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Frenchy's hanger

Cool thanks :)

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Very nice job!!

I don’t have a heat gun but could you use a propane torch instead? Just hit the pvc pipe with the torch a little, just enough to get the bends right? Also, I have some aquarium sealant handy do you think that would work in place of silicone sealer on the inside?

The rest looks like fairly easy to make with stuff I have on hand.



I’ve try the propane thing but it have not work for me the only thing i’ve had is my pvc pipe burning and a really bad odour. The pvc is pretty hard to bend, i have tried boiled water, oven, propane torch ,without any good results. The better way is to use a hot gun, you may try to loan it, or find someone of your family or friends that have one. You will need it less than 10 minutes and it’s not a cheap tool :(
For the aquarium sealant it’s only basic silicone with less dangerous products than in the normal one, so it will surely work , you will have to test :) But if it doesn’t you can remove it from the piece of pvc and try another one :D

And yes, make your own hanger is pretty easy.

Hope this helps


I made one!

Hey Frenchy,

Thought I’d like to let you know I made the hanger from the pics and tried it last night. It was tough heating the tubing and getting the bends just right but finally worked out. I bought a heat gun for $21.00 at Walmart on Friday, used it on Saturday to make the thing, then returned it on Sunday for a full refund.

Anyway, the silicone is a great trick for gripping!! The hanger works great but I believe it could stand to be a little bigger in dia for me.. maybe use 1.5” pipe instead of 1.25”.

A while back I made the AFB hanger using some aluminum but it didin’t work at all. I’m having trouble trying to figure out just how you are suppose to use this device though. I use to use the Grip which pulls from the head and I got a real good stretch with it. But the Grip isn’t consistant/reliable every time.

But this hanger pulls from the shaft and I don’t seem to feel the stretch that way like I did from the Grip pulling from the head, only pressure to the head from the hanger.

I’ve read alot about the Bib hanger and like this design cause it dosen’t use the silicone sleeves that plauge the Grip… ie, the home brew grips the same every time, the Grip don’t.

Anyway, are you suppose to feel pressure in the head like that? I’ve heard of guys hanging 15-17 lbs using the Bib but I can’t understand for the life of me how that’s done. It looks like the pressure in the head would make it explode.

I used only 4-5 lbs last night and the skin at the base was pulling like crazy but the head pressure wasn’t to bad. Can you offer any advice on how to use this hanger correctly? Should I just keep using it over time and just get use to it??

I sure would appreciate it!



I bought a heat gun for $21.00 at Walmart on Friday, used it on Saturday to make the thing, then returned it on Sunday for a full refund.

- :D

Anyway, the silicone is a great trick for gripping!! The hanger works great but I believe it could stand to be a little bigger in dia for me.. maybe use 1.5” pipe instead of 1.25”.

- It always depends on people, can i ask you what are your measurements (flacid girth)?

Anyway, are you suppose to feel pressure in the head like that? I’ve heard of guys hanging 15-17 lbs using the Bib but I can’t understand for the life of me how that’s done. It looks like the pressure in the head would make it explode.

- Did you remove the blood from the head when you close your hanger. Some people can not handle that during hanging. I love the feeling of pressure when i have some blood in the glans( but maybe am i a little masochist ;) ).

I used only 4-5 lbs last night and the skin at the base was pulling like crazy but the head pressure wasn’t to bad. Can you offer any advice on how to use this hanger correctly? Should I just keep using it over time and just get use to it??

- Are you using wrap? Did you pull your skin back before closing the hanger? Did you have some slippage, if you have some slippage try to make the hanger tighter. To close the hanger i act like that: I remove a lot of blood from my head (by pressing on the glans ), i pull the skin back, then i wrap (just with a piece of shirt) I put the hanger on (one inch before the glans) , put the wingnuts and begin to close them, then i remove again some blood and close the hanger until i feel a really light pain on the shaft, after that i put the weight on and enjoy :D (i currently hang 12 pounds ( al ittle more in fact because my weights are not in pounds) without any problems. Last advice make the hanger a little tighter once you have put the weights on.

Hope this help


Frenchy...great answers!

Yeap, it helps. That’s what I needed, some step by step help.

I’ll try to answer your questions in order.

Flaccid Girth: Last check, 4.75”

No, I didn’t remove the blood from the head when close the hanger.
I’ve read you need to do that , I will try that.

Yes, I’m using a wrap.

I’m using a sports wrap, ouch! It’s all i have at the moment and need to get some Theraband.

I didin’t pull the skin back before closing the hanger.

But that seems hard to do since the wrapping keeps the skin in place. I now realize I need to stretch out my pecker first, then do the wrapping. I was just wrapping mid-shaft flaccid, then pull the skin forward, then spiral down from there. But I think that is wrong. I went by the wrapping drawings in the hangers forum. Is that right or wrong??


Actually there is very little slippage that occurs once i thghten the wingnuts.

From reading how you attach your hanger I can see I’ve been doing some things wrong and need to address those areas.

Frenchy, do you like the size and fit of the hanger at 1.25” pvc tubing?
To me it seems a tad small and I’m thinking of makeing another one using 1.5” pvc with plenty of silicone padding. I don’t take the wingnuts off the hanger, just the top one and go thru the device from the back pulling the head to the front but head size is a little snug going thru, then tighten everything.

I have to say you have certainly addressed all the questions I had about using this type hanger. This was just what I needed to straighten me out on how to to use it.

Let me know what you think about a larger size hanger and any other advice.

Thanks for the help. I’ll print your post to go by.



Hey you never posted that new pic Frenchy.

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

Question to the hanger innovators. On the inside of the hanger, are you applying silicone as the padding? Have you tried other materials?


Yes the wrapping drawing are correct, the only thing i have change is that i prefer to make it quite tight (you have to adjust it to your preferences).
I use a piece of cloth or a bandage (like the one you use if you hurt yourself).

For me the 1.25” tubing is good, but you have a some solutions to make it fit you well
-Put less padding (in the one i use each half of the hanger is full of silicone but with your girth you may need to put less silicone)
-Use longer screw (this way you could increase the internal width)
-Use 1.5” tubing

I know but for the moment i can’t because i have give it to my girlfriend’s parents for their holiday.

Yes the padding is made of silicone. I have already try different kind of silicone (especially one where you can change the elasticity) and foam but i’m still looking for the perfect padding. The padding that Bib use for his hangers looks great but i have never found what it is exactly. But if someone have ideas about differents padding feel free to answer :)


Yo Frenchy haven’t heard from ya in a while. Is everything ok?

<------- You likey?

If you don't take the time to do the PE exercises how do you expect to gain? The fairy godmother of PE?

So what is the max this thing can hold?


Is there any way you can list the exact materials use, and the exact steps used in making this hanger.. Looks great and I’ve seen a few around that are very similar and seem to work great.I have stated in other threads I just can’t seem to get the afb or the capt.wch to stay put with many derivations of wrapping and clampling.I’m using about 8-9 lbs. But can’t increase yet because the pressure on my head from the hangers I’m using is too great to withstand. Your hanger, ten by seven, and tryn4more all seem to have the closest version of the BIB, which I cannot afford right if you or anyone else out there has the time to explain how to make a BIB clone I’d appreciate it


Neat rig, thanks for the post


Tiger, you might want to check out Piet’s hanger for more ideas. If you make a hanger out of PVC use several layers on each side to make it more rigid. 2 layers of schedule 40 PVC might be enough. 3 would be better.

Also, don’t build in a curve, or at least not much of one. The sides should be | | not ( ). The less rigid the hanger, the more important it is to not start out with a curve because the sides will flex into one when you tighten. See what I mean here. Those used to be flat.


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