Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Caught Hanging


You sounds like you’re right on target with the sex education. I too talk with my sons about sex as often as possible. Not so much the mechanics of it but rather the consequences of it. If he gets a girl pregnant what will happen to HIS baby? Will she kill it, adopt it out, run off with it? And if she decides to keep it will it be rasied by another man? And he’ll probably pay child support until the day he dies and get to visit only every other weekend. I mainly focus on the responsibility aspect of sex and how it effects everyone. Not just him and her at that moment.

The circumstances surrounding how I told my son about PEing were I was on the computer one day in a PE chat room. He came up and started talking with me. He began reading what was on the screen. He asked “What that?” and I told about it then asked him wanted to give it a try. That’s when he walked away with the mortified look. I definitely will not bring up the subject again. There was just too much “stuff” that came up with this issue. He did tell his friends, by the way. That’s how my ex found out. His friend told my ex.

I have told other friends about PE but like for you Tom it took our relationship in an uncomfortable direction. I won’t mention it again to anyone else ever again. This will be my little secret and hobby.



Re: The real "joy" of the swimcap

Originally posted by tom_hubbard

The real “joy” of the swim cap, as perhaps you discovered, is when the weight (knot) slips off the cap and the latex does its elastic band thing right back into your privates….

Absolutely. Sounds like you’ve had that too..

tattoos and piercing


I appreciate your comments about sex ed, and your approach. Would discussion of other types of body modification help put your hobby in perspective and heal the wound?

Last edited by tom_hubbard : 05-28-2002 at .

Caught hanging

I have just had an embarrrasing encounter…

Here I was some ten minutes ago with 20 lbs hanging off my johnson. The intercom rang and it was a client who had come to pay (very rarely does someone come at this time, as it is officially out of office hours). As I was near the end of my session anyway, I took off the weights, hanger, and slipped on my jeans (no underwear and leaving on the wrap) and shoes. It was a woman and when she entered the office she immediately glanced down. I didn’t dare to think what she had seen. I wrote out her receipt and we spoke for a few minutes before she left. She was obviously not trying to look at my crotch and I was beginning to become a little worried.

After she left I realised what had happened. As I had left the wrapping on as ‘traction wrapping, and my jeans were a little loose, my johnson was halfway down my leg and there was a VERY conspicuous 5”- 6” bulge.

I don’t know what to make of it as I think she thinks I was out the back doing something ‘naughty’


Last edited by Guiri : 05-28-2002 at .


Guiri I don’t know if that was meant to provide comic relief or you were sharing a emotional moment of the life of a “PE Man”, but damn that was funny…..

I think we all go through these things….and that’s what makes me realize its just part of the normal dick-enlarging process. If that is normal to want to enlarge anyway……..

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Pretty funny story Guiri.

Trust me, it wasn’t funny at the time…it was actually a very uncomfortable situation, like when you are talking with a stranger and fart….you just have to keep on talking and BOTH pretend nothing has happened.

I didn’t dare to look down to check what she was glancing at, but after she left I saw there was a bulge one could not miss….and she thinks I was beating my meat and she interrupted me…OMG!


Bulging Jeans

Guiri, Just imagine how you’re gonna feel when she comes back, on some pretext.


(Great story)


Just out of curiousity, I wonder why you are quick to assume the negative side of it.

How do you know she wasn’t shocked and impressed by the size of the bulge in your pants?? Which would obviously be a good thing….

Just seemd like you instantly assumed she caught you whacking of…I don’t know maybe you’ve been caught at work before (a joke, lol)

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Positive side

I live in a small town and my business depends on my ‘professionalism’. I don’t go to bars here. I don’t look girls up here. I can’t wear what I feel like wearing when I feel like wearing it. I can’t call the kettle black. I live a lie, so to speak. Everyone in the town thinks I’m respectable and that’s why my business is going OK.

Let’s just say that if I get a bad reputation for anything, the business goes under.

It’s not as bad as it sounds in words, but you must remember I live in a small town in what was one of the least developed parts of Spain, and old habits die hard.


magic mouth

hey tom, what is this thing that you mentioned, can you post some construction directions?

Re: magic mouth

Originally posted by jim40231

hey tom, what is this thing that you mentioned, can you post some construction directions?

Last edited by tom_hubbard : 05-28-2002 at .


I think he means the “magic mouth” ahem…..pumper thingamajiggy… be used for pleasure…..

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

oops, sorry for the mystery question. i was attempting to inquire about the “majic mouth” that you mentioned in your previous post.

oh THAT....

Sorry about not getting it - it’s been a wild week and I’ve been doing everything asquicklyaspossible.

Ahhh yes, the Magic Mouth. Completely forgot I had mentioned it.

It’s a variation of the homemade pump, which you make by turning a caulk tube into a cock tube, adding a meter or so of vinyl hose so that you can suck air out. If you’re pumping, you use a pump (as in the diagram), but just to have fun - and oh what fun it is! - use just a piece of tubing and your mouth.

Buy the cheapest LATEX caulk you can find in a PLASTIC tube (Latex=water soluble). Get rid of the caulk any convenient way. Before it has a chance to dry, push the circular piece out of the tube with a coat hanger. Thoroughly wash the caulk tube.

To keep the edge of the tube from doing a cookie-cutter number on your groin, you can wrap electrical tape around the bottom of the tube a couple dozen times to widen the contact area.

Then take a section of bicycle tube (garbage bin at a bike shop; tell them it’s for a science project), and however you can figure how to do it, stretch it over the outside. For the Magic Mouth, make the piece so that maybe five or six (or more) inches is inside the tube when you’re done. (The diagram shows it on the outside, you just push it inside.)

Place one end of the vinyl tube over the spout of the cock tube.

Now take your favorite lube and generously apply to the contact area of the inner tube, place your penile unit inside, press cock tube against body, place other end of vinyl tube in your mouth and gently suck a few times.

I think you’ll get the idea REAL quick.

*sigh* I miss the cock tube - after about two months of PE, I could no longer fit myself inside all the way, and couldn’t figure out anything bigger to use. Home Depot, why hast thou forsaken me?


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