Originally Posted by mravg
Yes they are available right now. I’m not sure but I think that when the new autoextender clamp is designed it will be usable with the vacextender base. So you could then alternate and use both.
I don’t think the shaft skin theory has any merit. There is plenty of skin on my shaft, at least for me. Even when fully erect I can pull the shaft skin up over my head. I don’t see how it could restrict gains.
Well BIB said many times when hanging that one needs to stretch the skin in order to see new gains (and for new gains too even happen I believe, one or both of those ideas, this is probaly only for cut guys I would think since uncut guys already have plenty of shaft skin to grow into). BIB recommend to every new hanger to first begin by stretching shaft skin to allow gains to come in the future for hanging (he also recommended doing this every now and then for a week or two, the divide and conquer approach as he called it).
It’s odd but only ever since I started concentrating on stretching the shaft skin and then the shaft itself on different days in my particular situation have I started seeing gains on a regular basis. I could go into a lot more detail about what exactly I think and believe is happening but that would seriosuly take many many more paragraphs so I won’t do that. ;)