Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Holy Grail of PE is found!!!

This “routine” comes from a patent application described in this thread. I tried contacting the inventor awhile back but got no response. It does look interesting, but I’m not sure it is the much sought after holy grail.

Edit: Damn you guys are fast.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

When 88man posted this the first thing that went through my head was.”OK, so it’s a low-stress extended clamping session. Not a regular one (30 mins), but not ADC either. Something in between.” Keep the blood pumped in your dick for 3-4 hours. That’s what it sounds like. Maybe it’s worth experimenting with, not using chemical injections though, just using some kind of clamp.

Originally Posted by supersizeit
Hmmm I dont know man.
Even if it were true…
I prefer more natural methods of PE.

I kidding about the injections and the clinic (not about Jenna though, I wonder what she charges :-k )

Xeno has posted some very interesting thoughts on micro cycling that I think are pretty close to this (if this study is valid).

Even if this study isn’t valid, priapism DOES cause permanent enlargement…there is something to be learned from that alone.

I recently started cycling Cialis. I take 10mg once or twice per week. I think it may be helping with my PE efforts. For one thing, it give me incredible wood. For another, it keeps my penis in an “extended state,” which causes me to regard Cialis as a type of biochemical ADS.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.

Originally Posted by doghound
When 88man posted this the first thing that went through my head was.”OK, so it’s a low-stress extended clamping session. Not a regular one (30 mins), but not ADC either. Something in between.” Keep the blood pumped in your dick for 3-4 hours. That’s what it sounds like. Maybe it’s worth experimenting with, not using chemical injections though, just using some kind of clamp.

When I do ADC, I get at least 50% erection that I can sustain for at least 3 hours.

Monty’s ADS doesn’t result in gains by itself, but maybe ADC might be different…I don’t see why it would be though.

If the study is valid, then a 45-75% erection from ADC should have the same effect, unless the prostaglandins themselves contribute in some way.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan

Edit: Damn you guys are fast.

“Holy Grail” did it for me. Too bad about the no reply from the inventor. Thanks for trying. If he really thinks he’s got something to peddle, I expect we’ll hear it first.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
I recently started cycling Cialis. I take 10mg once or twice per week. I think it may be helping with my PE efforts. For one thing, it give me incredible wood. For another, it keeps my penis in an “extended state,” which causes me to regard Cialis as a type of biochemical ADS.

I’ve tried the same thing.

The only problem is I tend to ruin the effect with doing extra PE.

If you find an effective routine, THEN add the cialis, I think it would enhance the effect…just like a chemical ADC….as you said.

Hey Xeno,

Nice to see you here, thought you might enjoy this article…read fast, I don’t think were gonna get a link…so it won’t be here long!

I thought this went very nicely with what you have been working on.

Think 88man got this article from another guy from another forum…I’m sure 88 is just trying to share some good info, no other motives.

He has gotten some very nice recent girth gains from his version of applying the information.

Originally Posted by ModestoMan
This “routine” comes from a patent application described in this thread. I tried contacting the inventor awhile back but got no response. It does look interesting, but I’m not sure it is the much sought after holy grail.

Yes, its exactly the same. What was the conclusions you guys came to on that thread?

Legit or crap?

I started a thread years ago that I thought Viagra could be the PE missing links with gains that was before cialis was around. I just wasn’t ready to take Viagra every day to prove it. My feeling were also based on someones alleged gains and knowing he took Viagra everyday. It turned out his gains weren’t real so I re-thought my Viagra theory.

I haven't failed, I've found 10,000 ways that don't work. Thomas Edison (1847-1931)

Let’s get a grip.

I have ED. I know a whole lot about ED and have used injection therapy (Tri-mix) many hundreds of times for sex, usually with erections that last about 3 hrs.. If this theory made sense, I’d be at least 11 x 7.5 by now.

Not so. I’m still the same old post-PE size except for a varient 1/2 inch of length that comes and goes depending on how regular I am about the usual PE exercises.



Originally Posted by doghound
When 88man posted this the first thing that went through my head was.”OK, so it’s a low-stress extended clamping session. Not a regular one (30 mins), but not ADC either. Something in between.” Keep the blood pumped in your dick for 3-4 hours. That’s what it sounds like. Maybe it’s worth experimenting with, not using chemical injections though, just using some kind of clamp.

I think I’ve mentioned the best soft clamp I’ve found to do this is a strip of tee shirt material…about 1/2 inch wide by 12 inches long.

Just snug it slightly smaller than your girth diameter to start with. Adjust it according to how you react.

If not enough inflation, tighten a little more at a time. If you start to get discoloration, loosen it slightly.

If you get if just right, and haven’t cum recently… you can get at least a 50% erection that you can sustain for at least several hours.

You may need to kagel it occasionally to pump up, but if I can do it at 48 yrs old, most of you younger guys should be able to too!

If you aren’t able to sustain it despite all your best efforts…its a good chance that you are over doing the force/time on the pe.

Its like when I get my pe just right, the next day I will have a heavy flaccid.

If I do too much, the next day I am contracted. Take a day or two off, heavy flaccid returns.

If you can get the heavy flaccid…THEN do a ADC…it should work like a charm!

Originally Posted by avocet8
Let’s get a grip.

I have ED. I know a whole lot about ED and have used injection therapy (Tri-mix) many hundreds of times for sex, usually with erections that last about 3 hrs.. If this theory made sense, I’d be at least 11 x 7.5 by now.

Not so. I’m still the same old post-PE size except for a varient 1/2 inch of length that comes and goes depending on how regular I am about the usual PE exercises.

OK then lets get back to Montys model…moderate forces to cause some expansion with minimum trauma…follow with light ADS forces while it heals and to maintain the expansion.

Monty’s had great results with that! Sustained growth.

Avocet, you and some of the other vet pumpers have achieved sustained growth along similar lines.

Low vacuum frequently, at forces enough to expand the penis, without causing contraction, or at least mild contraction.

Avocet, you guys found you accelerated flaccid gains by adding ADC (all day constriction) with the Thera-p….

sounds like a underlying principle shaping up here.

Xeno is getting significant results with micro cycles of PE in the morning, ADS or ADC the rest of the day, then the next day off…repeat cycle.

This study MAY BE bs, but the underlying concept I believe has merit.

It may be that there has to be initial forces at least somewhat greater than can be normally generated by a natural erection.

That also makes sense.

I think the trick is to figure out how to just get enough forces to put you beyond your normal physical boundaries…but not much past that line….or contraction reaction will set in…then sustain it while it heals with minimum forces.

Remember, Monty, after all this time is only using about 15-17 lbs force in hanging and Avocet is only now using about 5-6 in hg (last I checked anyway).

Both these guys had a long run of sustained growth, no injuries or discolorations.

Plus, optimized erectile function!

I`ve been thinking about this “prolonged erection combined with exercises” theory for some weeks now. The first clue I`ve got was from some friend of mine who in the last 2 years had sex with his girl for like one hour almost every day, and he swears his dick is bigger now than it was before. Not much information…but anyway…

I must say that my penis was bigger after a 2 year period of jerking almost everyday( lets say once every 3 days) for like one hour…

And then it finally hit me when I re-read Werner Ashford`s balooning thread, in which he states his penis grew only from having orgasms in it, read his last posts, he pretty much confirmed me that his growth is due to the prolonged erections and little PE that he did.

And now this thread (and 88man`s one)… Well, maybe it`s a new PE chapter…


I also grew from erections only. During college, my gf and I had frequent 2 and 3 hour sessions, usually once every other day but sometimes more frequently. I believe my dick grew as a result of this frequent and prolonged sex. Although I never measured, it was a noticeable enough change to see in the mirror.

Enter your measurements in the PE Database.


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