Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

The Holy Grail of PE is found!!!

I did some thinking…what about night time erections? How long does one continuous erection last? How many hours does the penis stay in erection during the night?

I’ve been looking for a place to discuss this…this is good as any.

Many guys feel that you lose the effect of pe if you ejaculate…many don’t agree.

I think the deciding factor is what happens to your dick once you cum.

I think we are beginning to realize that it is beneficial to maintain some expansion in the direction of your induced forces for a period of time following the pe exercises.

For example, guys like Avocet found that if he didn’t cum after pumping, instead used a constriction (soft ) device like the thera-p device, he made great gains in the flaccid hang. (I think Peforeal discovered it)

That is functionally maintaining the expansion to a lesser extent for hours.

If you were to ejaculate immediately afterward, most guys would get a real contraction or shrinkage for several hours….right at the most critical time…immediately following the expansion!

So, to me it makes sense that prolonged erection…especially immediately following PE…would be of some benefit.

Even if you overdo it…it seems far better to keep it expanded while it begins to heal rather than letting it turtle and heal.

Far better, I think is to not beat it so badly that it turtles, just moderate forces that will expand it but not inflame it.

Originally Posted by Nick666

I did some thinking…what about night time erections? How long does one continuous erection last? How many hours does the penis stay in erection during the night?


Originally Posted by sparkyx

I think we are beginning to realize that it is beneficial to maintain some expansion in the direction of your induced forces for a period of time following the pe exercises.

But what about maintaining prolonged erection or some expansion before PE.

So we should aim for pre-PE expansion, or post-PE expansion, or both? Hmmm…

Monty constantly wears PE wts, then does infrequent hanging and gets great results.

I think it all depends on your recovery ability and the amount of forces you use for PE and ADS or ADC.

But, I think DEFINATELY some sort of mild expansion for at least 3-4 hours post pe.

Really, I think these are the experiments we need to do as a community.

You must always carefully watch your PIs…it will give you a good idea if you are on the right track or off it.

Originally Posted by sparkyx

But, I think DEFINATELY some sort of mild expansion for at least 3-4 hours post pe.

Well, for one guy it worked pre-PE. Read Werner Ashford`s last 3-4 posts, from his balooning thread.

I tried a micro cycle ala Xeno’s recommendation…I had GREAT flaccid hang on my day off!

The next cycle…I added some clamping at the end of day one…and ADC (which turned into some unitentional clamping) on my rest day…I ended up with shrinkage and had to take an extra day off.

You see, I am very sensitive to forces and have to watch them very carefully.

Some guys can slam their dicks in a door 3X a day and get growth…I certainly am NOT in that catagory.

So, what ever you do…keep track of what you do (write it down) watch your PIs and then make sensible modest changes.

You CANT lose with that approach!

Originally Posted by sparkyx
Many guys feel that you lose the effect of pe if you ejaculate…many don’t agree.

I’m in the former camp. Copied from a PM to avocet:

Originally Posted by xenolith
…I cycle through several 2-3 month SKF training periods,…coincident with my PE training cycles, each year. During these times, I restrict my ejaculations to between 2-4/month. During off cycles, I launch DNA at a much more liberal rate, something like 6-12/month.

I’ve done the experiments. I gain approximately 50% more per gains cycle when I’m also practicing SKF compared to when I’m not. That would be why my SKF and PE practice cycles coincide.

BTW, sparky, my method calls for a 2 day off micro-R phase, not a 1 day.

originally: 6.5" BPEL x 5.0" EG (ms); currently: 9.825" BPEL x 6.825" EG (ms)

Hidden details: Finding xeno: a penis tale; Some photos: Tiger

Tell me, o monks; what cannot be achieved through efforts. - Siddhartha Gautama

Originally Posted by Nick666
Well, for one guy it worked pre-PE. Read Werner Ashford`s last 3-4 posts, from his balooning thread.

I think pre-pe…especially if it is mild force…and heres where I think heat would be very beneficial…should be beneficial.

However, if time becomes a constraint…I would say if you could only choose one…it would be post pe for at least 3-4 hours…more if possible.

Once again, it should probably a low force merely to maintain…not to expand further.

A force needed to expand further would put many of us into overtraining.

Originally Posted by xenolith
I’m in the former camp. Copied from a PM to avocet:

I’ve done the experiments. I gain approximately 50% more per gains cycle when I’m also practicing SKF compared to when I’m not. That would be why my SKF and PE practice cycles coincide.

BTW, sparky, my method calls for a 2 day off micro-R phase, not a 1 day.

My mistake…have to re-read that thread! Finding xeno: a penis tale

I found by the 2nd day I was starting to shrink…but I think its because I use very modest forces for the I phase.

If I can just discipline myself enough to stick with the program (that is leave my dick ALONE on rest day) I would be able to get back with some good info in a couple weeks.

The concept of rest for growth is important for me…its the only thing that can get me to quit adding "just one more thing" to my routine!

You have to understand…I wrote the PI’s…precisely because I have violated all off them…frequently! I learn by getting it WRONG!

Originally Posted by Nick666
I did some thinking…what about night time erections? How long does one continuous erection last? How many hours does the penis stay in erection during the night?

I want to comment on this. I think one of the reason “overtraining” results in contraction…other than the gross tissue trauma that contracts as a result….

I think the loss of nite wood contributes to shrinkage.

I think frequent robust erections at nite help repair and “cement” the level of size you have.

When you have overtrained to the point nite wood dissappears, I think you lose a very important mechanism to heal and maintain your current size…and you will begin to lose size just from loss of nite wood!

I think really hard prolonged nite wood might even lead to modest growth.

In this vein, kageling by itself with no other pe might lead to some modest gains just by this mechanism.

Hey guys. I found the study for the injections from my information guru “Sikdogg” not “10.” We have been discussing this type of PE for many months. We have been skeptical of the enlargement factor, so thats why Sik has decided to try the “trimix” for a period of six months to a year with daily injections. He is keeping a log to document the gains he experiences. He has researched this more than you could possibly imagine. I don’t doubt he’ll make gains. I will probably not try the injections, but instead try to have a prolonged erection after my PE routine. I have already experienced a .25 girth increase from my “mass routine” I made up. So something must be working, possibly the erection is my thinking. You can only find out if you try.

New Starting Stats:

BPEL- 8.0” 02/12/18

Originally Posted by sparkyx
I personally feel it will pre-stretch you and allow greater expansion with less force.

Monty advocates this method.

How bout just doing some jelqing to achieve this, but not as the primary exercise, just as an expansionary warm up. Say, 200 reps or so. Then you do a clamping sessions, then following with ADC/ADS for 3-4 hours, and then some light manual stretching. I think that about summarizes what we might be getting at here.


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