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Critique My Routine Please

Critique My Routine Please

I have been hanging with a home made hanger 3 months prior. Just got my BiB Hanger about two weeks ago. I have picked a routine that I think suits me best but I know I can rely on your help not to waste time. I have a low LOT which I think is about 8:00. I started hanging btc for the first 3 months and have seemed to gain a 1/4 inch in lenght but lost a half inch in base girth.

I am now hanging 3 twenty min sets btc up to 21lbs down to 13 or 15 lbs. I then hang SO for twenty min and then a twenty min set splitting between right & left over the leg. I then jelq 50% to 80% erect and combo uli’s and horse 440’s for about 20 min. Is it a waste of time to hang SO or will it be substantial for me to do both. Should I also concentrate on either lenght or girth alone. Would appreciate any advice.

As long as you are hitting fatigue with all your hanging angles, go for it. Not many of us have the time to hang like that. However, I’m not sure if hanging SO and then doing girth work will cause any length gains from the tunica.

Also as long as you don’t mind not getting gains from the tunica you can do your BTC and side to side hanging. They say increasing girth really makes length gains from the tunica non-existent. But if you have enough length potential in the ligs, you can do a length and girth routine simultaneously. So with your current routine I might skip the SO hanging.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG


I would also recommend skipping the SO hanging for now. With a LOT at 8:00 you theoretically have lig gain left. Have you tried SD (straight down) hanging instead of BTC? You might want to try that for a few weeks to see if works any better. I seem to notice greater stress/fatigue being applied to my ligs when I hang SD opposed to BTC. I think it has something to do with pressure being removed because a part of my dick is actually resting on my body in BTC. With SD hanging it’s just the weights and your ligs. Nothing else to interfere.

About the girth while gaining length, I don’t practice it for the reason CC has stated, but I can’t say for sure not to. The way I look at is I have plenty of time to gain girth later, so why take the risk of possibly damaging my potential gains now?

Stevie - I had noticed the same thing regarding SD hanging. I had started BTC hanging when the LOT theory came out, but recently went back to SD just so I could work at the computer. Wow, I had to back off the weight. I think a lot more skin had become a factor and taking more load in BTC, and now going back to SD it all went back to the ligs.

Unfortunately with kids being home from school I’ll be taking a 3 month break from hanging. damn.

Thanks for the replies guys. I am going to try some SD hanging and see what happens. About the girth routine, as much as I’d like to gain more, I will continue to keep up penis health and also appear a little heavier and fatter instead of shriveling up inside me the day after. About my LOT as you can see I said I think its about 8:00 and hope it is due to the theory but I still have movement but hardly and tug back I can feel.


I think I also experience what you said with btc vs SD.

That sucks about not being able to hang. When I’m in a position like that I usually switch to manual mode and perform a lot of V-Stretches in the bathroom or shower. I modify it slightly by moving the “push point” down toward my base. The V-Stretch is the closest thing I’ve found to simulating the fatigue experienced through hanging.

To keep your member from shriveling up inside you the day after, have you thought about using an ADS or traction wrap after hanging? Even fowfers should help. The idea of all these techniques is to suspend your dick in an extended state after a workout to encourage healing in that stretched out state. Traction wrapping and fowfers have done wonders for my flaccid length. I never turtle up anymore. Check out the ADS Folder in my favorites for some good threads on the subject. Also, be sure to read Big Girtha’s thread on Girth and Flaccid hang. In it he says I believe we should do anything and everything to keep our dicks from turtling inside the fat pad to heal. I couldn’t agree more, except the part about leaving anything on your dick overnight. I definitely don’t recommend that. The risk is not worth the reward IMO.

Have you tried a SD-BTC combo hang? I do this while sitting at my desk. What I do is attach the hanger and weights, then scoot up to the edge of my chair, and let the weights hang down between my legs. It’s not quite BTC because I don’t lean back at all, and it’s not exactly SD because of the angle it creates. There’s minimal interference from the hanger resting on my balls a little bit. The thing I like about hanging this way is the comfort level. I can sit here and type away set after set without giving it much thought. Thank god for my countdown timer or I would probably forget I had the hanger on.

I don’t have a chair high enough to do it really, and btc type positions started to give me back problems. So I am so far liking SD. Thanks though.

Hey Stevie31,

I hung SD last night and had the same feeling of BTC by leaning back a little. My balls are kinda big so I still have to move them out of the way like I’m BTC. Had a good session SD but would like to try some BG’s techniques whick I’ll try to work towards. Will still attempt the jelq ,uli and horses after hanging to keep up penile health. I feel when I just hang, I have less morning and daily wood.

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