Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Holy Grail of PE is found!!!

I just read a PM from Avocet…one of the real knowledgeable vets here.

He brought up the concern that prolonged erections can be dangerous…this is true!

I would suggest to totally rule out any type of injections, unless it is under direct medical supervision.

All far a PE induced prolonged erections…also caution must be exercised.

If you are using some sort of soft constrictor…never leave in on with out checking it frequently until you are very experienced!

Never tolerate any amount of achyness or pain…that’s a warning sign something isn’t right.

I really recommend that even discoloration of the penis should be avoided for any period over 10 minutes.

I shoot for a normal colored penis when I am doing ADC…usually about 50% erection is about max I can sustain for prolonged periods.

If I am forgetting anything, please jump in Avocet!

In my enthusiasm, I may forget the level of experience is widely varied here at Thunders…and if I forget any appropriate warnings I hope any and all Vets feel free to jump in and correct my oversight!


I’m sure I’ve seen the condition priapism mentioned at Thunder’s before. This is from Wikipedia.


Priapism (Greek πριαπισμός, the erection) is a painful and potentially harmful medical condition in which the erect penis (erection) does not return to its flaccid state (despite the absence of both physical and psychological stimulation) within four hours.

Priapism is a medical emergency and needs proper treatment by a qualified medical practitioner.

The causative mechanisms are poorly understood but involve complex neurological and vascular factors. Priapism may be associated with prolonged sexual activity, leukaemia, Fabry’s disease, haematological disorders (such as sickle-cell disease), cerebrospinal disease (such as syphilis), genital infection, some spinal injuries, or inflammation (Beers & Berkow, 1999). Priapism can be caused by drugs such as certain antidepressants, antihypertensives, anticoagulants and corticosteroids. It can also be a withdrawal symptom of drugs such as heroin. Priapism is often present in spinal injuries or trauma to the spinal cord.

One of the more significant classes of drugs which may precipitate priapism are the phosphodiesterase type-5 (PDE5) inhibitors such as sildenafil, tadalafil and vardenafil. Injected erectile-dysfunction therapies such as alprostadil are also significant. The antidepressant/sedative trazodone has also been associated with priaprism.

Potential complications include ischaemia, clotting of the blood retained in the penis (thrombosis), and damage to the blood vessels of the penis which may result in an impaired erectile function or impotence. In serious cases the condition may result in gangrene, which may necessitate penis removal.

Medical advice should be sought immediately for cases of priapism.

If the erection has been present for two hours the recommended therapy is pseudoephedrine 120 mg orally. If this has not subsided by four hours, a further 120 mg of pseudoephedrine is recommended. (Therapeutic Guidelines, 2001)

If the erection has been present for six hours, it is essential to contact a medical practitioner. The therapy at this stage is to aspirate blood from the corpus cavernosum under local anaesthetic. If this is still insufficient, then aspiration is conducted with injections of adrenaline as an adjuvant. (Therapeutic Guidelines, 2001)

If aspiration fails and tumescence re-occurs, surgical shunts are next attempted. These attempt to reverse the priapic state by shunting blood from the rigid corpora cavernosa into the corpus spongiosum (which contains the glans and the urethra). Distal shunts are the first step, followed by more proximal shunts.

The name comes from the god Priapus, referring to that god’s most notable attribute. The female counterpart of this condition is known as clitorism.

See also

Beers MH, Berkow R (Eds.) (1999). The Merck Manual of Diagnosis and Therapy (17 ed.). Whitehouse Station: Merck Research Laboratories. ISBN 0-911910-10-7
Therapeutic Guidelines Limited (2001). Therapeutic Guidelines: Endocrinology (2 ed.). North Melbourne: Therapeutic Guidelines Limited. ISSN 1327-9505
Priapism Primer: Priapism
Retrieved from ""

http://en.wikip … g/wiki/Priapism

Originally Posted by xenolith
I’ve done the experiments. I gain approximately 50% more per gains cycle when I’m also practicing SKF compared to when I’m not. That would be why my SKF and PE practice cycles coincide.

I take this observation seriously, Xenolith, since I know that you tend to be methodical and logical in the way you evaluate things like this. Do you have a theory for WHY ejaculation would decrease gains?

Horny Bastard

Some concerns with the injections:

These medications, pap, PGE-1, phen and atropine are all used to treat ED in patients who have clinically defined problems.

These medications are only recommended to be used 2 to 4 times a week at the most. If used improperly they can, as has been mentioned cause a priapism. ALSO.. patients have presented over the years with peyronies disease at the injection site due to the scar tissue that builds up. Not EVERY patient has this, but enough to know that it is a risk to be considered when using the injections for ED. I would consider this an unacceptable risk unless the method has been proven in a double blind study. The risk is just too great. If you dont know what PD is, ask I will provide anyone with the details.

If a study was available which defined the success/risk ratio and the length of treatment, it would be easier to determine if this is a suitable option for patients.

Masters of the art of life draw no sharp distinction between work and play. Their labor and leisure, their mind and body, their education and recreation... They hardly know which is which. To them, they always seem to be doing both.

I don’t have a theory mravg. Indeed, I highly doubt I ever will have one with respect to PE, although I might have a hypothesis occasionally. And yes, I do have one with respect to the gains differential that I’ve observed between low ejaculation rate periods when practicing SKF and comparatively higher ejaculation rate periods when I’m not practicing SKF. Its this: I think of my dick like a guinea pig and I’m the scientist. What sort of experiments am I going to subject my guinea pig to? Well first of all, to stay on topic, any experiments that involve sharp things, like knives or needles are out of consideration for this scientist. But in order to build my guinea pig into the biggest baddest guinea pig I can, I’m going to have to design an experimental training, rest and nutrition optimized environment for growth. After much experimentation, I’ve found the combination of the first two that works best for my guinea pig. You can read about it here.

With regard to variable 3, nutrition, based on my observations of my own guinea pig’s physiological response systematics, SKF practice provides a better nutritional environment for my guinea pig than when I’m not practicing it. There are several variables within SKF practice that would be extremely difficult to separate out and test independently, but what is certain, is that my guinea pig is able to do more PE training and recover from training more quickly during periods when I’m also practicing SKF. The manifestation of which has been an increase in the amount of productive training and therefore gains per training cycle. So here’s my hypothesis: SKF practice increases gains within individual training cycles by facilitating a more nutritionally supportive environment for both training and recovery to occur, thereby allowing for increased training per cycle before the inevitable switch from a positive feedback (gains) system to negative feedback (conditioning) system sets in.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

BTW, its certainly true that correlation doesn’t equal causation. And I have no idea what the mechanism for the correlation between SKF practice and PE gains could be. But based on the results of my experiments, the hypothesis that I’ve proposed describes the correlation that I’ve observed.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Interesting thread… good thing I got some liquid C if I decide to experiment.

One experiment I’ve long thought of is extended pumping at very low pressure, e.g. 1”Hg, just enough to keep a good erection. If I experiment, I’ll report back.


Start: 6.3 x 5.2 (Feb '05)

Now: 7.9 x 5.65 (gain 1.6 x 0.45) - SFL 8.6"

Goal: 8.5 x 6.0 - Currently trying: handclamp squeeze, O-bends. My data - Progress log

Originally Posted by Talons
Some concerns with the injections:

These medications, pap, PGE-1, phen and atropine are all used to treat ED in patients who have clinically defined problems.

These medications are only recommended to be used 2 to 4 times a week at the most. If used improperly they can, as has been mentioned cause a priapism. ALSO.. patients have presented over the years with peyronies disease at the injection site due to the scar tissue that builds up. Not EVERY patient has this, but enough to know that it is a risk to be considered when using the injections for ED. I would consider this an unacceptable risk unless the method has been proven in a double blind study. The risk is just too great. If you dont know what PD is, ask I will provide anyone with the details.

If a study was available which defined the success/risk ratio and the length of treatment, it would be easier to determine if this is a suitable option for patients.

Well said, Talons.

Although different doctors suggest different frequencies of use for men with ED, the key to injection therapies is in how and where to inject and there is a learning curve to this. You don’t just jab a syringe somewhere in the shaft and you don’t repeat sites for some time after having hit one. Scarring and nodal development are risks, as is a real priapism event which can be very messy for the ER doc to reduce, a proceedure which may result in permanent impotence.

That said, injection therapy has been around for a long time (1983 I think), when one daring urologist presenting at a seminar conference injected prostaglandin into his own cock then showed the result to attending physicians - to their collected astonishment. He did, though, get their attention and the system has been much refined since.

I have no hesitation in recommending that any guy, _with ED_, who is interested in using this particular method of erection-making go to a urologist who has some serious experience with it and that there be a “trial” run done in the doctor’s office with instructional injection-teaching at that time.

I have been told, btw, by two very knowledgeable urologists, that injection therapies do not increase penis size. I am not absolutely sure that is so. I did bump back up slightly to the girth I had gained from PE, after I tried hard to lose some girth gain. When I started using prostaglandin, phentolomine, and alprostadil I got that small amount back. I suspect that that is because my ED is now nicely under control and I am having “normal” erections.



Originally Posted by larslaukanen
Interesting thread… good thing I got some liquid C if I decide to experiment.

One experiment I’ve long thought of is extended pumping at very low pressure, e.g. 1”Hg, just enough to keep a good erection. If I experiment, I’ll report back.

You know, I tried this…its very hard for me to maintain a true erection in a pump for long periods of time without a lot of stimulus…and I have cut porn out almost completely.

The other problem is with low vacuum, the seal breaks way too easy.

What I have found that works pretty good, and has a very similar effect is ADC ( all day constriction).

I think a strip of soft cloth is best, like a strip of tee shirt material.

Its best because you need to be able to make very small adjustments to get it just right, and I think hard edges against blood vessels for long periods of time isn’t good.

If you get it right, you can maintain like a 50% erection for hours!

Very interesting theories. I do believe that prolonged erections will help length especially when coupled with PE. I’ve modified my routine to make sure I maintain at least a 30 minute erection after I finish my jelq section. Then I do the cool down.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I also grew from erections only. During college, my gf and I had frequent 2 and 3 hour sessions, usually once every other day but sometimes more frequently. I believe my dick grew as a result of this frequent and prolonged sex. Although I never measured, it was a noticeable enough change to see in the mirror.

I would feel foolish saying it otherwise, but with this testimony from someone as respected as ModestoMan vis-a-vis dick-growing science, I have to admit that I’ve had similar thoughts. Certainly I’ve experienced at least temporary, small gains during periods when I’ve had hour+ intercourse sessions on a regular basis. And who knows, perhaps my extremely long “edging” sessions during early puberty (see maturbation donuts) helped maximize my penile growth back then.

I understand that my observation is quite unscientific, especially considering there was no measuring involved. Also, I am not sure that the changes were permanent. Although it was a long time ago, I distinctly remember that the appearance of my dick had changed and that I was hanging somewhat better. Prior to my affair with this woman, I never “hung,” I always protruded. Afterwards, the effects of gravity were more noticeable.

On a related note, I also remember my susp. lig. being very short back then, to the extent that bending my erection below 10 o’clock was painful. I believe that also changed as a result of this affair. Perhaps the changes in appearance were attributable to loosening the ligament, or perhaps the shaft itself grew. It’s hard to remember at this point. Of course, I wasn’t so penis-savvy in those days and I wasn’t looking for a change.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by Para-Goomba
I would feel foolish saying it otherwise, but with this testimony from someone as respected as ModestoMan vis-a-vis dick-growing science, I have to admit that I’ve had similar thoughts. Certainly I’ve experienced at least temporary, small gains during periods when I’ve had hour+ intercourse sessions on a regular basis. And who knows, perhaps my extremely long “edging” sessions during early puberty (see maturbation donuts) helped maximize my penile growth back then.

I brought this up on another thread.

I never got my “newbie gains” but I started with 7.5 X 5.5….I always suspected I have “used up” my newbie gains as a kid!

When I hit puberty (hard!!!) I would “edge” for hours…frequently!

I have speculated that I got my easy expansion (newbie growth) from that practice…and my decent size.

I have often thought (after reading here at Thunder’s) that controlled priaprism, short duration 2-4 hours, is the way to go to at least get girth gains. I would expect some small girth gains just from doing it 2-4 times per week. But the real gain would be in adding PE exercises during that time. After all, clamping is just a short term, artificial priaprism.

I have looked at Uprima (apomorphine), Muse (alprostadil) both as suppositories for the penis and Befar alprostadil cream (discontinued) , but they are expensive and need refrigeration. So even if I spent the money, justifying to my wife why my refrigerator is filled with expensive penis medication would be difficult.

I have also thought that irritating the glans and shaft with a cream irritant would help. A mild inflammatory reaction with increased blood flow would help, in addition to PE exercises. If it was too strong you could cut it with a filler cream like emu oil cream. I have looked at irritant creams, but can’t find one that only irritates without additional stuff in them, like lip plumpers. I was looking for ingredients like benzyl nicotinate in a cream.

I got that idea from the guy who posted about having wasps sting his penis to induce growth, he was insane, but had a point. I also looked at a cream with histamine to produce a mild allergic reaction, similar to the wasp sting. There is a website that discusses it for diabetics to improve blood flow, but again it is difficult and expensive. If anyone has some opinions on whether these ideas would work or an easier way to do them, please share it. Instead of the holy grail, these ideas are more like a dirty coffee cup, but you can still drink out of both. Thanks

Hey Figaro!

I think the problem with creams, is it would only irritate the skin…and nothing else. Wasp stings probably go much deeper.

I think it may be simply do a modest pe routine, then maintain either ADS or ADC or both for several hours, then short deconditioning breaks when growth slows.

I say “modest” pe because too much trauma will cause contraction, and work against the ADS or ADC.

I remember when I was first doing research here on what people noticed when they were in the “growth zone”…almost universally they reported a good heavy flaccid hang during the day.

I think its important to first fine tune your PE routine to achieve that…at least a improved flaccid than your normal state…THEN I think if you enhance it with like a soft ADC…how can it do anything but help?

Especially if you do it immediately after your PE routine.

I think we will find there are the “golden hours” immediately after PE where expansion will enhance growth.

How long that is…I don’t know, but I think if you can sustain at least 50% erection for at least 1 hour, it will be helpful.

Probably 3-8 would be even better, if you can do it.

I’m starting to experiment with this, and I will post my observations as time goes on.

Xeno is also working on similar, but more mathematically precise lines… :) I am watching his reports with great interest.


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