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DMSO and hanging

DMSO and hanging

I recently became aware of PE protocols using DMSO to ‘loosen’ up connective tissue/ collagen and was wondering if any hangers have thought about incorporating DMSO to weaken the tissues to accelerate hanging gains?

Any thoughts?

The DMSO thingy came up in the chemical PE thread.

Now chemical induced traction protocols have been conceived……

“You see, I don’t want to do good things, I want to do great things.” ~Alexander Joseph Luthor

I know Lewd Ferrigno personally.

There is that DHT/ PE/ traction protocol thread that I linked to the general Chemical PE thread.

I use DMSO regularly (in a 70% concentration) in all modes of PE. I believe it is very helpful. It also works to scavenge free radicals and moderate pain threshold (reasonably). I highly suggest it’s use to make the most of your efforts.

Have you had any significant reactions or issues with it carrying other chemicals through your skin? I have a bottle but I am to paranoid to use it so I am very interested in hearing about others hear who are already using it.

Originally Posted by danwilke
I use DMSO regularly (in a 70% concentration) in all modes of PE. I believe it is very helpful. It also works to scavenge free radicals and moderate pain threshold (reasonably). I highly suggest it’s use to make the most of your efforts.

I’ve never heard of DMSO before but I’m not a chemical PE guy.

Are you sure this is really necessary with hanging? & can someone link a worthwhile thread on DMSO / or just say what the acronym is.

Originally Posted by danwilke
I use DMSO regularly (in a 70% concentration) in all modes of PE. I believe it is very helpful. It also works to scavenge free radicals and moderate pain threshold (reasonably). I highly suggest it’s use to make the most of your efforts.

Do you have liquid dsmo. Then you mix it with something. I have liquid DSMO but don’t now how to either mix it or concentrate with what. Any help would be great..


Originally Posted by blink2000
Can someone link a worthwhile thread on DMSO / or just say what the acronym is.

Dimethyl sulfoxide.

Chemical PE’ers became interested when DMSO was used in studies to soften penile tissues for cases of Peyronie’s Disease. The effectiveness on penis enlargement is currently unknown (as far as full double-blind placebo studies go).

Here is some info:
Greeting Card Poems: Messages To Let Them Know You Care

Originally Posted by antoniorosa
Dimethyl sulfoxide.

Chemical PE’ers became interested when DMSO was used in studies to soften penile tissues for cases of Peyronie’s Disease. The effectiveness on penis enlargement is currently unknown (as far as full double-blind placebo studies go).

Here is some info:
Greeting Card Poems: Messages To Let Them Know You Care

Thank you for the explanation :)

I know this is an old thread but rather than start new one asking the same thing, I figured I’d bump this one. So, anyone have any experience using DMSO long term with either hanging or ADS’ing?

Is this more for pain relief during a session or for actually changing the elasticity of the tissues?

For one, popping one advil an hour before a hanging session helps reduce the pain significantly, and there have been rumors of ibuprofen weakening collagenous tissues, however to avoid injury I don’t think any amount of pain relief should be used in hanging. It’d be way too easy to push tissues beyond the breaking point and wake up with persistant pain and an injury that will take week to heal and for you to be able to return to your max weight. It’s happened to me hanging BTC before.. I forget what we concluded it was called specifically, but it was something to the effect of a torn ligament. I had taken it too far when hanging using painkillers, not being fully tuned in to what was going on down there.

For two, If this substance doesn’t have any pain relieving properties, and in fact only weakens tissues, I’d think that different rules would have to be employed in hanging. You’d be able to stretch it to a point of elastic deformation very easily, but then you’d have to keep it there for some time (maybe using an ADS) to make permanent gains.

I’d personally offer some guinea pig-age. Where do I get the stuff?


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Personally, I was planning on using it with an ADS (after hanging). I think if you were careful enough you might be able to incorporate it into a hanging routine, but you’d have to start very light and very closely monitor yourself as you slowly increased weight. If this stuff really does soften ligs, I’m sure it’s a subtle effect. I’m sure injury is possible but it’s not just going to turn your ligs into taffy.

Here are a couple places you can get it online:

Link 1

Link 2

I’d be very interested in hearing about your experiences with it.

I’d be curious to hear others opinions about how often this should be used. Would one application a day be okay or should this be used every few workouts? I haven’t been able to find anything about how quickly this works to break down collagen so it’s just guesswork on my part at this point.

I also stumbled across another interesting product. It’s intended for Yoga and it is an herbal product that’s supposed to soften ligaments. It’s available in a pill or a cream .

I tried to put this in it’s own thread but I’m unable to start a new thread.

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