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Do you ever question your hanging routine?

Do you ever question your hanging routine?

I have been hanging for years and gaining very slowly. I am always wondering if there is something that I could do that would catipult me into a fast gaining mode. One of the things I have done is reread Bib’s posts. I know that Bib did not invent hanging but it seems that he is the one who brought it here from elsewhere.

Today I used the search function. I entered fatigue as my keyword. I entered Bib as the author. I had it arrange the threads in descending order (oldest posts first).

I have to tell you that what I have read in an hour has made me question many of the things I do. I am not going to go into detail on that.

I strongly recommend that anyone new to hanging, do this search and get this right when you start. The information that Bib (and others) gave us here is many times more detailed than what is in his Bib hanger manual.


I question it all the time. I never know if what I am doing will work for me. If I should go by the LOT theory or if i shouldn’t. So many questions and variables an the only way to get the answer is through time, which hopefully isn’t wasted time.

I was questioning it this morning actually. I have been hanging BTC for a while now so I am thinking of changing it up and start wrestler position for a while.

Long Term Goal

The perfect 8x6 cock aka the pussy destroyer (one day).

I’ve always questioned my routines. To the point of being very impatient and not sticking to a single routine for very long at all. I have finally decided I will stick to my current routine(lying on bed with bungee anchored securely to ceiling.) So far this has been the “easiest” to stick to and I can really feel a good stretch. I am determined to follow through with this routine for at least a few months. Who know’s if it doesn’t work out maybe I’ll “wimp out” or try another routine. Probably SD and/or BTC. Hopefully this will be the routine that works for me, Wish me luck and I will surely do the same for all of you!L8R!JD

Hey shelovesit -

I’ve been using both types of the bib hanger for a while and am now using a vacuum hanger. Concerning fatigue I must say that the vacuum hanger fatigues my ligs and tunica much more than the bib hanger which gives a lot of pull to the skin. And this although I am using only 15 pounds with the vac hanger compared to 25 pounds with the bib. Also, at the same weight I have less irritation so I can play my drum set during the entire hanging session (3x20 min)

I hope bib won’t kill me - all the credit for the basics goes to him, but at least for me the vac principle is a progress

The main feature of my workout that I am going to change is the following. Until now I tended to hang UNTIL I felt fatigued. From reading Bib’s posts he hung WHILE fatigued. I did this for the first time last night. I did a warm-up set. Then I picked a maximum weight. I then did 20 minute sets at that weight until I was fatigued. I then reduced the weight and continued to hang sometimes dropping the weight during the 20 minute set.

Bib quote:

Try to get to your maximum weight; i.e., that weight, at a certain angle, where you know you cannot hang another pound. Then, try to fatigue the tissues until you have to go down in weight. Then, at the lesser weight, continue to hang in the fatigued state. That would be the optimum.

And more Bib:

Start with the max weight you can comfortably hang and which delivers the desired fatigue. Then, when that weight begins to get uncomfortable, reduce the poundage to a weight that is comfortable. This may be after 2 or 3 sets at max. Then you can continue hanging at the lower weight. When the weight gets to 1/2 of your max weight, an ADS or traction wrapping will probably do as much good as further hanging.

Who is doing it this way? What are your gains? What is your max weight? How many sets are you doing while fatigued?

Last edited by sheLovesIt : 10-13-2006 at .

I agree with you on hunting Bib’s old posts, that’s how I picked up on that too.

Seems to work, and it makes sense.

Max Weight: between 25 and 33 lbs.

Sets afterward: usually 8

Gains have been intentionally minimal as I’m really not totally convinced this style of penis enlargement doesn’t have long-term consequences. I have no data regarding long-term effects of hanging - it’s just a suspicion.

I’ve been trying other things, figuring I can always hang using Bib’s style if I give up on these other things. When I hang I use a Bib Beta (best hanger I’ve ever used and I own them all - not that I’m proud of that…).

Last edited by gerrykjohnsons : 10-13-2006 at .

Thanks for replying. Have you always hung Bib’s way? I am thinking that my max is 15 lbs at SO and 16.25 at SD. I am anxious to see where this goes. This is what makes PE so addicting. I’ll call it “The Mandingo Moment”.


I hung sporadically before getting my Bib Beta.

After that, I followed Bib’s information. My greatest hurdle was getting the wrap right for me.

I can say with confidence, when I hung using Bib’s technique for 4 hours along with an ADS at +12 hours daily, I managed to yank out a quarter inch which has yet to disappear. This occured in a three week period.

Since then I’ve been trying to determine how much effect the ADS had - as I would rather use that than hang lots of weight.

But if ultimately I have to hang lots of weight, I will use the Bib Beta plus my ADS.

I am surprised that at this point (155 people have viewed this thread) only one has stated (clearly) that they follow the main premise of Bib hanging i.e. getting to the fatigued state quickly then hanging WHILE fatigued.

Can it be said then that most people are hanging for multiple 20 minute sets, increasing the weight, then stopping when some level of fatigue is felt or time has run out?

I’ll admit to doing the latter most of the time as this is how a bodybuilding workout is typically done. I did get some gains this way but I have hit a plateau. I am hoping that the way to new gains is to focus on hanging WHILE fatigued.

So far I have done this for 2 days. I like the mild soreness I feel between workouts. There is a little retraction that I think I can live with. I plan to insert more rest days if this retraction becomes too great.

So come on all you bib hangers out there share your weight/time/fatigue workouts.

I am going to start a new thread asking more clearly about fatigue.


Instead of starting another thread on fatigue I plan to do a search for fatigue and look for indications of how people reach fatigue and what they do once they get there.

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