Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

DMSO and hanging

transdermal applications

Originally Posted by thepi0neer
For everyone else’s sake, do not do this.

DMSO is a solvent and will transport, almost, everything you mix it with deep into your tissue.
Some things can be toxic if not processed by your digestive system/kidneys/liver first.

It’s easy to use and easy to get, but you have to use your brain, it can be dangerous.
You have to be careful using this stuff.

I would agree with assessing any potential dangers or negative side effects with any topical or oral application of anything. However with that said it seems like when it comes to PE there’s a significant number of men willing to gamble with trial and error if it means growing a larger penis. Obviously life is full of risks, just consider the lousy diets that people subject themselves to on a daily basis with absolutely no concerns of high cholesterol, high blood pressure, heart attack and obesity.

There are two men who I highly respect that have a combined PE history of 45 years, and by all measures appear to be specimens of physical health. Dr. Ric is in his late 60’s.
Dr. Richard Howard and “KingSnake”. Both have used DMSO with a combination of two - three peptides mixed in. Both have experienced no negative side effects from this home brew concoction that they have been using in combination with weight hanging and pumping. Both believe that the application has been beneficial in promoting the PE gains they have made. Does that mean I endorse the practice? No…. it means I believe the risk is very minimal, and that the benefits have merit.

Unfortunately there will be no medical studies to validate any of this type of PE experience.

Good try…there’s a big difference between taking intelligent calculated risks and Throwing caution to the wind and not using what’s between your ears…the pill you mentioned contains far more than what you mentioned. A member wanted advice and input on using DMSO and you told him something that, if he chose to emulate for an extended period of time l, could cause negative effects.(Also I’ve read at least KS’s posts and updates on DMSO, he an I are on the same page. He is pretty clear on this)

Your point is mute.

Being a commercial account and a vet you should use better judgement. Many people new to pe are ignorant as to what is good or bad or where to go as they start this potentially dangerous aspect of personal enhancement.

Start : 7 BPEL, 4.8 mseg

Now : 8 BPEL, 5.43 mseg, 8.375 BPFSL

Calculated risks with transdermal applications

For the record the oral supplement “Libido Max” which comes in a gel cap has no toxic chemicals or ingredients that would potentially cause harm when taken orally. So I’m not certain how it could be toxic with a transdermal application. Think of all the patch type products that are used to help prevent pain, and help stop nicotine cravings. The worst side effect is skin irritation. Nothing gets processed via the liver… at least that’s the opinion of the guys at the School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology (Nature Biotechnology).

I’m not advising or endorsing the use of DMSO on your penis or mixing it with any other substances that could potentially promote penis enlargement. I simply posted my personal experience with the product and how I used it.
All things considered with regard to PE and the holy grail to growth, I can think of many other things guys are doing that I wouldn’t begin to consider. Things like chemical PE and sticking needles in my penis or girth procedures like PMMA injections. I’m an extremely cautious man who does his homework when I think about putting anything in my body or on my body, and I won’t recommend anyone doing anything that I wouldn’t personally do myself.

I respect your admonition and chide… I take everyone’s advice seriously.
Thank you - LGH

I’m not advocating anything in this post. Simply stating my experience with DMSO.

I started using DMSO a few years ago when my testosterone levels came back in low 90s (when 95% of men my age test at 200 - 1000). My doctor recommended shots and my levels went into the low 500s. But I didn’t like the emotional roller coaster effect between injections. So we switched to a cream, but my levels fell to mid 100s. I started googling how to increase testosterone levels and ran across an article on the use of DMSO and testosterone. I thought I’d give it a try. I ordered some DMSO on Amazaon along with some roll-on bottle for application (they look like roll-on deodorant bottles). Every morning, I roll on a layer of DMSO on my upper thighs and then apply my prescribed dosage of testosterone cream. Since then, my tests have come back consistently at around 1000. I do not have any of the roller coaster emotions, no rage issues. (Just want to screw everything in site.) BTW: I get kidney, liver, and blood tests on a regular basis. There have been no noticeable changes in them or my prostate.

As for use with hanging, I ‘ve used DMSO for a few weeks where I roll it directly on my shaft and use either a BIB or LG Hanger or a Restorex traction device. So far, the shaft remains flaccidly longer than without the DMSO (by several inches). However, I seen no difference in the erect length.

Originally Posted by badfrankie
I’m not advocating anything in this post. Simply stating my experience with DMSO.

I started using DMSO a few years ago when my testosterone levels came back in low 90s (when 95% of men my age test at 200 - 1000). My doctor recommended shots and my levels went into the low 500s. But I didn’t like the emotional roller coaster effect between injections. So we switched to a cream, but my levels fell to mid 100s. I started googling how to increase testosterone levels and ran across an article on the use of DMSO and testosterone. I thought I’d give it a try. I ordered some DMSO on Amazaon along with some roll-on bottle for application (they look like roll-on deodorant bottles). Every morning, I roll on a layer of DMSO on my upper thighs and then apply my prescribed dosage of testosterone cream. Since then, my tests have come back consistently at around 1000. I do not have any of the roller coaster emotions, no rage issues. (Just want to screw everything in site.) BTW: I get kidney, liver, and blood tests on a regular basis. There have been no noticeable changes in them or my prostate.

As for use with hanging, I ‘ve used DMSO for a few weeks where I roll it directly on my shaft and use either a BIB or LG Hanger or a Restorex traction device. So far, the shaft remains flaccidly longer than without the DMSO (by several inches). However, I seen no difference in the erect length.

Since DMSO can absorb the properties of its container, is the rollon bottle you describe plastic or glass? I’d be interested in using this in both applications as well.

Starting stats: 7.5" BPEL x 6.2" MEG

Current Stats BPEL: 8.2" [NBPEL: 7.6"] EG: 6.8" - Goal: 9x7 and beyond

My Progress Thread/Log

Any updates on DMSO, and hanging, if anyone had made length gains, even paba powder with dmso, and hanging, while using this combination?


I have arthritis in my thumb and found DMSO to be helpful.

Going to get some from Amazon!

To use in conjunction with PE and hanging

Can’t believe this thread is from 2008!

21/09/2019. 6.2 inches bone pressed erect length.

Short-term goal 24/12/2019

7inches bone pressed erect length

Originally Posted by cheeba
Can’t believe this thread is from 2008!

It can be useful to click on some of the suggested links on the bottom of the first page of a thread. There are many useful things that either didn’t catch on, fell out of favor, or everyone knew about them and there was no reason to discuss them further… until they were largely forgotten.


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