Originally Posted by Don Logan
I’d urge you not to do an ADS or anything while asleep. It’s a PE safety 101 issue. Even during the day and while awake, I’m constantly checking my device.
As an example to reinforce Don’s comment above, I’ll offer the following:
I recently purchased an ADS system from a contributor here; I had intended to check it every half hour, but got carried away at work and left it for 2-hours. My glans was cold and purple, with a light grey hue developing… I was shocked and scared that I had done tissue damage. Thankfully, the story ends well and I didn’t cause permanent injury, but any thoughts of overnight use went out the window!
You may have a different experience, but I’m not ready to risk it just yet ;)
BPEL 6-3/4" MEG 5-1/4" on 8-2021. Goal: 7-3/4" to 8"BPEL x 5-1/2" MEG
5'-11" and 190# and working back down to decent ab definition. I expect this around 178#.