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Gains at an older age


Gains at an older age

I am 49 now and checking back on my post history here it looks like I got into PE more than 20yrs ago. l hope the old cats like ludvadus and dino are still around.

Looks like I never recorded stats but I can recollect that before PE I was at around 5.75 inches in length. I mentioned I gained a little over a 1/2 inch so lets call it 6.3 inches. After a period of maybe 3 months here I lost motivation and never got that back albeit I would have done maybe a month or two worth of jelqing between age 27 and 49.

Now, around about the fall of 2024 I started up again and this time around I have been doing some variation of hanging, stretching and jelqing with my time commitment and weights used for hanging going up. When I started up I would have been around 6.3-6.4. I remember being surprised cos I had not done PE really with any degree of effort since 2003/2004. I put it down to maybe taking mk677 and GH over the years cos for sure, I think other parts of me grew too, I think I also added close to an inch to my height and my head definitely got a bit of the barry bonds look now lol

Anyway cos I am only really looking at gains of an inch, even though I can now record 6.8/6.9 BPEL my goal is to have a legit 7 inches NBPEL so I am probably 0.75 inches off there.

I am going to work hard at the hanging this month aiming to hang 10kg for around 3hrs over the course of a week. Plus jelqing for 20-30min 3x a week, and edging for 2-4hrs at a time 3x a week. What would be realistic for someone to gain in a month/3 months with this type of plan?

With PE I’ve had to generally think in years, not months as I’m working towards my goals. I’ve seen patterns over time as I log things.. Just my opinion based on my experience, the most I gain in good months are 1/8" BPFSL and 1/10" BPEL, and it can be higher during newbie routine phase, and it can often be lower as you spend more years in PE.

I think it’s reasonable to gain 1" of length in a year — I can’t speak to girth though. Some claim (and perhaps have) gained faster than that, it just hasn’t been my experience after years of PE.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

I’ve also often had periods of up to 5-6 months with no gains, then sudden big jumps in gains. Being consistent is #1 the most important thing in my experience.

then: 6" BPEL, 4.88" MSEG, 4.88" BEG

now: 7.625" BPEL, 5.5" MSEG, 6.5" BEG

Welcome (back) to PE davetherave, and as a old guy who has "found" PE again over the last 5 years, I say go for it! I would say it makes sense to start back up with a few things. First document your stats now (Thunders still has a nice spot for that or you can keep it off line if you’d rather-plenty of spreadsheets out there for free) but it’s still important. That way you can track even the slightest changes. Then start a plan and stay consistent. I have found I have my best gains have come when I’ve been able to stay consistent with a certain routine over a certain set amount of time. Then you can always change in a month or two if you see no changes. That said, I wouldn’t jump into just hanging right off the bat. Try starting a "newbie" manual exercise routine or look into a mix of manuals or an ADS first. There are so many more tools and devices to try out and things to do versus what existed when we started 20 years ago. I would be careful and work your way back up if you hang; just don’t shock hang a bunch of weight if you have been away from it for a while. That said, stay patient and positive, but that .75" should be no problem as long as you don’t set an unrealistic expectation to get there, but don’t get discouraged and you’ll be there before you know it!

Starting Stats - 2003- BPEL 6.5" x MSEG 4.5"

Restarting Stats -2021 - BPEL 7.25" x MSEG 5.5"

Current - BPEL 7.9"xMSEG 5.6" Goal - BPEL 8.5" x MSEG 6"

Last edited by etb76 : 03-06-2025 at .

You’re in good company here. I had the same experience as you, having done my first bout of PE at age 37. I gained from 5.75 BPEL to 6.5 BPEL in about 6 months. I took ten years off and lost most of my gains. I started back at age 47 from 6 BPEL and in 2 1/2 years, I’ve gained 1.75 inches in length and about .5 inches in girth using an extender and water pump routine. So, at age 49, my lifetime gain is 2 inches BPEL. I’m currently 7.75 BPEL X 5.5 MSEG, 6 BEG and around 7.25 NBPEL.

You can gain just fine at your age. It just takes patience and persistence. I’m going for 8 Plus. I’ve definitely slowed down, but I’m still creeping forward.

Also, going from average to what statistics consider "huge", is really fun. It’s worth the effort.

Not that I know anything but based on the reading I’ve done here the folks that do not gain anything are the ones who use too much load too soon.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

I started in my late 60s and after five years had gained over 1/2” in erect girth and length. Over following 10 years or so, gained another 1/2” and 1/4” respectively.

Start 11/09 BPEL: 5.5", EG: 4.4"

Current. BPEL: 6:4", EG: 5.5"

I started PE at 75 & grew about 1.5" during 4+ years of record keeping. I slacked off after some reduction in gains, but my experience has been positive. If it’s still fun, do it!

Stone phallus totem in Formosa Aboriginal Cultural Village

Hey guys it’s good to hear from you, I was thinking I was the only older guy here and was expecting to hear I’d be lucky to maintain let alone grow at this age.

Average Fella - would be interested to see what your routine looks like?

How do you guys manage when you have spells where it’s difficult to be as consistent due to outside commitments which limit time or need you to just generally rest more?

For me, right now work has been busy but my workout routine has me squatting heavy 3x a week and at the end of the day it makes it hard to do more work (I wanna crash out mostly when I’d have done PE before)

One thing I read here years ago was this paper which I saw mentioned here The Holy Grail of PE is found!!! (p. 4)

https://patenti … 050065159A1.pdf

Did anyone try any of these approaches? Specifically use of prostaglandins to effect size increases?

I think Squatting 3 times a week at 49 unless you’re on gear is too much.

Big cock, tight abs, fit body, strong mind.

@davetherave. I’ve stuck with a consistent extender routine for the last 2 years. My routine is simple. I stretch in my extender about 3 times a week for 2-4 hours. I follow that up with a Bathmate session for 15 minutes. I then wear a silicone anti-turtling sleeve for several hours afterward, keeping my penis extended at its max flaccid length which is about 7.5 inches (when it fills with blood, I get an additional .25 inches). This routine has given me a consistent growth over my PE career.

Don’t be afraid to take days off. As you can see, I’ve gotten great results with minimum effort. This helped me to make PE a long-term commitment.

At this point, I’m just looking for another .25 in length and girth. I’ll stick to this routine until that happens.

Originally Posted by Buckfever
I think Squatting 3 times a week at 49 unless you’re on gear is too much.

Russian Squat Program Review: The Pros and The Cons

That’s the program. I’ve actually only run it on gear historically but this time I’m natural. I take a lot of supplements to help with recovery but I’ve adapted it a little and it’s probably working better for me now than it did when I’d get results in the past with it (no injuries, the bar is moving faster now on sets of 6x6 than it was doing doubles 3 weeks ago - I use a VBT device to track that so it’s not guesswork).

Getting older does mean making some changes to my workout routine for sure, compared to what I’d have done before on this, I’m being conservative so none of the sets are grindy/close to failure. If you work to improve bar speed you can cut the grindy work and gain just as well IME.

This is a study showing just that https://pauloge … adaptations.pdf

But it definitely makes you wanna vegetate after.

Last edited by davetherave : 03-18-2025 at .

Originally Posted by AverageFella
@davetherave. I’ve stuck with a consistent extender routine for the last 2 years. My routine is simple. I stretch in my extender about 3 times a week for 2-4 hours. I follow that up with a Bathmate session for 15 minutes. I then wear a silicone anti-turtling sleeve for several hours afterward, keeping my penis extended at its max flaccid length which is about 7.5 inches (when it fills with blood, I get an additional .25 inches). This routine has given me a consistent growth over my PE career.

Don’t be afraid to take days off. As you can see, I’ve gotten great results with minimum effort. This helped me to make PE a long-term commitment.

At this point, I’m just looking for another .25 in length and girth. I’ll stick to this routine until that happens.

Is this extender something you could just wear under street clothes and go about your day? I saw the studies on extenders like golden erect and it seemed to be light extension for several hours a day.

I find the biggest drag with the malehanger is it takes a bit of time to set up, it kinda needs resetting after a while cos it starts to drag down so it’s no longer at the base - with heavier weights at least and everything I’ve read here seems to be guys saying their gains only really kicked in when they pushed the weight to 20lb or so and that’s where it starts to slide down when you’re using it.

Is this extender something you could just wear under street clothes and go about your day? I saw the studies on extenders like golden erect and it seemed to be light extension for several hours a day.

I wear mine under baggy joggers in the morning while I’m getting ready for the day, but it’s not something you can wear out in public. Also, just grab a cheap one off of eBay. They work just fine.

The trainer concensus seems to be that strength declines slowly with age, but recovery capability declines much faster. Dropping back to twice or once a week is normal. Even longer recoveries aren’t unknown; Mark Rippetoe mentioned he only squats once every two weeks now. He’s in his late 60s.

A lot of trainers get their freak on about their definitions of the difference between "training" and "exercise", exercise being "a useless waste of time." For a competitive lifter, probably true. But when you’re an ordinary guy past your mid-40s, plain old exercise becomes *much* more valuable for general health than it would be for a younger man.

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