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First hanging session

First hanging session

In my first hanging session I just hung 2.5 lbs. For a total of 18 min.

I went for eight, then I felt it get a cold tingle, so I stopped, unwrapped, took a 10 min break, and then started again. This time I hung 2.5 lbs. For 10 min. I did it using the wench and straight down. I would have done longer but privacy was an issue today.

You had enough sense to stop when you noticed things getting cold, that says a lot. There is nothing wrong with what you are doing, you must monitor what is going on and adjust accordingly.

Also, immediately after I took it off, I seen some blueish/purple discoloration for about a min. Or two. Is this normal?

I would say so, especially after it left after a minute or two. Keep in mind that discoloration will set in more permanently the more you hang, or at least that’s how it worked out for me hanging 4-6 hours a day. I have to admit that I have no experience with the Wench.

Alright. How long did your discoloration last?

Ohh, I still have it to this day and I haven’t hung any since Oct or Nov ‘04. I doesn’t bother me at all, I’m not entering a beauty contest. If it concerns you, there are some threads on preventing discoloration from smarter guys than me. Discoloration was the least of my concerns, but I understand why some don’t like it.

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