Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

6 Month and 1 Year Gains?


6 Month and 1 Year Gains?

For guys that have been hanging for at least a year, can you share your approximate 6 month gains and then 1 year gains?


0.9” after first 6 months (of hanging). 1.3” after 1 year.

.6 inch after 5months and i do only 20 minutes set.

Originally Posted by gpbd

.6 inch after 5months and I do only 20 minutes set.

How much weight? How man sets per day?

Nbpel - 6.5" Bpel 7.25" Eg 5.125"

.25” NBPEL after 9-months of dedicated hanging. It consumed my life. On a positive note, because those gains are disappointing to me, I gained a lot of base girth.

Isn’t it fucking insane how varied PE gains are from one guy to the next? It both fascinates and frustrates me to no end.

5 minuts warmup, i use 11 kg somtimes 11,5 kg, 20 minutes set after that 5 minutes warmup again and 10 minutes jelq. I do one set a day, 5 days on 2 off.

I am sorry, i posted 11 kg but it is actually 6 kg and 13.2 pounds.

My month to month gains with the BIB:

Month / Gains in inches
1 .12
2 .18
3 .31
4 .29
5 .13
6 .12
7 .06
8 .07

Total: 7.75 to 8.88 BPFSL

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Originally Posted by airshy
My month to month gains with the BIB:

Month / Gains in inches
1 .12
2 .18
3 .31
4 .29
5 .13
6 .12
7 .06
8 .07

Total: 7.75 to 8.88 BPFSL

Hey Airshy, how many hours per day, days per weeks, sets per day etc?

Later F. ___________________________________ "My two cents worth, may only be worth 2 cents!"

I have done pretty consistent 6 x 20 minute sets BTC. I started at 5 pounds and now max out around 21. I try my best and train every day and am hitting January especially hard.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Are all of you hangers standing up when you do these exercises?

The only real “problem” I see with hanging is a logistic one. What do you do while you hang?

I’ve got the top of a vac-extender, I have heard that is good for hanging for up to 10 lbs.

I hung for more than 1.5 year. I gained .25 inch in the first 3 months, after that, nothing. I contribute my lack of gains to not developing the correct technique(s) to reduce the discomfort level from hanger itself (vacuum or bib). I needed to increase the weight and/or hanger time to create the fatigue required to continue the gains, but the hanger caused to much discomfort.

For the next 6 months, I am sticking manual stretching and then I will try hanging again later this year. I am not giving up, I just need to do more research.

I am convinced with hanging 5 lbs will only pull out so much. Ten pounds, twenty pounds, etc. If we can’t keep getting the hanging wrap and hanger optimized we will be limited by that. Of course the amount of gains at each weight will vary for person to person, but I don’t think until we have hung at least 20 pounds for 20 minutes we can even know what kind of potential was there in hanging.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

Originally Posted by airshy
I am convinced with hanging 5 lbs will only pull out so much.

I don’t think you should assume that you are pulling more penis out of your body.

In my view, that stops after the initial newbie ligament pop.

I think as one continues to hang you are actually elongating the tissue that is already there, as well as changing the angle at which it exits your body.

Of course on that score everyone’s physiology is a little different.

Originally Posted by airshy
Ten pounds, twenty pounds, etc. If we can’t keep getting the hanging wrap and hanger optimized we will be limited by that. Of course the amount of gains at each weight will vary for person to person, but I don’t think until we have hung at least 20 pounds for 20 minutes we can even know what kind of potential was there in hanging.

I think that is a dangerously uninformed opinion.

Time and time again people here have shown that good gains are not really accomplished by a mere weight-lifting exercise.

There is a lot to be said for a light load over a long time. That seems to work for many and is far less dangerous.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

“I don’t think you should assume that you are pulling more penis out of your body.”

That is your opinion and you may be correct. I believe you are both pulling inner penis out of your body as well as lengthening the tunica along where the stretching occurs.

I have never had the newbie ligament pop though.

It makes sense a light load over a long period creates damage. It also makes sense a heavier load over shorter periods can create damage as well. Safety should always come first and I believe if someone is smart in their progressions and has good technique they will increase their hanging weights no problem. I just hung 23 pounds for 20 minutes with the same minor discomfort that I was hanging 10 pounds for 20 minutes many months ago.

I spent the last two months not increasing weight and going for more time hanging and my gains slowed quite a bit from before. Maybe I am just done gaining. Maybe not - I will know soon enough if this added weight will increase my penis length.

3/07 7.75 bpfsl, 4 12/16 midshaft EG

5/08 9.0 bpfsl, 5 10/16 midshaft EG clamped

7/09 8 4/16 BPEL, 6 midshaft EG clamped

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