Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Combining Clamping & Hanging for Length Gains



Are you sure one 10 min clamping set is enough to expand the tunica MAXIMALLY? It seems like my erection is longer/bigger in the 2nd set than the 1st set, and MAYBE in the 3rd set my erection is longer than the 2nd set. Not sure on the 3rd set but it’s definitely harder than the first 2 sets. How is it according to your experience?

I don’t want to just loosen the tunica, I want to reach the maximum size with clamping before I start hanging, at which set should that be? There must be a limit after certain number of sets, that the penis just cannot expand any more no matter how many clamping sets you do. My idea is to break all the healings that I made hanging the previous day but while keeping the clamping sets to the minimum (to avoid girth as much as possible). Cheers

If you are trying to max things out with clamping, you are going to gain girth. If you want to loosen things up for hanging, 1 set may well do it, or if you want 2, I gave the the optional suggestion of doing a second clamping set after your first hanging set.

Maximizing clamping expansion is different for everyone, but it’s more about time than number of sets in my experience. Around 25 to 30 mins total time is the point where I’ve maxed out on true expansion. After that it’s just fluid buildup. It’s about the same amount of time however I split up the sets.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


At the end of the 3rd clamping set, I do get fluid buildup, so I’m doing 2 clamping sets now before hanging. This should be okay right. Another thing I wanted to ask you was your slogan says heat is the secret ingredient. If I clamp before hanging, would that be similar to heat? Human blood temperature is 38 degrees celsius which means the blood is pretty warm and contains heat. Clamping for 2 sets means heat for 20 minutes, and also clamping will stretch, loosen, and make the tunica soft at the same time. If I’m clamping, I don’t really need additional heat do I? Could you recommend me something that I could have constant heat while I’m hanging without having to keep getting up for hot water. Cheers

Additional heat helps loosen the collagen bonds of the tunica. You will gain faster with heat than without it. Get a microwaveable gel pack from the chemists or similar. Put it over a damp cloth while you clamp or hang. Or if you are serious, get a Phillips Infrared lamp, around 150W. If you go for the lamp, protect your testicles with a white cloth.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results


I’m hanging straight out SO, with a vacuum hanger, so if I use the infrared lamp, will the silicone on the vacuum hanger start to burn? Or will the silicone get too hot that it might burn my skin? I really want to use the lamp, any way round it? Cheers

No idea; never used a vac hanger. I’d imagine the silicone would become softer with heat and would not do its job.

I’d recommend just warming up before doing PE, and during breaks between sets.

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Originally Posted by m21648

I’m hanging straight out SO, with a vacuum hanger, so if I use the infrared lamp, will the silicone on the vacuum hanger start to burn? Or will the silicone get too hot that it might burn my skin? I really want to use the lamp, any way round it? Cheers

how much of your shaft does your sleeve cover?

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I suspect that you can address the question of silicone burning by managing the distance from the IR lamp

Starting (10 / 2011): 6.50 BPEL, 5.50 MEG

Current: 7.50 BPEL, 6.00 MEG

Goal: 8.50 BPEL 6.50 MEG

The silicone sleeve covers about half of my shaft. Can anyone recommend which microwaveable gel pack to get? There are so many online and it hardly has any information about how long the heat lasts, or what temperature it stays at, etc. I need a small one to wrap around the shaft.

Clamping, Hanging and RSDT Combination for Length and Girth Gains

Originally Posted by firegoat
Yes, you will most likely gain girth as well. You may find one 10 min. Clamping set enough to loosen the tunica before hanging, and if you are gaining length on your current routine, but don’t want to gain more girth, try 1 clamping set and stick to the 3 hanging sets. Alternatively, if you don’t mind risking extra girth, do 1 clampins set, 1 hanging set, 1 clamping set, 2 hanging sets.

Hi Firegoat, I have been following your thread and so far have been very happy with the results, when just hanging and light jelqs I find that my erections or penis seems weaker so to speak, easily bent if that makes sence. Whereas the clamping helps increase the girth to acompany the gains. I find that a 10 min clamping session before hanging 3 to 4 sets with the BIB and then another 10 min clamping set works well. I hang an additional 4 sets in the evening with a vac hangar to complete the day. I clamp in the shower and do 30 second squeezes and 60 second skin stretches for the 10 mins. I have read some information that you should not clamp every day. Would you suggest a break? I have been doing this for 3 weeks now without a break and took a day off but was interested to know what you thought about it as a daily routine. Another thing I have tried to find out is that I want to incorperate a 20 min RSDT session at the end of the day to stretch the tunica. Any advice would be appreciated. Many Thanks

I’m glad someone used the search button and dug this up. I’m currently doing a mixed routine where I’ve been hanging 2-4 sets a day and pumping and or clamping. I read where a member had gains using the bathmate and hanging. It seems like clamping first would be a bit too much but I did try it after reading this thread and I must say my unit seemed more stretchable. I’m going to continue this with caution and see where it leads.

Originally Posted by MarkUK

Hi Firegoat, I have been following your thread and so far have been very happy with the results, when just hanging and light jelqs I find that my erections or penis seems weaker so to speak, easily bent if that makes sence. Whereas the clamping helps increase the girth to acompany the gains. I find that a 10 min clamping session before hanging 3 to 4 sets with the BIB and then another 10 min clamping set works well. I hang an additional 4 sets in the evening with a vac hangar to complete the day. I clamp in the shower and do 30 second squeezes and 60 second skin stretches for the 10 mins. I have read some information that you should not clamp every day. Would you suggest a break? I have been doing this for 3 weeks now without a break and took a day off but was interested to know what you thought about it as a daily routine. Another thing I have tried to find out is that I want to incorperate a 20 min RSDT session at the end of the day to stretch the tunica. Any advice would be appreciated. Many Thanks

Any routine unless it’s only stretching or hanging really needs rest days; depending on intensity at least 2 days a week. Clamping injuries are common, and tend to creep up because of insufficient rest or excess pressure, or both. Your penis needs rest to grow new tissue; if you are just breaking it down you will not be getting the most out of your routine. I’m a big fan of taking a week off every 6 weeks or so for full recovery and avoiding injury - it’s amazing how many people say they have grown at the end of a week of no PE!

You don’t say how long your hanging sets are, or what your previous PE experience is. For anyone fairly new to PE your routine would be too much (depending on hanging time), but for a vet it may be quite conservative.

What is RSDT?

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Thanks for coming back to me. The post was quite old and was not sure if you would still receive the reply.

I have been PE’ing over the last 7 years or so, started with the usual jelqs and stretches, phalosan on and off but found nothing really definitive happened. I started hanging with the the phalosan and then the BIB starter last year January till August and and had some good gains. 1.5” before I had serious injury from hanging too much weight BTC and heavy jelqs after. Over the past 2 months I have worked up to hanging 4 x 20min 14lb max, 1st set until fatigued and dropping to 10lb and then wear ADS 6 Hours then Vac hang 3-4 40min sets in the evening 8lb max down to 6lb or 5lb Monday to Friday roughly 3.5 hours daily I was finishing my daily hanging with a 2 x 10 min clamping session but have now add it in front and the middle for the last 3 weeks, weekends 4 x 20min until max and 1 x clamping set and ADS for 4 - 6 hours.

I would not say I’m a vet but I gained some good experience my first time around and am more aware of my PI’s. I feel good, morning wood every day. This was a huge indicator my first time around that I ignored. After my first PI I only lost 0.5” so am ready to continue. After going through the forum I have gathered that more time is better with less weight.

As for taking breaks was aiming for 4 weeks but 6 sounds better. A full week off sounds good. But not even stretches or phalosan(ADS) during this time or a complete STOP no hanging or clamping, stretching anything? OK. I’m in no rush so happy to give it a go.

I will break down my clamping to 2 days on 1 day off from now.

Rice Sock Duct Tape to stretch the Tunica, I discovered it in the forum. I tried a 20 minute set the other day and really felt it with 5lb after my sets but was concerned it may be too much to combine the routines all together. Unless I work it in on the clamping rest days

Originally Posted by MarkUK
A full week off sounds good. But not even stretches or phalosan(ADS) during this time or a complete STOP no hanging or clamping, stretching anything? OK. I’m in no rush so happy to give it a go.

I will break down my clamping to 2 days on 1 day off from now.

Rice Sock Duct Tape to stretch the Tunica, I discovered it in the forum. I tried a 20 minute set the other day and really felt it with 5lb after my sets but was concerned it may be too much to combine the routines all together. Unless I work it in on the clamping rest days

On my weeks off I just do gentle piss pulls - it’s a habit, I can’t stop myself doing them :)

2 on 1 off sounds good.

RSDT is a new one on me. The joys of being semi-retired from Thunders after all these years!

firegoat is fully RETIRED from Thundersplace.

All injuries happen from "too much", or "too much, too soon" or "doing the exercise incorrectly".

Heat makes the difference between gaining quickly or slowly for some guys, or between gaining slowly instead of not at all for others. The ideal penis size is 7.6" BPEL x 5.6" Mid Girth. Basics.... firegoat roll How to use the Search button for best results

Cheers Firegoat, appreciate your time.

I will let you know how I get on with the down time.


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