"Do You Know Where Your Ligaments Are?"
I mostly hang while laying on my back, using a pulley from a bar clamped to a shelf. I’m using a vacuum hanger at three or four pounds, depending on how tender my glans feels. I’m still stubbornly resisting taping.
Over the months I’ve seen visible gains, even if they’re not measurable since I still can’t get a repeatable BPEL reading. One of the visible changes is a more pronounced “traffic cone” shape.
Yesterday I was scratching an itch below the sleeve while hanging and felt the bundle of ligaments in the ‘traffic cone’. They’re pulled out past the fat pad now. I can actually get my fingers partway around the bundle, which feels like a mass of spaghetti-sized strands. I can follow them down into the fad pad. There’s a bundle on each side, and what feels like a thin sheaf in the middle; I can feel the ridges, but I can’t grab it like I can the sides.
I think this is what Bib meant when he talked about “pulling out the inner penis.”
Half an hour to an hour after unhooking from the weights, length is back to normal and I can’t feel the ligament bundles any more.