroom but leave it off for about 15-20 minutes give the unit a bit of mild massage then too. 1. My routine consists of wearing the extender as much as possible. 2. Jelqing about 10 minutes per day on average 4 days per week. 3. Use the Bathmate pump in the spa at 104F with moderate pump for about 15 minutes. Mainly to support circulation. I do this about 2X per week. 4. All day stretch when not in extender up until bedtime. Nothing while sleeping. I would use the extender everyday but it’s just not possible. I try to clock hours in the extender rather than days of use. I keep a daily log of hours used. It helps to keep motivated.
Also, these extenders are most comfortable and probably most effective wearing it straight out which I do as much as possible. But for a quick drive down to the store or getting the mail, I just flop it straight down in the baggy pants. It stays pretty well hidden. Another tip is to get in the extender then put rice sock on while lying down on the bed reading, extender sticking straight out. After several minutes I literally feel the tissues or something there all along the shaft and at the base relax. I get up and add another spacer at that point usually. Additional tip: while in extender, stand up, lay unit in the device on a table so it is sticking straight out. Put warm rice sock under it from base to tip and put another warm rice sock on top. Now, using your thumbs to push down gently from base to tip walk them along massaging the penis in this way for a few minutes. The rice squishing down in the sock feels quite therapeutic.