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DMSO and hanging

I’d think these collagen and ligament softening substances would have to be used on a 50/50 basis. One day use it, next day don’t, or less, and also stop using it for a month or so while still hanging before you judge progress.

When you’re not on the substance the tissues would probably attempt to go back to normal size/elasticity, at which point you’d have to step up the hanging effort to keep the tissues deformed in that state.

This is all hypothetical/theoretical. Maybe some more scientific members of the forums will chime in?


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

It would be great to see someone experiment DMSO with hanging

Originally Posted by rushx3

It would be great to see someone experiment DMSO with hanging

Knock yourself out.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

I think I’m going to experiment with this stuff while using an ADS. It doesn’t have a lot of the sides associated with DMSO.

Are there any downsides to using DMSO in higher concentrations, like 99%?

Because I find it hard to get many variations in the UK. And the only ones I can see are 99.2% or so. Unless someone can name me a place.

Not that I know of— in fact the purer the better as any dilutant is carried transdermally by the DMSO.

My bottle label states that the contents are 99.9%— other than the garlicky breath I’ve never noted any issue.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

You want the DMSO to be as pure as possible, but it should also be diluted with distilled water, aloe vera gel, etc. Undiluted DMSO will irritate your skin according to what I’ve read.

I’ve never had a problem with it.

WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

How are you guys applying the DSMO? Are you drinking it, rubbing it into your skin, or injecting it?

BEFORE 5.75 EL 4.8 EG Vagina Length Database

NOW 32yrs old 8.5 BPSL 7.75 BPEL 5.5-5.75-6.25* upper/mid/base EG 5.0 BPFL glans tip 5.0 FG shaft Hang, Stretch, Jelq, Pump, Clamp

Goal 8.0 EL 6.0 EG Asian - Thai 5' 10" uncircumcised


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WE are the 99% 'WE are the people you depend on; we cook your meals, we haul your trash, we connect your calls. We drive your ambulances. We guard you while you sleep. Don't f&ck with us'-- Madame DeFarge

"Rope trades @$10 a yard. I wonder if they even know that?"- Capitalist

Just received my DMSO gel today.

It stinks.Is it supposed to be so pungent?

How much am I supposed to use?

The link register posted says the most effective range for the skin is concentrations of 70-90%. It seems after 90% concentration the effectiveness drops off a bit.

The supplement manager at the natural health center I was at today told me you have to make sure to wash the application area, and your hands well before rubbing it in. If not, it mixes with anything it comes in contact with, and penetrates into the body with it. The link that I mentioned earlier stated it only takes a 15% solution to penetrate into the bladder.

Sound like it may be a promising product in the future to use in conjunction with another growth chemical that you would otherwise have to inject directly into the tunica. It could prove to make chemical PE a little safer in the future for anyone who wanted to try it. I couldn’t bring myself to buy any today. I would like to see a few studies that directly relate it to the effectiveness of being able to stretch ligaments longer before I’d try any.

It seems the government isn’t in any hurry to fund studies for DMSO, so there might not be a lot of info out there at the moment, even though doctors know it works

Originally Posted by ginzo41
The link register posted says the most effective range for the skin is concentrations of 70-90%. It seems after 90% concentration the effectiveness drops off a bit.

The supplement manager at the natural health center I was at today told me you have to make sure to wash the application area, and your hands well before rubbing it in. If not, it mixes with anything it comes in contact with, and penetrates into the body with it. The link that I mentioned earlier stated it only takes a 15% solution to penetrate into the bladder.

Sound like it may be a promising product in the future to use in conjunction with another growth chemical that you would otherwise have to inject directly into the tunica. It could prove to make chemical PE a little safer in the future for anyone who wanted to try it. I couldn’t bring myself to buy any today. I would like to see a few studies that directly relate it to the effectiveness of being able to stretch ligaments longer before I’d try any.

It seems the government isn’t in any hurry to fund studies for DMSO, so there might not be a lot of info out there at the moment, even though doctors know it works

Yes this stuff works. The problem is what to mix with it. There is a company in Canada that produces a product that is intended for arthritis. It contains one of the NSAID family. (diclofenac). This stuff really works. They are waiting for FDA approval to market it here in the US. The FDA has really drug it’s feet in allowing DMSO as a transmitter of any medications because of the contamination risk. If you use your head there is really no need to worry. My wife and I just use latex gloves. Most of the time we just wash our hands good and that is sufficient. I’ve had a couple of friends that tried this concoction and it worked after much suffering with other things that didn’t work such as Ibuprofen ingested orally. This stuff is applied directly to the painful area. I’ve usually never had to apply it twice. It usually works the first time.

Now having said all that whether it works for us for PE ??

I’m not sure what would be a good thing to mix with DMSO for softening tissues. Meat tenderizer? Just Joking!

I think there might be some real potential here if we can find the right ingredient. We could apply directly to the ligaments when they are tight to penetrate directly on them. Perhaps: Chiococca alba
I’d like to see more about this stuff. If you could get it in extract form then it might work well.

I think another area to investigate might be the Yoga stretching creams. What do they contain?

Perhaps Pineapple enzymes, That’s what Meat tenderizer has in it. It certainly does breakdown meat. LOL

Anyway, if anyone has some perspective on any of these ideas, I know I would be interested.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights


I’ve tried pineapple enzymes (bromelain powder at 2,400 gdu) at about 30% concentration, with DMSO (35%) and Aloe Gel (another 35%). This works great as an exfoliant, but it does not appear to penetrate the skin far enough to effect the tunica or ligaments. So I for about a week after application, I have a penis that looks like it has been sunburned. First my skin becomes very red and sensitive to the touch; then it peels for several days; and finally, it has a papery thin look to it. In fact, it has been about 2 weeks since my last application, and my skin still has a thin/papery feel to it. I have also noticed that during the week or so following an application, I bruise much easier (just under the skin).

I have done several sessions over a 3 month period and will probably give up soon. I might try mixing the enzymes with Aspercreme instead of using the DMSO (never use the two together) to see if I can get better penetration.

Any ideas on how to get deeper penetration of the bromelain?

Any idea about bruising even worst your penis? Just curious. Caution mates!


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