Originally Posted by GettinGrown
Maybe I would try a bib, but overall I’ve seen plenty of people not very impressed by it and seems like maybe it’s more the legend of Bib that is the motivator.
Like all things, it has good and bad aspects.
It can handle a large amount of weight.
However, you really need to get the wrap, the attachment settings, and the overall technique right. If you can’t get that right then it can be a struggle.
The hanger just plain works.
I don’t really find him as a motivator. His website doesn’t make any promises. There is virtually no sales pitch.
What you do get is a lot of information. Pretty much every situation or question I have in regards to hanging with the Bib is on the forum.
If comfort is your ultimate goal, I would go with a vac hanger. Mind you I have no experience with them but I hear they are comfortable.
Right now I am hanging 17.5 lbs. I can easily see myself in the next year hanging 30 pounds. The weight isn’t my goal. I can just see that I am going to have to raise the weight to achieve my ultimate goal. Because of the upper weight limits and his overall experience, I went with the Bib.
Now I definitely do not think the Bib is for everyone.