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First day hanging with Bibhanger-did I do anything wrong??


First day hanging with Bibhanger-did I do anything wrong??

I hung for the first time today with the bibhanger. I hung for 15min. only with 9lbs. I had to take it off after 15min. because it was killing the head of my dick. And after taking it off I had some dickhead swelling in one area that went away after 5 min., but it scared me. Also, had some swelling under the head as well.

Here is what I did: I wrapped my dick with the theraband, then I placed my dick in the hanger, closest to the base (although when I started hanging the weight it (the bibhanger slipped down a bit pinching the head). Question: Am I supposed to use the theraband like that or what exactly is the theraband for?

Question: Is the head of my dick suppossed to hang out the front or is it supposed to be IN the hanger?


Also, how long should I hang for good results?

Hey tbigur,

Start with something that weights 1 or 2 pounds. Not 9 pounds. Even if you have hung 9 pounds with a different type of hanger in the past, it is way too much until you know what you are doing.

Read the wrapping instructions thread here, check out lil’s Wrapping thread in the Tutorials Forum.
And now that you have the hanger, go back and read the Product Guide on Bib’s website. Read it a couple of times, read it while you are hanging. Give your dick (you only have one, so take care of it) time to get used to the hanger and also time for you to get the wrapping and adjustm,ents down correctly. Taking the time to learn how to hang correctly will not be time wasted. It will help prevent future injuries and lead to more productive hang sessions. You want the hang sessions to be productive right?? :)

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I haven’t used the bib hanger, although from what everyone posts about it I would if I could afford it, but I do hang quite a bit with heavy weights. First off, 9 lbs is WAY too much to start off with. I would start at 2 1/2 lbs, just to be safe, maybe even 1 lb. See how it feels. Add small (1 lb to 2 1/2 lb) increments until you reach a weight that feels comfortable. For the first month I would just go for a very light stress in the penis, almost unnoticeable. I wouldn’t expect to go above 5 lbs by the end of the first month. Then slowly, keep increasing by adding 2 1/2 lbs every week or two. No matter how tempted you are to load on the pounds quickly, stay with that weeks set poundage for a week or two, add 2 1/2 lbs, and keep it at that weight for another week or two, etc. As you increase the pounds, say above 12 1/2 lbs., extend the time before adding more weight to two or three weeks. Next, NEVER attach the hanger above the middle of the shaft. For heavier poundages always attach at the base. Even with this, it will ride up your shaft so it almost rests against your head. My rule of thumb is anything below 15 lbs. can get attached mid-shaft, or at the base. Anything over 15 lbs. ALWAYS gets attached at the base. No exceptions. Next, I have found anytime I hang for over 10 minutes I risk injury no matter what the weight. Again, my rule of thumb is 15 lbs. or under, ten minute hang max, with a five to ten minute break, anything over 15 lbs., five minute hang, with a two to five minute rest, then another five minute hang. Many guys commonly hang for 15 or 20 minute sets, but I always get blistering and fluid build-up when I do that. Next, I’ve found that keeping the wrap 1 1/2” to 2” below your head, and letting your skin ride up and overlap your head, rather than the wrap, reduces blistering and damage to the head. Finally, PATIENCE, PATIENCE, PATIENCE!!! PE takes a long time to work. Months. Years. But it does work. And I’ve found hanging to be the safest and best route to gains. It contributes to firmer erections, and really adds girth to the base. In fact, my only injuries due to hanging have been blistering/fluid build-up, and a slightly thrombosed vein, in the beginning, due to trying to hang too much weight, too soon, for too long a time, too close to the head, with an inadequate home-made (self-designed) hanger. And without wrap to boot. Good luck.

I forgot to add, that even now, after two years of hanging, and using poundages up to 25 lbs., I don’t start a session at 25 lbs. I start every session at five pounds, hang for a few minutes, and then add 2 1/2 lbs and hang a few more minutes, and keep doing that until I get to 17 1/2 or 20 lbs., then I do a few sets at that weight, increase by 2 1/2 lbs, do a few more sets at that weight. So it takes me a good twenty or 30 minutes just to get to my target weight, then I hang at that weight for a half hour or so (with breaks every five minutes).

Thanks Daomun

Thanks Daomun. I’ll start with lower weight. Also, the theraband sticks to my penis skin and kinda hurts when I pull it off. Somewhere I read that I should apply thin acewrap 1rst then apply the theraband. Also, are you stating that I should apply the theraband away from the head closer to the base?

I pump as well and after I hang I will pump for a 1/2 hr. The first time I did the hanging thing I was able to pump up about 1/4 cm longer. So I will try this routine.


Hey tbigur,

Daomun is using a different type of hanger. You are using a Bib. Follow the directions that Bigger took so dam much of his time to write and you will do fine. And notice the point in both of our replies, 9 pounds is way too much for you to start out with.

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I agree with Thunder - follow the directions that came with your bib hanger. My comments are observations and guidelines about hanging in general, and mostly apply to my own personal experiences - and I don’t use the bib hanger. Although that’s not because I don’t think it’s good. I personally think it is probably the best one around. And I really appreciate his instructions on how to make a home-made version. Thanks Bib. As far as the wrapping - I used to wrap from right behind the head, but changed it based on the drawings Bib posted here - which showed it held back an inch from the head. It made a great improvement on my blistering problem, and when I hold it back an inch and a half, it’s even better. But I have very loose skin, that really bunches up. The wrap riding over my head was not a good thing for me. I think the key to hanging is the wrap - I’ve never tried Theraband, but I was just about to order some based on Bib’s recommendation when I stumbled on a self-adhering ace bandage that has been working great for me. So I’ve held off on the Theraband for now. I had tried using rubber from a swim cap for many, many months, but it always stuck to my skin and stung like hell when I took it off. It also really constricted and squeezed my shaft. I’ve also tried the elastic band from underwear, and cotton shirts. The Ace bandage works the best so far. If the wrap is sticking/stinging try using some baby powder before you wrap. I got that tip off this board too - in fact, I think it was you Thunder who posted that recently. It works. The thing to remember, is start out light, and slowly work your way up to heavier weights. And follow the directions!

Good information Daemun, I never thought about your concept about hanging heavy weights, but it makes sense. Ive been hanging between 15 and 18 lbs and when i attach the hanger below mid point, I always end up with the hanger resting on the head and with heavy weights it does make sense to hang closer to the base. Could some of you experience hangers please comment on this point. I basically do the same thing that you do, and that is I start of with about 5lbs and as my dick adjust to the weight, i add more weight until I reach my maximum weight, which normally happens on my third set of hanging. I have been hanging 20 - 25 mins set, followed by 5min jelking and 5 min squeezes. No problems so far, but I will start hanging mid point and above for the heavier sets. Thanks for the input.

The hanger I’m using now is the flattened pvc hanger off of Tom Hubbard’s site. It works great! Thanks Tom. What I like about it is it does not constrict the entire penis, so you always have some blood flow. Plus it has been very good at staying on with heavy weights, without a dangerous amount of pressure. The hanger I was using that I “designed” I stopped using because I felt it was cutting off too much blood flow during use, especially at anything over 15 pounds. And at heavy weights you really had to cinch it down to keep it from slipping. So I don’t recommend it. Although at lighter weights it worked very well. It was made from a Proflex specialty coupling I picked out at Home Depot for about $3.00 It is a thin metal “tube”, about 2” long, that slides by itself as you tighten down the two hose clamps, one on each end, that secure it. I think it is supposed to be used to secure two hoses or pvc pipes together. But I’m not sure - I just saw it and thought “Wow, that would make a perfect hanger”. I got it over-sized enough that I could pad it with pipe insulation. It also came with a thin rubber insert that fit into the interior. So it was pretty well padded, and protected my penis from getting pinched by the metal as it spiraled around to tighten down. I just slipped a cord under one of the hose clamps and hung an s hook from it. It actually worked pretty slick, was fast to put on and take off, and was very comfortable, I used it for about a year and a half. It just required too much pressure to stay on at heavy weights. And I am very leery of cinching down a tourniquet around my willy and cutting off the blood flow for 20 minutes, or even 10. Or even 5. Tom’s pvc hanger is much better for heavy weights.

Yes, I tried it without the foam pipe insulation insert. It did reduce slippage a little bit, but it was too uncomfortable. Even without the foam padding, to keep the thing on with 20 lbs hanging off of it was nearly impossible. I’d crank down the hose clamps so tight it hurt - not a good thing. I was just about to make a home-made bib hanger when I thought I’d give Tom’s flattened pvc hanger a try, since I had all the materials on hand. I had tried his similar design with round sticks and it did not work at all for me. To hang heavy weights required so much pressure, and the round shape concentrated way too much pressure, like the difference between wheels and a track on heavy equipment. Wheeled vehicles will compact the soil a lot more than a track - that’s why bulldozer’s and tanks have tracks, so their weight is evenly spread out and they don’t sink into the ground. Anyway, the round stick hanger slipped right off with heavy weights. The flat one stays on with half the pressure I’m used too. I highly recommend it.


>I hung for 15min. only with 9lbs. I had to take it off after 15min. because it was killing the head of my dick.<

The other guys are correct. Nine pounds is way too much for your first set. Start at two to three and learn what the hanger will do.

> And after taking it off I had some dickhead swelling in one area that went away after 5 min., but it scared me. Also, had some swelling under the head as well. <

This sounds as if the wrap was way too tight. Either that or the hanger was not tight enough, since you had too much pressure on the head. Wrap loose, hanger tight.

>Question: Is the head of my dick suppossed to hang out the front or is it supposed to be IN the hanger?<

Out the front.

>Also, the theraband sticks to my penis skin and kinda hurts when I pull it off. Somewhere I read that I should apply thin acewrap 1rst then apply the theraband. <

Use baby powder, talc not corn starch, on the Theraband to help keep from sticking. Ace bandage might be a little rough. You can use any soft elastic cloth for an underwrap.

>Also, are you stating that I should apply the theraband away from the head closer to the base?<

Start the wrap at least one inch behind the head. Look at the lil wrap tut, and/or the wrapping thread at teh top of this forum.

The closer you place the hanger toward the base, the more likely you are to only stretch skin. The closer to the head, the more likely you will be to stretch the internal structures.


Daomun, seeing that you’ve been hanging for over 2 years and also with alot of weight, do you mind sharing your increases and also the time frame it took you? This sort of information motivates us who are just starting out. Thanks.

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