Fulcrum Hanging
I’ve read through some of the threads on fulcrum hanging. I tried it today for the first time and I liked it, but wasn’t sure exactly how to determine if I was fatigued or not? I was also wondering if it was ok to lean to one side or the other, as my scrotum gets pulled up a bit when I’m in the hanger as my skin comes up around the head nearly covering the glans. I also noticed that if I moved to the left a bit there would be a “rolling” feeling, and it made me slightly nervous as it wasn’t all too comfortable.
I was wondering about the placement of the fulcrum as well. I noticed if I rolled the pole forward a bit I could feel the tunica being pulled out a bit more, similar to SO. I moved my legs up creating a higher angle and I couldn’t feel much at all. I was using five lbs to experiment with today, so maybe it’s getting into a groove and continued experimentation.
Anyone with experience who could offer pointers would be much appreciated. I really think fulcrum hanging is what I need to finish out my length work.