Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

6 Month and 1 Year Gains?

Originally Posted by airshy
I don’t think you should assume that you are pulling more penis out of your body.

That is your opinion and you may be correct.

That is not only my opinion. There has been a lot of discussion about this over the life of this forum.

Originally Posted by airshy
I have never had the newbie ligament pop though.


Originally Posted by airshy
It makes sense a light load over a long period creates damage. It also makes sense a heavier load over shorter periods can create damage as well. Safety should always come first and I believe if someone is smart in their progressions and has good technique they will increase their hanging weights no problem. I just hung 23 pounds for 20 minutes with the same minor discomfort that I was hanging 10 pounds for 20 minutes many months ago.

The goal, however, is not to hang the most off the end of your dick. The goal is to gain. You are likely putting too much load on your dick and your body is responding by toughening up and resisting.

Originally Posted by airshy
I spent the last two months not increasing weight and going for more time hanging and my gains slowed quite a bit from before. Maybe I am just done gaining. Maybe not - I will know soon enough if this added weight will increase my penis length.

I’d say the results of the last two months should tell you something.

The theory of using “overwhelming force” as a means for PE has been fairly well discredited. Low level stress over a long period of time makes much better sense when approaching the idea of modifying living tissue, both from the point of view of safety and overall effectiveness.

On the other hand you are welcome to see if you can hang 30 lbs by the end of the month.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Hey mr airshy.

I was interested in seeing what progress one can achieve with this method.. I found that in your progress pictures, the ruler is pushed further and further back into your groin region to the point where your measuring starts at the 1.5 in mark, therefore you would not actually be 9 in, but 7.5 and also the in the pictures it was stretched and not erect.. I wonder if this actually works, apparently it has not for you?

Hey, I’m just about to start hanging for the first time. It appears that a good wrap is very important. Can anyone share some advice on the perfect wrap?


This is one of the best posts I have ever read on PE and hanging. It is from BIB’s website and it is called managing fatigue. These are only the first two paragraphs:

For the vast majority of guys, it is silly to think they will gain without reaching fatigue, and actually feeling tissue deformation. Some guys have reported initial gains without becoming fatigued, but this generally does not last long within their PE career. Sooner or later they have to break some eggs to make a large penis. Whatever.

Soreness, or other descriptions of fatigue, are an indication of tissue deformation. PAIN IS AN INDICATION OF INJURY. The only thing holding back the measured parameters of an erection, either length or girth, are the tough collagenous tissues of the region, namely the longitudinal and lateral fibers of the tunica, and the various ligament structures which may hold the shaft close to the pubic bone. We are striving for controlled damage to these tough collagenous tissues, the culmination of which is gains.

Hanging is not about weight. It is about fatigue. If you are able to deform your ligaments and tunica at 10 pounds of pressure, very good. I would not recommend increasing weight.

However, if you reach 10 pounds and are not creating deformation, I would not be surprised to see little to no LIGAMENT gains. At some point the newbie gains will end.

This makes the most sense to me regarding extensive light weight hanging. It works on your tunica as and ads works on your tunica.

Pulling your ligaments down and extending them is another type of gain. Hanging can be done for both types of gaining. BIB writes consistently see what you can pull out BTC with a secondary as a primary focus. When those gains end, you are not done gaining, you have only exhausted the gains in that area.

Conceptually there seems to be a hard time for people to understand the term “heavier weight” or “30 pounds” in hanging. I could not imagine hanging 23 pounds for 20 minutes when I started. But if you hang correctly there is no difference in the stress of 10 and 30 pounds on your body. I know that sounds crazy, but I can tell you this is my experience.

I hope I can create fatigue at 23 pounds for the next 12 months. That would be great and I would project gains would come along during this time. BIB told me one fellow did not start gaining until he was hanging 30 pounds! Hanging is not about weight but fatigue.

Keeping your tunica in an elongated state will work for a while but possibly, someday, you will have to break some eggs.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Mr. Happy:

“That is not only my opinion. There has been a lot of discussion about this over the life of this forum.”

-Correct that is not your sole opinion. Just as the ideas of heavy hanging being a valid way to gain are not only mine.

“The goal, however, is not to hang the most off the end of your dick. The goal is to gain. You are likely putting too much load on your dick and your body is responding by toughening up and resisting.”

-Correct. If you want to understand my goal read BIB’s managing fatigue post.

“I’d say the results of the last two months should tell you something.”

-Possibly. The last two months were the first months I have not pushed my hanging to the next level as I mentioned, which would be in line with what BIB has been saying about needing to increase the tension once fatigue is not being reached.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Regarding wrapping - if you search for those SCUNCI headwraps on this site there is an excellent post on them and they work like a charm for me with the BIB. I wrap a 22 by 2 1/3 inch very thick theraband around that and I have not been limited by my wrap in hanging since using this one.

The post was by Xenolith:

HTW: its a wrap

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Airshy, congrats on your gains!

Thanks Sweet!

I really hope this month turns out as another gain as I have had sore ligaments for the last week.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

I hope so too, airshy. Sincerely.

Originally Posted by airshy
Conceptually there seems to be a hard time for people to understand the term “heavier weight” or “30 pounds” in hanging. I could not imagine hanging 23 pounds for 20 minutes when I started. But if you hang correctly there is no difference in the stress of 10 and 30 pounds on your body. I know that sounds crazy, but I can tell you this is my experience.

I think that can only be true with regard to how resistant your ligs have become as a result of stepping up the weight, as there is certainly a difference in force 10 pounds exerts vs. 23 pounds, or 30.

Originally Posted by airshy
BIB told me one fellow did not start gaining until he was hanging 30 pounds!

That strikes me as the most gross exception to the rule. A great deal can be accomplished with even just 5 pounds.

Originally Posted by airshy
Keeping your tunica in an elongated state will work for a while but possibly, someday, you will have to break some eggs.

Well, the traction models of gaining suggest differently. Hanging is essentially a form of traction.

Originally Posted by airshy
“That is not only my opinion. There has been a lot of discussion about this over the life of this forum.”

-Correct that is not your sole opinion. Just as the ideas of heavy hanging being a valid way to gain are not only mine.

A fair point.

However, I’m a little leery of all the Bib said this and Bib said that stuff. There have been many thoughts regarding fatigue and ligament toughening over the years. xenolith’s IPR theory has to do with taking deconditioning breaks, to avoid toughening up and having to step up the weights so drastically. Interestingly, the idea of starting with a heavy load and gradually stepping it back over a period of time is similar to how traction works, not just with connective tissue but bones as well.

If your methods are working for you I’d say go for it, but I just don’t want newbies thinking that they must get to X amount of weight by a certain time. I hear you when you say the weight’s not the issue; I know what you mean, but I’m just concerned that discussions of this type can encourage (unintentionally, of course) injury.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

I completely agree with people - especially newbies understanding the goal of hanging. I have hung for 8 months straight for 2 hours a day with no injuries, so anyone wanting to jump into heavy weights can see how long it has taken me to get to 20 pounds!

I may or may not be going about PE the best way. I wish I knew all the answers as to how to optimize results and minimize injury.

I have to look at the bottom line for me personally and that would be results. It is hard to move away from a process that is working, whether it is in the majority or minority of peoples opinions.

If these next 30 days of hanging in this angle with this weight cease results I recognize it is time to shift my course of action. As I spent 60 days doing too many types of training together (specifically pumping and hanging) I really affected my ability to hang comfortably. I think this may have been part of the limiting factor in my length gains. The craziest thing is I did not put two and two together for a long time!

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Mr. Happy -

I have one question regarding this:

“That strikes me as the most gross exception to the rule. A great deal can be accomplished with even just 5 pounds.”

Can the actual ligaments be deformed with only 5 pounds? I know the tunica will keep stretching but I just wonder if that is enough weight to deform the ligs that attach and hold the penis in.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

There are examples of successful gaining strategies that use very light weights, or very gentle approaches to stretching, jelqing, pumping, etc.

I would not go so far as to say that they are typical, but there are folks here who have reported increases with this sort of “less is more” approach. Obviously different people have different thresholds.

It’s also fair to say, that most PE-ers don’t simply do one set of exercises, so there are a lot of variables in play.

I would like to add that I really appreciate this:

I completely agree with people - especially newbies understanding the goal of hanging. I have hung for 8 months straight for 2 hours a day with no injuries, so anyone wanting to jump into heavy weights can see how long it has taken me to get to 20 pounds!

That puts your approach into a good perspective so I appreciate your including it so directly.

Originally Posted by airshy
I have to look at the bottom line for me personally and that would be results. It is hard to move away from a process that is working, whether it is in the majority or minority of peoples opinions.


Nor would I suggest that you stop doing something that’s working for you and I do appreciate your sharing your success and point of view, very much. It sounds to me that you have a careful, methodical approach that is giving you gains. Keep it up.

You’re clearly someone who has a good handle on what’s working for you and why. If you’re injury free, that speaks well of your whole approach, and I applaud it. I just was concerned that some details be clarified.

Originally Posted by airshy
I may or may not be going about PE the best way. I wish I knew all the answers as to how to optimize results and minimize injury.

Don’t we all. In your case, you seem to be going about PE the best way that any can hope for: getting gains, and staying safe and healthy. What more is there?

Thanks for bearing with me. :up:

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

Last edited by Mr. Happy : 01-11-2008 at .

Of course and it is always a great feeling to find that common ground.

I forget when I post that there are newbies reading my words and just have no idea what it has taken to hang 22 pounds from my penis. I still don’t want to have to over-explain everything when I post but I think it is important to share the first PE goal I ever wrote on paper.

1) Stay Healthy.

Nothing should ever come before this goal in my opinion. On a similar track I enjoy running, biking, lifting weights. However the reason I workout is to feel better and have more energy. I have gone down too many roads in the past that were overboard for that most important purpose.

I always try to remind myself the reason teaching is important is that we learn what we teach. I tend to learn things and not share them even when I am possibly ready to shed light in certain areas. I feel this is one of the next steps in my PE journey - being able to teach some.

At the same time I am open to being wrong, off, or just slightly to the side at any time. I am willing to learn a better way to live, breathe, deadlift, or PE.

Currently I have shifted my routine to do my best to divide up my hangs throughout the day. There have been some helpful posts on the advantages of continuous traction that seem to benefit me more. This is how I see the benefit of lighter weights being so important. IF they can create the initial slight tears it seems lighter ADS or hanging would be most beneficial. Even more so that heavier possibly because of the time that can be logged.

Manuals or heavy hanging work (remember the word heavy is relative - i.e a weight you could hang for 10 minutes before starting to feel more pressure than you would like is plenty I think) I believe helps create the initial damage.

Traction keeps that damage extended and does not need to be nearly as heavy from what I experience in the sensation I feel.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

I just measured and the last 3 weeks I have added 1/8 of an inch - the first measure over 9 bpfsl. I think I am finding a better cycle of with hanging heavy and then riding the fatigue out with lighter weights for several days.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Congradulations airshy! Are you still doing the six 20 minute sets a day coupled with the manuals or are you doing something different nowadays? You mention that you are hanging heavy sets then riding the fatigue with lighter weights for several days. What exactly are you doing, if you don’t mind me asking?

Then (4.5 nbpel x 4.75 mseg)

Now (5.625 nbpel, x 5.25 mseg)


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