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HANGER TIGHTNESS???i'm a little concerned

HANGER TIGHTNESS???i'm a little concerned

i AM CURRENTLY HANGING ABOUT 12.5LBS….MY question is regarding how tight to tighten the hanger…i hang with a modified pvc bib…only because i can’t yet afford the bib hanger…..but i have read bibs post on tightness and it seems that it needs to be pretty damn tight to grab the internal structures…..however how tight is very tight,and should it be tight past a point…..

when i put my hanger on…i wrap with t-shirt and then an ace bandage,and that works welll i think….i pull him out to a good stretch and then tighten down the hanger near the base…..and i tighten down pretty good…but when i attach the weight,it pulls down towards the head….and i can feel the hanger (lots of pressure at this point)pushing past the “core” of my penis….the hanger then settles down close to the head…..actually,the skin is bunched up at the head,and the hanger is resting on this…is this correct?or do i need to super torque down on tightness so it won’t push past the core,and will exert pressure and hence stretch the penis………..i have read alot of posts on hanger application…but i’m just not clear on how it should feel…afraid to tighten too much and at the same time don’t really want 12.5lbs+ resting on the head…….any others have this same concern…any vets have any advice or similar issues with how you worked past it?????thanks.

Welcome aboard !!

Hey shuttrbug3,

Welcome to the forum.

Shouldn’t your post say you are trying to hang 12.5 pounds?? And the next question would be, do you get the same slippage when hanging 10 pounds? 7 pounds?

Make sure you are completely flaccid. After you attach the weight, retighten the hanger. The weight will put pressure on your dick causing it to thin out and the hanger to slip.

Remember this is NOT a weight lifting contest. Comfortably hanging 5 pounds for a 20 minute set is a hell of a lot more effective than screwing around trying to hang a weight that you are not ready for and ending up with a half assed set of 5 minutes or so.

Concentrate on getting the technique correct, then work on moving up in weight, a little at a time.

Hope this helps.

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>i hang with a modified pvc bib…but i have read bibs post on tightness and it seems that it needs to be pretty damn tight to grab the internal structures…..however how tight is very tight,and should it be tight past a point…..<

It will be very hard, if not impossible to grasp the internal structures with a mod bib, in the same manner as a production model. It is actually two different types of force. The mod bib is circular and the production is lateral.

The mod bib was designed to bunch the internal structures toward the head, and rest behind on either side of the head. So, you may not have to tighten as much as you are.

>tighten down the hanger near the base…..and i tighten down pretty good…but when i attach the weight,it pulls down towards the head….and i can feel the hanger (lots of pressure at this point)pushing past the “core” of my penis….the hanger then settles down close to the head…..actually,the skin is bunched up at the head,and the hanger is resting on this…is this correct?<

First thing is, it sounds like you are placing the hanger too close to the base. The mod worked best for me about one inch behind the head. Not sure though, it’s been a long time. It will bunch the skin, but the hanger should be resting on the internal structures just behind the head also.

Be sure and read the posts on the homemade Bib thread at PEforums. I believe it is in the personal routines section. Also, be careful about interpreting the threads. Some of the stuff written about the production bibs is not applicable to the mod bibs and vice versa.


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