Hanging after a heart attack.
April 20th this year I had a heart attack. No damage to the cardiac muscle, but 95% block to one artery and 50% in two others, which was slowly but surely slowing me down.
After 5 days in hospital and two stents in my arteries, I’m well on the way to recovery.
Regarding P.E., I have noticed that I’m now 1/16” short of 7” BPEL. This may be physical length loss, or compromised erection quality due to lack of fitness and the shock of the episode and surgery or a combination of both.
The fact remains that I’m now shorter since the episode.
I have struggled with reaction to the meds. I dropped the ace inhibitor entirely as it was giving me dizzy spells, loss of nouns (!) and numbness of my lips and tongue. I have halved the beta-blocker dose and replaced the half with half a tea spoon of Arginine before bed time which has resulted in no effect on my vastly improved blood pressure, which sits at around 120/80 +/- 10% most days.
I have a free blood pressure app on my phone which works perfectly and correlates the one in the drug store, which allows me to monitor throughout the day and confirms that I was vastly over-medicated and the the Arginine works better than the beta-blockers in my case.
I have done little P.E. Since the event and that only light stretching, though sex with my wife has been amazing (she’s glad I’m still alive!). I have had some E.D. Due to fear of my heart exploding (ha ha) which has dissipated as my heart is doing really well.
I hanged 5 pounds this morning for five minutes and had forgotten how much I loved the feeling of hanging, and I’m hopeful that I can slowly return to hanging again and regain some of my lost length.
Began December 2009 at 5 7/8" length and 5" girth.
As of December 5th 2012 7 3/8" BPEL and 6 1/8" base girth.
Going for the magic 8"x6"