Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Caught Hanging

Re: oh THAT....

Originally posted by tom_hubbard

*sigh* I miss the cock tube - after about two months of PE, I could no longer fit myself inside all the way, and couldn't figure out anything bigger to use. Home Depot, why hast thou forsaken me?

Pvc, man, PVC!

Oh…yeah…wonder if I can pick up a scrap piece from a plumber (ever the cheapskate…)


You simply amaze me. I’m a guy who couldn’t make ice with a freezer and water. it astounds me the stuff you can make and with the stuff you make it out of (i know, my grammer teacher is stroking out). And, man, what creativity!!! Bet you could make a Rolls Royce out of an old Schwinn and ice cream churn.



You simply amaze me. I’m a guy who couldn’t make ice with a freezer and water. it astounds me the stuff you can make and with the stuff you make it out of (i know, my grammer teacher is stroking out). And, man, what creativity!!! Bet you could make a Rolls Royce out of an old Schwinn and ice cream churn.



Either I just had dejavu, or today is two for the price of one….

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


Don’t know what happened - sure didn’t send it twice, but Mr. Thunder knows this computer stuff ain’t my strong point.


Don’t know what happened - sure didn’t send it twice, but Mr. Thunder knows this computer stuff ain’t my strong point.

(just check’n)

You guys enjoy your Sunday, glenn

Rolls Royce

Actually, I’d be more inclined to make an old Schwinn and ice cream churn out of a Rolls Royce :)


And a sense of humor, too!!!! If you have any parts left over, Ill take a gull-wing Merc.


To Jimwants10-What is your routine?

What is your routine. You stated that you gained 2 inches, with a starting point of 6.5 in. That is in what time frame and what is your routine?


Embarassing Moment


I was just rereading some of the old “posts” and noticed for the first time that you said you were hanging 20 Kg at the time of your embarassment,that’s 44lbs!! Yikes. Are you really using that much? I’m fairly new at this program but 15lbs gives me a pretty good strseeBTC. Forty four lbs sounds monstrous.

How often do you use this much weight?



No, I have never even thought of hanging that. It should have read 20lbs! I use plates of 2 and 2.5 kgs, and the most I have ever had on at any one time was 4 of these ie: 10 kg = 22 lbs. But that weight lasted only a few days before I was forced back down to 10lbs, finishing sets with 5lbs.

This morning for example I did 3 20 min sets, the first with 7.5kg (16.5 lbs), the second with 5 kg, and the last (although I started with 5 kg) with only 2.5 kg (5.5lbs).

I shall now go back and try to edit any posts where I have miswritten the weights. That is the problem of using kg, thinking in both imperial and metric, and writing only imperial.

Just as an aside, I was comfortably hanging 15lbs, had been for a while, and jumped up to 20lbs. Maybe this was not good, or perhaps I should have only placed the last plate on for a few minutes, increasing that time every day, because since then I haven’t yet been able to get to that same weight with comfort

Post corrected.




I know bigger is better but when I saw that weight I thought “what a monster” he must have. Then I saw your location and said to myself that you must use Kg all the time, so could it in fact be correct. Glad to hear you are human. Great posts.


No, no monster here

The only real positive comment I’ve had about my dick was from one of my g/f’s sisters (I’m going back more than ten years), who told me that her sister had commented that I had “a nice cock”. She said it with a gleam in her eye sort of asking me to give it to her - which I didn’t. My g/f never said anything to me face to face. I’m 5.5 girth on a good day, about 5.25” when started PE, so may have even been 5.5” when I was younger.That is at narrowest point. Base is more than 6”. According to this forum, other forums, surveys etc, I have a more than average girth.

Yet have NEVER recieved nor heard any comment made about thickness…and I’ve been with many girls. If girls who were very inexperienced and not had the chance to see many cocks never thought I was quite thick, (or hell, just a little thicker than normal) and never commented, and other girls who had been around a lot told me I was small, it’s easy to see why I have always considered myself small.


I have one of those corner computer desks. The mouse on the right, open desk on the left, and the monitor right in the center, where the two wings meet. When I am hanging at the computer I take my wrap off between sets and toss it on the left side. Well, the shredder is on the floor right up against that side. The damn wrap dangled off the edge and slowly slid right down into the opening. I regularly shred stuff (as well as scrub my HD, old habits die hard) so the damn thing was on. It chewed up about 1/2 an inch, then went “ClUnK!!”, and a little puff of smoke came out the side. I trimmed off the end ot the therebrand but need to get a new shredder.

Laughed my self silly, but who can I tell ‘cept you guys?

Running a Massive Co-Front.


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