Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Fear of PE, risk reward relationship


Fear of PE, risk reward relationship

This is something I have not seen discussed in depth.

When I began PE, there was much less information available, and not nearly as many guys doing it. Tom Hubbard had a great following from his site, and the board from his site was very active. About the only thing discussed was hanging with very little of the manual techniques. I guess this was because hanging was known to be effective. The Doctors snipping ligs recommended it after surgery, but what they did not say was; most guys did not need the surgery in order to make gains hanging.

I suppose I was raised in a Puritan environment, where the functions of the penis were fairly well outlined. Especially in the US, there seems to be a taboo place on doing anything unusual with ones penis. Not only that, but it still is even somewhat taboo to talk about the penis in most circles. Poor thing. I guess it is about the same with the vagina, but things have changed concerning womens breasts.

After finding Tom’s site, I was very skeptical. I thought it was complete hooey. Also, I could not fathom doing anything with my small package besides what it was meant for; waste elimination and reproduction. First, you were not supposed to treat it that way, both from the taboo standpoint, and also from the injury standpoint. My goodness, hang weights? Why, I could severely damage the little fellow!

I still remember my thought process: NOTHING FROM NOTHING LEAVES NOTHING. I already had my kids and did not want anymore. I was in my early forties, had always had what I considered to be a small dick. Sex sucked, no friction. I decided, what do I have to lose? So, I would try it a couple weeks and see what happened. I could never even get a swimcap hanger on my penis, so I started with a loop hanger, with little weight. It hurt. So the first thing I had to do was find a more comfortable way to hang weights. You probably know that story.

I was very lucky in that gains started quickly. Otherwise, I would no doubt have stopped. Then, I kind of went nuts. Started trying many different things, hangers, etc. Looking for the techniques that would work best for me. Sometimes I would revert back to the old thought processes. “This is my penis, what the hell am I doing to it?” Then the “nothing from nothing leaves nothing” would enter back into my head, and I would push forward.

Each time I had an injury, discoloration, numbness, etc, I would become concerned, re-evaluate, regroup and push on. Over time, I began to realize the great healing power of the human body and almost every day, my confidence concerning what I was doing would increase.

Soon, I was taking chances that most guys probably would not take. This originated from the precept that to continue gains, more and more stress was required. The thought or theory of an extended rest period was not even around at that time. So I simply “went for it”.

So, what are your thoughts on the fear of PE-hanging, and your stance on the risk reward relationship? What is your level of confidence? How have you handled the Puritan taboos? How far would you go to have a bigger penis?


I am willing to take on some risk. I think the reward outweighs the risk, so I forge on.

We new guys have an advantage because we can learn from those who have been on the journey for some time. We can leverage from their experience (you, Thunder, Lil, etc).

Puritan taboos? I don’t think I have any.

Confidence? I am keeping a real open mind and trying to learn as I go. Those that read my post know that I am taking it slow and if something hurts or just does not make sense, I stop.

How far would I go for a bigger penis? Well, I’m doing things I thought I would never do (PE exercises), I have spent a considerable amount of money on equipment and contributions to Thunder and Lil…I think I would go even further, and probably will. I am willing to do the work.

Some gains would be nice. Hope I don’t have to wait too long.


be back soon


Great thread! You already know a lot of my history. I, like you, am “going for it”. I have had great results so far. I get bummed about my flaccids as they range from 3.5 to 5.5 inches. Then I think - “Hey, before PE I had 1 -3 inch flaccids (sometimes even less than 1 if that is possible)”. I have determined that I am a “Grower”. Maybe at some point I will become a “Shower” as well. I have settled into a PE rhythm that seems to be working - (4 hours per day hanging and about 4 jelq sessions per week). I am adding a little pumping too as an experiment. I am trying to get the tunica to stretch more (the ligs are stretching OK - in fact, they are quite sore right now). The fear is gone in my mind - replaced by diligence and careful observation. Each month the flaccid stretch goes out a bit farther. I still fight little problems such as fluid under the head, but I still maintain the rhythm.

Started at 5.5 - now at 7.7.

Thanks for helping me through this process.

Jelktoid :trash: More meat for the money!

Well Said Bib....

I had a very similar epiphany. My sex life was next to nothing with the wifes work and kids and our drifting inperceptably apart over time. I started PE almost 3 years ago. I have made modest gains and yet I am still in for the long haul as the increases are slow but steady. I had a nasty thrombosed vein which threw me into a cautious mode— the vein has healed and not returned.

More importantly, PE reactivated my testosterone and libido (most of you are feeling this also, I can read the levels increasing in the posts). PE made me horny as hell, which scared my wife and her routine into rejection city and me into anger rages. Things are just now beginning to calm down and improve for us.

Along with PE I also began an excersize program that has transformed me physically and mentally in a very positive way.

I think all men go through big time sensitivty and insecure moments and major changes when ones experiences trigger the “is that all there is” notion. I can tell you honestly, this is normal and necessary for growth. Shaking up my marriage was a huge risk. And I fully expected that one of us would leave. But my love has become much stronger and the horizon looks better. Her love for me is different and I think may turn out better than ever. Damn this has been a tough ride. Not a pretty picture. I know that I speak for many men. If anyone is enduring a tough sell with your spouse since PE euphoria, talk to me.

Thanks again Bib, for some great advise—you were right!!!!

Good topic

>So, what are your thoughts on the fear of PE-hanging, and your stance on the risk reward relationship? What is your level of confidence? How have you handled the Puritan taboos? How far would you go to have a bigger penis?<

“I’m listening to my body.” I’m learning what this means, and learning to listen. I think if one does this and practices some common sense and not let their enthusiasm get the best of them, I think a lot of the little B.S. injuries can be avoided.

Fear OF PE-Hanging?

Never really had any. Always been an open-minded, anything is possible type, individual since I can remember. When I read about BIB and other big gainers that sealed the deal for me. I though to myself, “there is no way these guys got it and I can’t do it too.” As BIB, and others can see by now, I have an extremist personality…meaning, all or nothing.

I’ve already had my 1st injury. A bruised nerve, or whatever. This could of been avoided, had I been more cautious.

Risk, reward?

What isn’t worth getting a bigger dick? I mean considering you will e safe and effective in the process. I am and will continue to go all out until I have what I want, and know what I am capable of.


I am confident PE works and Confident I will get it.

I believe one should lay their nuts on the table and stake their goals. “I will not stop until I get the biggest dick possible that will satisfy me.” Im shooting for about 9-10 length and 6 on girth, and the longest flaccid possible.

I’m so glad I found this place. I know some prefer jeqing, and manual stretching, but I’m a born hanger…it was made for me.

Guys, I fucking love this place…..

Nuff said.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

One more thing.....

I mean come on, if you only get to go around once in life, why not go around with a 10 inch dick??!!! (I’m getting mine……) I love this place……

Ok, I’m done, I promise.

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Fear??? You bet, the fear of injury offset by the fear of having a small penis. I was MORE afraid of the embarrasment of a small penis than any calculated risk. I believe this is why so many men actually risk SURGERY.

Like yourself, when I happened upon a report I considered credible SOUNDING… I decided to try. My gains have been very modest but VERY real. I have had sex with 3 women this year and the first one I could not even FIT my entire penis in!!!! That is with a 4.8x5.5”nbp (6.75bp) size. I push hard on the back of my current girlfriends vagina and she says “not another centimeter” :D In fact, she claims I am BIGGER than average :D I said that certainly she had this feeling before and she said NO!! I gotta say… this feels great.

Now, in all fairness, I have a Bib starter and am very glad I do. BUT, I cannot attribute any of my gains to hanging yet as I have been sporadic and rarely hang even an hour a day. But, as an engineer, I believe in the process and just need to find enough time to get myself another inch or so :)

Now, sometime back I told my longtime buddy about PE. Of course he acted like he didn’t need it. Anyway, after I had an amazing sex marathon with my current GF that I could ONLY contibute to PE… I had to tell him. He wanted this website immediately! Was bullshitting with him the other day and I said I would pay $5000 for another inch, he snapped back that he would pay $50,000… such is the desire apparentely 90% of men have to own a big weapon, car, boat, house, DICK!!!

As far as religeous or moral reasons for or against PE, it never crossed my mind. I did (and still do) feel somewhat self concious about spending so much time dicking with my dick! But, “nothing from nothing”.

BTW, unlike apparently most on this board I have told 4 GF and several buddies about PE. The women because I am still amazed to be doing them with my NEW dick and can’t keep my mouth shut. My buddies because if one of them knew about PE and didn’t tell me I would be SERIOUSLY pissed. Like womens breasts… we need to get over it. I am NOT worried about every guy out there getting a bigger dick and therefore leaving me statistically where I started. Heck, everyone knows about weight training, most men want big muscles, but how many put in the effort? Gotta be persistant. I would guess less than 20% of men would actually put in enough effort to actually gain if PE was a household subject.

Oh yeah, it has been awhile since I have contributed here. I want to thank everyone for their posts and ESPECIALLY Bib for his priceless contribution to our “secret” cause.


I actually told my best friend about PE and hanging….I mean we can talk about shit like that, we got a real relationship.

I convinced him to buy a BIB, and we gotta contest to see who will gain the most in the fastest time.

Share the wealth…..

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

Well I was at first concerned about damaging myself. We are wonderfully and carefully made. Morally and physically I started thinking about it and the way weight lifting and lifters develop them selves. And theres nothing wrong with that. I still use that to justify my PE. I am a man of morales and foundation and do not let myself or things get in the way of what is right . I put this venture aside for my kids and wife often. One thing that does bother me is at times when I did’nt see results I got self conscious about my size and all sorts of competition and comparisons start going through my head. Thats one reason I am glad there is a board like this. It makes me realize I am or was Normal! As for me I am willing to put much endurance and effort into this. I have that kind of personality. I am a perfectionist in a constructive way. I DO feel this is a constructive thing for me especially being married and not spoiling possibly others marriages by giving a woman something her husband possibly will never give her. That would make me upset as a spouse…..I am glad I please my wife and would have it no other way. She works hard to please me and my children…. Now Let me return your question Bib with a question. Would you do It all over again? Was it worth it? Is the sex that much better? What would you say to me if I was going to just say its too much effort?


>Would you do It all over again? Was it worth it? Is the sex that much better?<

For me?, Oh hell yes. Not just the sex. The playing around between us, the jokes, the bulge, sexual confidence, and many other things. But then, I did not put that much actual sacrificed time into it. My hanging was all done while working. I sacrificed a hell of a lot more time in making hangers.

>What would you say to me if I was going to just say its too much effort?<

Nothing, because it may be too much time for you or anybody else. It was not for me. Even if I did not work at home, I still would have done it after I realized it was possible. Either surfing, reading, or watching TV, I would have arranged my schedule to do it. Maybe not quite as quick on the gains, but I would have gotten there.

This is one of the few times in my life, I can say what I ended up with was better than I thought it would be.

Now, if you want to talk about whether developing and making the hangers was worth it, that is another story.



>Now, if you want to talk about whether developing and making the hangers was worth it, that is another story.<

BIB, I can’t even believe you would say some shit like this. If you can’t see that the hanger is truly a blessing to every man on here that has used it or will use it, I don’t know what else to tell you.

I could understand why you might say it, because lack of feedback, or time issues, but come on I use it almost every day, and if I’m not using it, I’m thinking about using it. In short, I don’t know what I would do with out it, and I’m sure the others feel the same. I already convinced my friend to get one, he feels the same.

I mean, the possibility that the hanger brings is that people might reach their goals safely and without surgery…

All I can do is share the wealth and pass it on. Besides that, nothing I can do or say can ever express the way I feel about the hanger, so we’ll just leave it that. Change that attitude…

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."


Gem of a post you have here. I was intrigued by your comment regarding being raised in a Puritan environment and all its taboos. I come from a similar backgroung and my soul and I still wrestle with the Puritan taboos. I carry a fair amount of guilt regarding my secret PE activities. Secret, because my wife comes from the same background—even more conservative. I’d like to hear more of your experiences and thoughts on this subject.

J Meister "Building a phallus worthy of worship."

J Meister,

you don’t come from more purist background then me. I am involved in a church, where they would think I’m like way out there to say the least. Most would think I’m in sin. It is a gray area to most….. I do this to better my self. I started thinking about it and the way weight lifting and lifters develop them selves. And theres nothing wrong with that. I still use that to justify my PE. As long as it doesn’t OWN you like anything else. We must be in control. The relationship I have with my wife is I told here UP FRONT what I wanted and tactfully showed her, and she should justify it like weight lifting. Now she is happy to let me do it. It is for US.


>BIB, I can’t even believe you would say some shit like this. If you can’t see that the hanger is truly a blessing to every man on here that has used it or will use it, I don’t know what else to tell you. <

Well, sorry. When I started this thing, I was only going to make some for the guys on the old old PEforum board. No big deal. hehe. Well, it turned out to be a hell of a long time and a lot of money coming up with something most guys could use. Then, coming up with a way to multiple produce them. Then, those few guys turned into hundreds.

If I did not think I was helping, I would have stopped a long time ago. There is a reason many of the PE devices cost hundreds of dollars. Hindsight.


>I was intrigued by your comment regarding being raised in a Puritan environment and all its taboos. I come from a similar backgroung and my soul and I still wrestle with the Puritan taboos. <

Well, I was raised in a rural, religious setting. The kind that would have stoned Elvis in the fifties. It is not simply religion etc, but more of a mindset. On the plus side, it surely helped keep me out of trouble. But some of the stuff simply is overboard.

Over the years, I had to learn on my own that there is nothing wrong with the human body. All of it. It is a wondrous thing. In fact, my wife and I both kind of grew up together in this regard. Now, there is almost nothing we could not share.

I truly believe that if it does not hurt yourself or someone else, there is nothing wrong with anything you might do to your body. You know, some of the things I was taught about the Bible at an early age, simply do not exist. Many Judeo-Christian rules were simply made up by man and passed on generation to generation. They have no Biblical foundation. Today, if you told a collection of ‘men of God’ about PE, many of them would find fault. But not one of them would be able to give a Biblical reference for a PE prohibition.

Don’t get me wrong, I think that clothing, seperate restrooms for men and women, prohibitions against public nudity, etc are all for the public good. I agree with it. But many of the things that have been taught about our own private bodies is just wrong.

Funny, you always have to wash your hands after going to the bathroom and touching ‘it’. First, urine is usually sterile, and second, I learned early not to pee on my hands. Why wash? Nevermind.

Anyway, I think I am about over most of the crushing guilt trips associated with this stuff. Research can do a hell of a lot of good.

>I carry a fair amount of guilt regarding my secret PE activities. Secret, because my wife comes from the same background—even more conservative. <

Well, mine did also. It took me about six months to work up the courage to bring PE out in the open. I just did not like hiding something from her, knew she would understand, but just had to find the right timing and setting to tell her. It’s all good.

Sorry for the ramble.



No ramble..all good stuff

I think most of us are still in “hiding,” and struggling with values, etc. On one hand I think PE is great, I mean self-improvement exactly where I want it. Then, on the other hand I think I am a very vain bastard, how dare I not be satisfied with what I have?But I always compare it to weightlifting. Then you have to worry about people judging you as the “big dick” once you get it, kinda like if you’ve ever had a muscular body people assume you’re an asshole or a “player/womanizer”, but I’m used to it and I’m like fuck ‘em I’m gonna have my body the way I want it for me and no one else…

I’m glad you and your family understand what you’re doing/did.
Mine simply would never understand. They think too small and close-minded.

Only one person even knows about PE and that is my best friend. It’s funny how sometimes you become closer to people that aren’t even in your family…

OH well, there is my ramble…

"The world is a one way mirror. What they see, is what you see. What do you want people to see?" Women. If you're going to swing...swing for the fucking fences. "The reasonable man insists on adapting to the world. The unreasonable man persists on having the world adapt to him. Therefore, all progress in the world is made by the unreasonable man." "Success is not a surprise."

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