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Girth From Hanging

Girth From Hanging

I will be starting a strictly hanging and ADS routine as soon as my MaxVac comes in. Now the question I have is: “Have any of you hangers gained any girth from hanging?” Now I talk about anywhere between .5 and 1 inch in girth. And I not talking about base girth. I know that base girth will increase due to stress, but I am asking about an over all girth increase.

I believe I remember Monty530 reported attributing most of his girth gains (not just base girth) without trying to hanging + ADS. You should do a advanced search his threads and posts to see what I mean.

I tried. I might not know what I’m doing, but I found very little info on this. I too heard that monty gained from hanging and ADS.

I’ve gained about 0.25 girth overall from hanging and nearly 24-hour ADS over the past 8 weeks, but of course, more base girth.

I really wasn’t watching for it, but “the wife” mentioned it during “relations”.

Also, she stated, “the base is the best place for it, and more base girth would be appreciated”. Or some shit like that, I think I translated it to PE jargon as she spoke.

Regarding the MV, beware of the dreaded water and blood blisters. I’ve never seen the latter, but I got plenty of the former.

They suck, they take a few days to heal, and they remind you nothing is fail-safe or fool-proof.

I’ve heard others say to hang with very light weights for the first few weeks to condition the skin.

I freaked out on the blister thing and went back to the unpadded Bib - it had its discomforts, but I never had a freakish skin-swell from it.

Also, regarding the Bib (and other clamp hangers): I found the trick is to pay attention to wrapping. When you finally get a wrap that feels good try to duplicate it exactly every time.

(I wrap loosely with sweatshirt material and then semi-tightly with Theraband.)

All the length and girth gains I’ve made are attributable to hanging and ADS, as that’s my main focus over pumping and even jelqing (though I’m planning to add a strict regiment of jelqing to my daily routine)

I’ve tried both popular vac hangers and suffered the blood blister thing too. Never had such a problem with the BIB or Capt’s Wench. The blood blisters take much more than a few days to heal - it’s been about 4 weeks and they are just starting to fade.

While the vac hangers are comfortable, I think I’m going back to the “mechanical” (non-vac) Bib and will try the NexGen Bib when it becomes available. BTW, I hang heavy - usually 17.5 lbs minimum and have maxed out at 22.5 lbs.

Wrapping with the BIB or C.W. is VERY important. I’m working on some new soft-durometer rubber compounds that I’ve had some success in making the BIB and CW more comfortable. See thread in hanging forum, I think it’s called the “silicone sleeve thread” - all related to new and less expensive sleeves for vac hanging and BIB-style hanging.

Well its nice to see that some people are gaining girth from hanging. At 5.5” girth right now I don’t want too much more but I’d be happy to have an extra .5” but I’d be afraid of too much more since i still want BJ’s lol. As for the MaxVac I have experienced both water and blood blister from the Vacuextender both in extender state and hanger usage. I am currently hanging with that at a max of 10 pounds now. But that “sucker” hangs from the head only. So I think I should be ok with the MaxVac since pressure is applied to the first 2 inches or some of the penis. which seems like it wold reduce the chances as long as you take you time and don’t over do it.

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