Better stretch up than down
I have been stretching (jai’s and blasters) as part of my PE routine for about 4 months but can attribute no gains to the stretches. This is the thing- When pulling down I do not feel a good stretch no matter how hard I pull, however when pulling up I feel things being stressed far more, but cannot pull anywhere near as hard or long as when pulling down. Pulling up is suppoed to hit the tunica right?? And yet innitial gains are supposed to be via the ligs… Do some people have a physiology whereby they must stretch the tunica before the ligs for gains( best gains are by hanging OTS) right from the start of their PE carreer. I have not started hanging yet- I am guessing that by hanging I will finally be able to get enough upwards stress (OTS) to start seeing stretching/hanging related gains- What do you think- Experienced hangers advice would be wonderful!!
keeep going!