>Actually, the last device I abandoned that put excessive pressure on the dorsal region is the Bib you’re so fond of. I designed the AFB to eliminate the Bib’s most serious problem, which is exactly that. <
I was afraid when you got the hangers you were not using them correctly. If they were putting pressure on the dorsal region, then you did not have them adjusted correctly. If you remember our correspondence at the time, that is the first point I made.
>I remain grateful to Bigger (btw, Bigger was my online handle back in 1997), who sent me two Bibs to try out as thanks to me for introducing him to PE. I was thrilled with them, they just felt so right, and it got me into hanging again. But I did start asking questions (Bib devotees can stop reading here): <
I will remain grateful forever to you for introducing me to PE. The hangers were the least I could do.
>* with all the high-tech padding, why the need to wrap? <
The wrap, in my case anyway, is used to collect the skin, and to form a tighter septum upon which to attach the hanger. The padding is used to cushion and deflect pressure.
Some guys find no need to wrap.
>* And if you’re going to wrap, why the padding? <
The middle prototypes (#~20-30) did not have any padding. The board member testers requested it. After trying about fifty different types of padding, thicknesses etc., this was the most comfortable in the opinion of the testers.
When you get into very high weights, it is helpful, and more comfortable.
>* And if I can pull so much harder comfortably with two fingers than with the Bib AND wrapping, why the need for elaborate “fingers” molded out of plastic?<
I don’t really understand this question. I personally can not pull more comfortably with only two fingers. A hanger is much more comfortable. What made you change your opinion about this?
>* why should the non-adjustable weight-hanging point make the head of my penis turn upward (an effect I was trying to eliminate after using the loop)? (Bigger replied basically that he found it a pleasing angle). <
Once again, if adjusted correctly, you can eliminate all, or almost all of the upturn. Also, when the skids are placed on the edge of a chair, the hang will be straight. However, I did enjoy an slight upturn. Seemed to give a better stretch in the tunica.
>And all this talk about endlessly adjusting this screw and that screw - none of it made a damn bit of difference for me in practice. I got in 30 or 40 hours with Bibs, and I couldn’t get it right in that amount of time. Perhaps I just lack the degree of intelligence, resourcefulness, and persistence some others possess. <
After reviewing your emails at the time, this seems very harsh. You seemed quite taken at the time. Your review of the hangers on these forums was much appreciated. Of course, the reason for all the adjustment screws etc., is that everyone is not the same. Many different sizes and types of penis require size and angle adjustments to fit.
Funny, you did admit, at the time, to not trying different adjustments at all as I suggested. It was good that you gained in length without having the hanger adjusted properly.
Most guys seem to not have too much trouble with the adjustments. The average length of the learning curve is probably a week or less. Perhaps you were a little more concerned with how they worked, rather than actual application.
>But the main thing that bothered me was that it really put way too much pressure on the dorsal region. I tried wearing the Bib upside down - right idea but no use because of the angles. I tried filing it down so it would work upside down, but couldn’t find any way to alter it to elminate fundamental design problems.<
Hmmm, you should of just tried the adjustments. Once again, if adjusted properly, there is no pressure on the dorsal regions.
>Finally I outlined for Bigger the thinking that’s now on my site about how a hanger needs to work. After investing thousands of dollars and no doubt the same number of hours, he basically didn’t want to hear about fundamental design problems. Can you blame him? <
Very curious again. I emailed you several times about your Bib webpage without getting a reply. Your were correct in many of your observations. However, there were some assumptions that were incorrect and have resulted in design flaws of your homemade hangers.
>The AFB emerged from my experience with the Bibs, but far from being a knock-off, it is a refinement that just happens to eliminate the need for a single source, elaborate materials and manufacturing, and about 99% of the cost. At the time I introduced it and removed the Bib referral from my web site, I apologized to Bigger. He was already saying that making Bibs was a huge drain on him, and he was thinking of stopping. <
I think anyone who is capable, and has the time should make their own hanger. I have said so many times. I wish I could have made and sent them out for free. In fact, your hangers were not the only hangers sent out for nothing.
However, rather than being a refinement, your hangers are a step back from what I was using in ‘99. You see, I made many hangers about the same as the “AFB”. I then refined them to what you were sent.
The question of cost and value is another matter. Take a nominal amount, say $10 per hour of labor. Then, multiply by the number of hours you have worked on the AFB since October. I dare say your hangers have cost many times more than what the Bib was priced. Others will probably spend more than ten hours making and testing hangers before they find something that will work. If they enjoy it, great.
Of course, to people such as you and me, the time does not matter. We work on stuff as a hobby or for the joy of creation. But many guys do not share these traits. Everyone is different. Some do not have the talent or time to build a hanger. Others just want a larger penis, not a shop class.
>I agree that the Bib offers “unparalelled <sic> sophistication .” And perhaps to some people that’s more important than price, conspicuousness, bulk, adjustability, ability to travel on a commercial flight, ease of attachment and removal, and availability (especially outside the US; from the beginning in 1997 I’ve had visitors to my site from over 100 countries). <
I, of course would disagree that the production models give any quarter in the above listed areas, with the exception of airline travel. You got me there.
Now, I have tried to answer your questions. Could you please answer a couple for me? Why have you suddenly begun to throw out vague, negative comments about my hangers? What exactly did I ever do to you? The only time I ever mentioned your hangers was to recommend that guys try to build one, since they cannot get a Bib.