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Experience with multiple hangers?


Experience with multiple hangers?

Hi guys, I was wondering of the people that have tried multiple hanging devices what would you say is the most comfortable (can be used for long periods) that can handle up to say, 20 lbs?

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

Vac type hangers can handle that weight and, at least to me, are more comfortable. Plus you don’t have to stop every 20 minutes to restore circulation.

Well, I have been using a vac style hanger, both a homemade one and a modified Phallosan (yes, I found my lost Phallosan after all!). They aren’t working too good at 15lbs honestly, although they were just ok at 12.5. Can you recommend one you have used at 15+ lbs?

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

Just noticed the social icons near the top of the page, are those new? Dang, 54 people liked the homepage, brave souls, either that or they don’t realize who sees that.

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

LG will go to 25 as they state. I personally have been up to 15lbs with it.

I have tried the SnakeHanger, the MaleHanger2, the LengthMaster, the Phallosan Forte, and the VacHanger3. The LengthMaster is my favorite because I can hang the most weight with it comfortably. I have hung 27 lbs with it many times. The SnakeHanger is a very good DIY but not as comfortable as the LengthMaster or as versatile. The MaleHanger 2 is less $ then the LengthMaster but if I am looking to save money I would go with a SnakeHanger because it will cost less money to buy the parts for it and I liked it better.

Now for vac hanging. I wish someone who was hanging 20 lbs+ in weight with a vac hanger would post video of it. I really like the VacHanger3 but right now I am not certain it is possible for me to hang that much weight except for a short duration maybe. I don’t understand how guys hang that much weight with vac hangers. Video would show exactly what they’re doing. I got small blood blisters on my glans when I hung 10 lbs for 25 minutes. I can hang 8 lbs with the VacHanger3 without any issues for as long as I want though. I like to do this after more intense hanging sessions with my LengthMaster.

I will have videos for all these tools when my site goes up in the next few weeks.

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.


No Wench, AFB, Chickenchoker, Bib?


Try making an AFB, it’s a simple construction and can do high weight. The Bib hanger is another option (the MaleHanger is SWM’s rip off version of that).

Thunder's Place: increasing penis size one dick at a time.

Last edited by memento : 02-11-2015 at .

I used some non-slip mat and wrapped it around the penis component of my vacextender. Taped it to secure the wrap and then put an S hook through that and the ring so it would pull equally. This should work with the Vac3 and takes the pressure off just thhe glans.

Originally Posted by memento

No Wench, AFB, Chickenchoker, Bib?


Try making an AFB, it’s a simple construction and can do high weight. The Bib hanger is another option (the MaleHanger is SWM’s rip off version of that).

Oh yeah I did make a wench when I first made my Snake Hanger. I found the Snake Hanger to be much better the the wench so I ended up only using the wench a few times to try it. That was years ago.

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
I used some non-slip mat and wrapped it around the penis component of my vacextender. Taped it to secure the wrap and then put an S hook through that and the ring so it would pull equally. This should work with the Vac3 and takes the pressure off just thhe glans.

I use the sealing sleeve or compress sleeve that comes with the VacHanger3 which are provided to take pressure of the glans. Wrapping and then taping non-slip pad around the penis goes back to the mechanics of a compression chamber, right? Since I have never tried what you did I am guessing it likely wasn’t as drastic of a compression as tools such as the LengthMaster, bib, or malehanger, correct?

I will have to give it a try and hopefully my set up is similar to yours so I can see if it makes a difference. Another thought I have is by taping it down once you apply a higher weight it now adds to the compression of the added padding and taping which will lead to compression and decrease of circulation to some extent. How much? I’ll have to find out for myself :)

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

Last edited by ykm123321 : 02-12-2015 at .

Because the silicone sleeve distributes the stress the compression effect is minimized. Position the nonslip through the hanger hook so the load is shared by the vac cap. You don’t have to tape tightly or use much tape at all because the nonslip grips by friction.

Thanks a lot guys that was very helpful.

ykm123321 that LengthMaster looks really cool and innovative and not too much of a hassle, going to buy one right now. Thank you sir!

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

Hm only problem is I cannot find a place to buy it! Any idea if the LengthMaster is still available?

28 Aug 2014: 6.25" x 6" (MEG) >>>>>>>> 30 Dec 2015: 7.25" x 6.5" (MEG)

Goal: Pump 40 min 2x daily 6 mos start 8/23/17 PICS AND PROGRESS

PE Growth Rate Study | Most Efficient Gainers List

Originally Posted by GettinGrown
Hm only problem is I cannot find a place to buy it! Any idea if the LengthMaster is still available?

Looks like it.

Device looks positively medieval.

(Mods, please delete if link inappropriate)

Originally Posted by Ectospasm
Because the silicone sleeve distributes the stress the compression effect is minimized. Position the nonslip through the hanger hook so the load is shared by the vac cap. You don’t have to tape tightly or use much tape at all because the nonslip grips by friction.

I don’t understand your set up unfortunately. And the non slip grips I was thinking of would need to be taped. What non slip product are you using? Thanks

Originally Posted by GettinGrown
Thanks a lot guys that was very helpful.

Ykm123321 that LengthMaster looks really cool and innovative and not too much of a hassle, going to buy one right now. Thank you sir!

You’re welcome. You’ll like it. It is a very versatile tool. I use sports pre wrap, ACE for my wrap, and self adhesive ACE for my wrap.

ykm123321 is the owner of the gripping trainer website. He also surreptitiously posted here as LetsGrow123 in an effort to promote that site. Please take any product endorsements as very likely to be biased.

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