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Hang 2 time/day for a newbie

Hang 2 time/day for a newbie

Hi all,

I practice jelq since 1 year, with not results.

There are 10 days, I began hang. I’ve hang with 500g (1 pound) during 7 days last week : 10 mins + 10 mins + 15 mins (35 minutes).

Since yesterday, I hang 1 hour with 1 kilo like that : 15 min x 4 time with 1 kilo (2 pound).

With this routine, my penis isn’t tired. IN Bib’s post and others veterans, they said it’s better to hang 1 hour morning and 1 hour afternoon for best results.

With my newbie hang routine, I feel I can hang more time.

Can I hang 2 hours (morning and afternoon) with 1 kilo or it’s not good for a beginner?

Thanks for all of your replies,



To be or not to be Dick Rivers, thas is the question

In my opinion you need to use more weight. Dont’s just add time with that kind of weight. Add weight and keep the 1 hr. 15-20 min. interval.

OK Baywatch for your opinion.

Perhaps I’ll add weight, I don’t know cause I’ve read It’s better to hang long time with little weight. But really I don’t know, so perhaps I’ll ass.

Is there others opinion?

To be or not to be Dick Rivers, thas is the question

Increase the weight (slowly!). I think that you will need around 5 to 7 kg to grow.

1 kg - you can (and actually should) hang that as an ads all day long using peweights.

Bonne chance mon ami

Later - ttt

First of all, read hanging 101 and listen to it carefully.

Assuming you already have, according to my knowledge (which is very little), I can tell you that:

Two hours a day is perfect.
If you manage to do three 20 minute sessions in the morning and the same at night, you are all set.
When you cannot sustain a twenty minute session, scale down on your weight until you can do one.
There is no point at feeling pain, just a nice stretch.
When you feel yourself looking at the watch for the next second to pass, lower your weight.
Often times, at the beginning, the reason of discomfort is the wrap.
Read all you can about wrapping and avoid skin soreness by taking a break every time you get some.
Wrap and re-wrap every time you don’t feel comfortable and find an effective way of wrapping you can replicate every time (it will take time).
As ticktickticker said, you should slowly go up in weight, say a half a kilogram (roughly one pound) every week, until you manage to hang five kilograms or more (twelve pounds).
Take your time, three months or so, and then start changing angles and adding fulcrums.
Once you are able to consistently hang two hours a day with more than ten pounds, you’ll know enough to carefully experiment by yourself.

Welcome aboard!

Perseverance wins

Last edited by gprent : 01-18-2007 at .

Well written post buby.

Just to complete: fulcrum hanging imo is really superb: the lig and tunica stretch can be increased dramatically at the very same weight (same skin pull and other potentially negative effects).

Fulcrum hanging is great but don’t forget that it’s not for a hanging newbie

Later - ttt

All right ticktickticker, I think-ed the same thing. It’s with 5kg my penis will be more long.

Thanks for yours councils buby, now I got it in my mind.

Thanks Slack for the link.

So Now I’ll hang 2h/ day (morning and afternoon).

But results comes when I’ll train my penis witch 5k (12 pounds).

Thanks all

To be or not to be Dick Rivers, thas is the question

Originally Posted by RoccoSiffredi
All right ticktickticker, I think-ed the same thing. It’s with 5kg my penis will be more long.

Thanks for yours councils buby, now I got it in my mind.

Thanks Slack for the link.

So Now I’ll hang 2h/ day (morning and afternoon).

But results comes when I’ll train my penis witch 5k (12 pounds).

Thanks all

These are just guidelines. You might get progress at a lower weight or maybe you will need more. Keep building your weight slowly while maintaining a feasible routine and results will come in a few months.

Perseverance wins

OK. Now I”l hang 2 time/day, and during my free time, I will learn other articles concerning hanging.


PS : buby, excellent your location ;)

To be or not to be Dick Rivers, thas is the question

Thank you Rocco Siffredi, your nick is good too..!

Perseverance wins

Originally Posted by RoccoSiffredi

I practice jelq since 1 year, with not results…

Jelq is a great technique, however, many people got no results from it.

I believe the reason is due to the fact that it is considered a safe exercise to address to newbies whereas it should be considered an advanced one for veterans only.

By jelqing many seniors have gotten bad injuries, as a strong jelq stroke is one of the greatest forms of stress one can give to his penis.

If you think at jelq as to a negative pump, you might get the concept. If you do not know what I am talking about, try two 15 minute sessions of pumping at morning and at night for a few weeks, then try jelqing afterwards.

I am sure you will know what I am talking about.

Perseverance wins

Please excuse me asking a questions at the bottom of this thread, I’m a new members so I can’t make threads of my own just yet. I’m a newbie myself, been hanging for maybe 12months on and off, I wasn’t hanging standing up, but using a bar and lots of string so that it was at an angle (I hanged while lying down on my bed, ::laughs:: ), I think the friction of the string and the bar might have caused the tension to not fully translate the weights I was using, I can comfortably hang 3.25kg (properly now, standing up), I have the weights attached for 1hr a day (excluding my breaks in between).. That is correct isn’t it? I remember reading somewhere 1hr hang time in the morning and evening, but that was including breaks.. Should I be hanging for 2hrs of actual weight attachment?

Anyway, my real concern and reason for posting: after I hang, the tip of my dick gets a bit discoloured (dark purple on the very tip, the part exposed by the pads of my hanger), also it’s a bit colder than the rest of my penis.. It goes away quite fast, except it still looks a bit shaded, the shade is just like a darker shade of skin colour, it’s not grey or black or anything, so I don’t think it’s dead isn’t sore at all.. I’m sure it’s perfectly OK, I’m personally not worried at all, just want another opinion, once long time ago when I tried jelqing out I did go a bit over board once and that did hurt quite a bit and I got a bruised penis.. So I think I would know if it was anything like that.. I want to just continue through this, should I try changing something?

I use a chicken choker (I believe it’s called that), I made it quite a while back (from directions found on this site :) ) it works very well, I use a swimming cap type material rap with a cotton dish towel type wrap for the second covering.

If you limit your sessions to 20 minutes and you never lose sensitivity to your penis tip, you should not be concerned.

Perseverance wins

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