Thunder's Place

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Got high hopes with Bib Hanger

Got high hopes with Bib Hanger

Just received a hardcore hanger today. Was skeptical at first since I had a homemade hanger which helped me gain an inch in a little over 3 months and wondered whether there would be any difference at all. The main reason I decided to get one was because my old hanger just wasn’t practical and used to slip a lot and eventually got damaged.

Fast forward to this very minute and I’m hanging way less than what I used to hang but the grip and pull is simply amazing. I’m feeling more stretch in the ligs at a low weight with a bib than I did with higher weights with my homemade. Plus zero slipping.

Just one inch away to being a 2 inch gainer and now since I don’t have to waste too much time on setup, I can be more focused. Thanks Bib, your product is amazing.

Did you go straight to hanging or did you do the newbie routine first? And I guess a second part to my question was is were any of your gains from the newbie routine?

Sounds good.

What’s the advantage over hardcore VS standard? I can’t imagine hanging without padding?

Curently writing this with my dick strapped in my OLD Bib Starter. Still works like a charm. Great product.

Kind of ridiculous isn’t it? Hanging weights off our dicks?


Similar question to syd 117. But how much weight did you hang and increase over 3 months to get that inch. Manual exercises for 5 months have not helped me gain. Just started hanging recently, but I don’t use an ads. Did you use an ads in anyway after your hanging routine?

If you don’t mind being detailed, what was your routine, rest days and frequency? Did you do other exercises pre hanging and during hanging?

Thanks :)

3/02/2019 - BPEL 6.5", MSEG 5.5"

BPEL 6.5” to 9.0" 8% Progress 6.7”

MSEG 5.5” to 6.5" 19.7% Progress 5.71”

Love da Bib.

I actually always start at 2.5 lbs, when I’ve restarted after so many years off. It just feels right. And at this point what I want to focus on is: how long can I effectively hang with this given weight and get results? I am going to go with a minimum number of sets at first, and figure a max number of sets, and when the feeling is just not there anymore, I will add weight and drops sets (slightly), and work up again.

Originally Posted by Renholder
Sounds good.

What’s the advantage over hardcore VS standard? I can’t imagine hanging without padding?

Curently writing this with my dick strapped in my OLD Bib Starter. Still works like a charm. Great product.

Kind of ridiculous isn’t it? Hanging weights off our dicks?


You just have to wrap it right, otherwise the grip is amazing. Since I already had some hanging experience and didn’t have too much money to spend, I decided to go for the cheapest which was the hardcore.

Originally Posted by Syd 117

Did you go straight to hanging or did you do the newbie routine first? And I guess a second part to my question was is were any of your gains from the newbie routine?

I went straight to hanging. Didn’t do the newbie routine because I was impatient. but I did do some of the necessary heat ups and some random manual stretches and jelqs just for fun. not really as part of a routine. I started at low weight though because I was terrified that my dick would fall off. So i made a homemade hanger because money was tight since I’m a student which was a bit dangerous but after a few weeks I was seeing some noticeable gains so I didn’t care. I didn’t even use weight plates, just bottles of dilute-able juice filled with water. I used some physics calculations to estimate the weight.

Originally Posted by mrweenie
Similar question to syd 117. But how much weight did you hang and increase over 3 months to get that inch. Manual exercises for 5 months have not helped me gain. Just started hanging recently, but I don’t use an ads. Did you use an ads in anyway after your hanging routine?

If you don’t mind being detailed, what was your routine, rest days and frequency? Did you do other exercises pre hanging and during hanging?

Thanks :)

I bought a silicone ads. Used it for two days and never set eyes on it again. I couldn’t figure out how to put it on properly. It’s impossible for me to be really detailed but I will give a rough view of what I did in the three months on my progress page. Someone asked me in a private message before and I gave it to him so I’ll just post it up

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