Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Holy Grail of PE is found!!!

Hmm…maybe throw in some C, get vibroegg attached to unit, two great movies (4 hours). If it goes limp just hit the vibroegg. :beaver:

edit: maybe add an IR-lamp

More meat - More fun! :D ***April 2006 - 9.5" BPFSL***August 2008 - 9.65" BPFSL, 9.35" BPEL***

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I brought this up on another thread.

I never got my “newbie gains” but I started with 7.5 X 5.5….I always suspected I have “used up” my newbie gains as a kid!

When I hit puberty (hard!!!) I would “edge” for hours…frequently!

I have speculated that I got my easy expansion (newbie growth) from that practice…and my decent size.

Now I feel saner still, with Sparkyx also offering similar speculation :)

At the least, I have thought that the flaccid gains and initial girth gains guys report from newbie PE may be due mainly to using their dicks (in at least a semi-erect state) for hours and hours a week, more than anything specific to the exercises.

Hey Para,

I really think the trick is NOT to traumatize the tissues…it causes contraction.

Most of the SUSTAINED gainers report that there routines are at least pleasant…except for hangers with constrictor grips.

I still believe we may need far less force/time than we suspect…if applied in precise ways and timings.

I think many times we are taking 5 steps forward and 4.987 steps back…and assume we need more, when it might actually be much less.

I know for me…just even a LITTLE more can totally ruin the results for the next day or so.

It has been my main failing…and teacher. :)

Originally Posted by mcnitro
Hmm…maybe throw in some C, get vibroegg attached to unit, two great movies (4 hours). If it goes limp just hit the vibroegg. :beaver:

edit: maybe add an IR-lamp

If guys are reporting “some” minor gains with prolonged erections, then I think it is sensible to think using forces just above that for a reasonable time frame FOLLOWED by normal or somewhat less erectile forces might me the way to go.

Many of the vet pumpers who have gotten excellent sustained gains, report that using low vacuum forces (2-5 in hg) combined with some jelquing…were the key.

Jelquing would be the larger than normal forces…low vacuum would help hold it a these expanded parameters without adding much tissue trauma.

Further, they found when they added ADC (like the thera-p band) afterwards they made great rapid gains in
flaccid length, while continuing to make slow steady gains in erect length and girth.

Monty, as I’ve mentioned before, started with like 10 lbs of hanging wt and follows with constant modest ADS.

He has now only worked up to 15-17 lbs elastic force for hanging.

So Mcnitro…first do some jelquing or something to get some expansion…then do your routine afterward. Try that every other day and watch your PIs ( physical responses), it just might work great for you!

I would have to say that a prolonged erection after your PE workout might be the best possible solution for girth. I have tried my normal Mass Routine, but I cut back on the jelqing by 15 min which put me at only 15 min. I then did my normal horse 440 squeezes and followed by a 1 hour erection. The results I saw were increased vein size. Thats just one workout. I think that having an erection for a prolonged period of time kindof cements your gains almost. Just my observation.

New Starting Stats:

BPEL- 8.0” 02/12/18

After much reading, research, and experimentation, I’m slowly starting to become convinced that strain, rather than time or intensity, is the key to gains. In other words, it’s the amount of strain achieved which triggers the fibrocytes to begin the repair and remodeling process.

Started: 2/03, Finished: 5/06, Total Gains: 1.375” BPEL 1.5” EG, Details: Progress after a year or longer off?

Only those who attempt the absurd will achieve the impossible—M. C. Escher

I understand strain from a mechanical point of view, to refer to percent elongation, like (L1/L0)*100. Is that what you are talking about? I don’t see how time or intensity could not be important.

Horny Bastard

Originally Posted by MX
After much reading, research, and experimentation, I’m slowly starting to become convinced that strain, rather than time or intensity, is the key to gains. In other words, it’s the amount of strain achieved which triggers the fibrocytes to begin the repair and remodeling process.

I looked around for info on hyperplasia (new cell growth) as opposed to hypertrophy (enlargement of cells).

This pertains primarily to muscle enlargement.

What I could find seems to indicate stretching of the fascia surrounding the muscle triggers hyperplasia. ( so yes…strain, expanding the fascia)

Fibrocytes repairing and remodeling usually refers to scar tissue build up…I’m still hoping that there is a mechanism for regeneration, or stimulation of growth of the same type of tissue…or actually growing a bigger dick…made of the same material.

I think if there is any chance of that happening…it is with low, sustained forces. Perhaps with moderate initial forces followed by low sustained forces.

They can do it with skin and bone tissue…why not a more complex structure like a penis?

True, not as likely…but I can dream, can’t I?

Originally Posted by 88man
I think that having an erection for a prolonged period of time kindof cements your gains almost. Just my observation.

I think so too, like tons of nite wood as an horny adolescent.

The question is how long…I think the length of time is directly proportional to the amount of trauma inflicted on the tissues from the expansion routine.

Thats why I think it is important to do the least amount of time/force that results in some expansion.

It cuts down on the time needed for it to heal or “set” in an extended or partially extended state.

Plus it reduces the time needed to be able to productively repeat the cycle.

ALSO, if you start laying down scar tissue, you are setting yourself up for a long deconditioning break…or gains coming to a grinding halt.

Originally Posted by MX
After much reading, research, and experimentation, I’m slowly starting to become convinced that strain, rather than time or intensity, is the key to gains. In other words, it’s the amount of strain achieved which triggers the fibrocytes to begin the repair and remodeling process.

Could you elaborate more on your thoughts?

I don’t believe that penis growth JUST from prolonged erections is possible. In all the years I’ve had sex, it’s always been at least 2 hours, many sessions lasting up to 5 hours. My GF and I would do this daily, sometimes 2x a day. And I never saw any gains just from having an erection during intercourse for a prolonged period of time.

I think that there would have to be some “extra” force applied for an extended period of time to cause any growth.

PE for length: so her heart stops when she sees it. PE for girth: to get her heart started again!

One need only leave the surface of the planet to realize we are all one people.


I think that some "newbie" like gains can be had by some from prolonged erections…but for our intents and purposes…yes, I believe some additional forces are needed.

Thats the whole point of this thread (well kinda).

I found an old thread of Shivers (in MXs favorites);

Deformation: Intensity, Method and Recovery guidelines

Basically gives a force chart that pertains to Deformation: Intensity, Method and Recovery guidelines.

This is the meat of the chart;

The stress is divided into four bands which are defined very roughly as follows:

A <80N (<18lbs)
B 80-180N (18-40lbs)
C 180-280N (40-63lbs)
D >280N (>63lbs)

From these four bands, they have four types of therapy intensity/duration which are listed below with some key points:

Area S1: defined as all of band A
Stimulates fibrocytes to maintain length; until the first slight feeling of stretch. If held for a few minutes the feeling of stretch goes away (accommodates). If sustained for 20 – 30 minutes will signal fibrocytes to remodel tissue longer (sustained low load stretch). Very effective at signaling fibroblasts to remodel collagen in late inflammatory/ early proliferative phase.

Exercise: Daily - eg. ADS

Area S2: defined as lower half of band B
The elastic range actual stretching; some fibers slip, some bonds break, some fibers denature.
If sustained for 20 – 30 minutes will signal fibrocytes to remodel tissue longer (sustained low load stretch) but is difficult to tolerate for 20-30 minutes.

Exercise: Needs at least one day rest between bouts. eg. Hanging/Stretching

Area S3: defined as upper part of band B and small part of band C
Works in the elastic range and a bit of the plastic range; significant stretching; many fibers slip, bonds break, some fibers denature. Stimulates fibrocytes to remodel tissue longer with time. Painful stretch, hard tolerate.

Exercise: Needs at least one day rest between bouts(!?!). eg. Possibly stretching, though a little on the extreme side for most.

Area S4: defined as middle of band C
Not practiced by physical therapists (occasionally by surgeons with anesthesia or unconscious patients!)

I think for my purposes, band A is where its at!

Gotta go, but will be back to discuss this!

Basically I believe they are discussing rehab on damaged ligamentous tissue.

How much this extrapolates to pe… :shrug:

What caught my eye is the force ranges, in band A…under 18 lbs for 20-30 minutes; (almost an exact description of Monty’s routine)

” will signal fibrocytes to remodel tissue longer (sustained low load stretch). Very effective at signaling fibroblasts to remodel collagen in late inflammatory/ early proliferating phase.”

Now bear in mind this is on damaged tissue, but why wouldn’t it signal those same fibrocytes in minimally or undamaged tissue….?

I believe it does.

Further, perhaps it also signals cell growth of similar tissue.

This level of force does almost no damage to existing tissue, and you may be able to do daily PE (go by your PI’s).

I think in the long run, mild daily stimulation will lead to more rapid growth.

If you go above 18 lbs, damage begins to happen.

I think that below 18 lbs, very little scar tissue builds up…hence very little stiffening of the tissues.

I think, at least for me, this is as good a guideline as I have found.

I think I will make every effort to stay below this threshold, and if gains slow or stop…I will make use of a deconditioning break.

I can’t help but think of the success of vets like Monty, Avocet, Peforeal and others that have had long term sustained gains with no injuries or need for a deconditioning break, from using low to moderate forces…while growing some pretty impressive WMA’s.

I think many here get caught up in forces above that threshold that quickly result in toughening of tissues that forces them into rapidly escalating forces into a level that either can cause injury, further toughening and brings gains to a grinding halt.

I think higher forces and cycling deconditioning breaks can be used to get around this…but if it can be done as effectively or perhaps more effectively at a safer force/time level…makes sense to go with the latter.

Last edited by sparkyx : 04-07-2006 at .

If PE can be associated with bodybuilding, than it`s obvious that the ability to have an erection during anytime of the day, and I might add even during the PE session at any time, is mandatory.

We go to the gym and lift weights, the function of the muscles is improved even during the exercise itself, we lift 40kg, than 50, than 60kg, than 70kg(the max), and even after we finish the exercise and we are fatigued, we can lift a 60kg weight with no much trouble. Although we use weights as objects to do the exercises with, we use only the force of our muscles and hands(legs, feet) to lift the weights, we dont use other objects to lift those weights for us.

The function of the penis is to get erect without the use of any objects other than hands(mild stimulation), pussy, porn.

I dont know if I made my self understood, but anyway…


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