Discouraged with my hanging so far...
Hey all: I finally have come out of “lurker” status, and what drove me out is my relative sense of discouragement. I have been hanging now for two months and have not really seen much in the way of gains.
I started in September and for a month I used a swim-cap type arrangment to hang weights. I hung about seven pounds max this way. Then I got the Bib starter model about six weeks ago, and I’ve been hanging fairly regularly since. My routine is about four days a week, 3 sets of 20 minutes each, ten minute break in between, hanging 12 lbs. Sometimes I do the warm wrap, sometimes not (I’ve yet to be convinced of the utility of it).
I thought at first (in my swim cap first month) that I was seeing fast results, because I’d always THOUGHT I was about 6.5 erect (bonepressed), and was able, after one very intense session including some jelquing (which I don’t normally do) to just barely get to 7.25. But now I’m rarely able to get even there, and it certainly hasn’t been more than that, ever.
I do feel stretch in the ligaments when I hang (at least, I think I do — it’s that sorta achey feeling above my balls, right?), and I hang BTC without too much difficulty. Skin stretch was an issue at first in terms of discomfort, but I’m getting the hang of that.
Should I just keep plugging away at this? I realize you probably don’t have all the variables you’d need to give advice, but I’m looking for all the help I can get.