I’ve gained about 0.25 girth overall from hanging and nearly 24-hour ADS over the past 8 weeks, but of course, more base girth.
I really wasn’t watching for it, but “the wife” mentioned it during “relations”.
Also, she stated, “the base is the best place for it, and more base girth would be appreciated”. Or some shit like that, I think I translated it to PE jargon as she spoke.
Regarding the MV, beware of the dreaded water and blood blisters. I’ve never seen the latter, but I got plenty of the former.
They suck, they take a few days to heal, and they remind you nothing is fail-safe or fool-proof.
I’ve heard others say to hang with very light weights for the first few weeks to condition the skin.
I freaked out on the blister thing and went back to the unpadded Bib - it had its discomforts, but I never had a freakish skin-swell from it.
Also, regarding the Bib (and other clamp hangers): I found the trick is to pay attention to wrapping. When you finally get a wrap that feels good try to duplicate it exactly every time.
(I wrap loosely with sweatshirt material and then semi-tightly with Theraband.)