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Hanging direction (angle)


Hanging direction (angle)

I’m surprised that there’s no definite hanging direction thread in hanger’s forum… I guess we should start one. :)

I tried searching first, but there are a lot of old posts talking about LOT, we need more updated information.

I’d like experienced hangers for their input on hanging angles (BTC, straight down, straight out, straight up, left, right).

From what I’ve read so far, most hangers recommend starting out with BTC hanging or at least straight down to maximize ligament gains. Straight out and straight up puts more stress on tunica, right?

What could one expect if he started hanging straight out or straight up without hanging BTC or straight down first?

Are you supposed to change hanging direction more often (e.g. straight down and straight out in one session) or less often (e.g. a month of straight down and then a month of straight out)?

If I think of more questions, I’ll post. I’m trying to learn as much as possible about hanging so that I’m 100% ready when I start. :)

Come on, not a single reply?

Well I don’t hang yet this time but last time I would hang down.

After reading about handing down and it changing your erection angle I am even wearing my ADS pulling up one day then to the right and left than down. So I do a day in each direction then repeat.

I read a thread where the guy had like 1.75” gains but if he pulled it up to his old erection angle there where no gains. After reading that I changed my ADS method.

Well, I consider tunica gains more permanent than ligament gains because it feels logical that ligaments could return to their previous state easier and more likely than tunica. That’s better even if it takes longer.

But then again, I’d lie if I said I don’t care about speed of gains. I mean, sure, PE is a marathon and not a sprint, but everyone would prefer fast gains over slow gains, right? Also, the sooner I’m done with length, the sooner I can begin working on girth. :)

Anyway, I’m interested to know what’s the best option because not everything is black and white, there are shades in between. :)

As for erection angle and hanging, Criss Strokes (porn actor from Brazzers) used to hang which is very obvious from his ligaments, yet he still has unusually high erection angle, especially for dick that long. Maybe there’s hope. :)

Last edited by UpTo7 : 06-29-2010 at .

There were some posts written by ModestoMan, that based on his observations, stretching/hanging SD targets also the tunica, not only the ligaments and you could make “tunica gains” by doing that.

Starting stats: 6.4" / 5.6" Current Stats: 7.4" / 5.8" Short term goal: 7" / 6" Long term goal: 8" / 6.5"

I plan to hang straight down, straight out and straight up, no question about that, but my question is when and how often to change those angles. :) Only angle I won’t do is BTC.

You’re on the right path. Your best bet is to hang in all directions and angles (divide and conquer). How I know when to change angles is when I feel more tug back. Grab your flaccid penis and pull it out in all directions (don’t kegal). Where you have a strong pull back is the direction you need to hang. Trust me, after pulling down for a month, you’ll notice when you pull your flaccid penis down then rotate it straight up to your abdomen, you’ll feel your penis tighten up. Thats when you start pulling in that direction. Trust me, you’ll feel the difference in rigidity.

When I first started I only pulled straight down for 6 months as it was the advice I was given. I did see gains to a certain point then they stopped. I would measure longer when I pull my erection down, and would measure shorter when my erection was towards my abdomen. I began to pull in every direction and now I measure 7.7 at 6 o’clock 7.6 BPEL at 9 o’clock and 7.4 BPEL at 12 o’clock. My 12 o’clock measurement was a WHOLE inch shorter (6.6 BPEL) before I started hanging up and straight out.

2009: 5.8 BPEL 5.0 EG Before hanging.

2011: 7.7 BPEL 5.4 EG Hanging 1 to 2 hours a day with Bib starter (padded).

Goal : Length goal hit, cementing now. working on 6.0 EG now.

I would also like to add that I took bib’s/bigger’s advice and hung everyday with no days off unless I noticed numbness. Also, I hung for a minimum of 3 to 4 hours a day.. It takes alot of dedication but it pays off.

2009: 5.8 BPEL 5.0 EG Before hanging.

2011: 7.7 BPEL 5.4 EG Hanging 1 to 2 hours a day with Bib starter (padded).

Goal : Length goal hit, cementing now. working on 6.0 EG now.

Thank you tester123123, that’s exactly the type of response I wanted. :)

Originally Posted by tester123123
You’re on the right path. Your best bet is to hang in all directions and angles (divide and conquer). How I know when to change angles is when I feel more tug back. Grab your flaccid penis and pull it out in all directions (don’t kegal). Where you have a strong pull back is the direction you need to hang. Trust me, after pulling down for a month, you’ll notice when you pull your flaccid penis down then rotate it straight up to your abdomen, you’ll feel your penis tighten up. Thats when you start pulling in that direction. Trust me, you’ll feel the difference in rigidity.

That makes sense… How long does it usually take to lose the tug in one direction so that it’s time to hang in another? Month or more or less?

Originally Posted by tester123123
When I first started I only pulled straight down for 6 months as it was the advice I was given. I did see gains to a certain point then they stopped. I would measure longer when I pull my erection down, and would measure shorter when my erection was towards my abdomen. I began to pull in every direction and now I measure 7.7 at 6 o’clock 7.6 BPEL at 9 o’clock and 7.4 BPEL at 12 o’clock. My 12 o’clock measurement was a WHOLE inch shorter (6.6 BPEL) before I started hanging up and straight out.

I can definitely imagine that happening… So I guess hanging in all directions is definitely a correct approach to the problem. :)

Originally Posted by tester123123
I would also like to add that I took bib’s/bigger’s advice and hung everyday with no days off unless I noticed numbness. Also, I hung for a minimum of 3 to 4 hours a day.. It takes alot of dedication but it pays off.

3 to 4 hours a day is a bit too much for me, but I’ll definitely try to hang at least an hour a day. I’ll usually do it while studying so it won’t get in way of other things I have to do during the day.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Thank you tester123123, that’s exactly the type of response I wanted. :)

That makes sense.. How long does it usually take to lose the tug in one direction so that it’s time to hang in another? Month or more or less?

Hang down for a couple of weeks, then do a flaccid test. Might need to hang down longer, might not. I wouldn’t know because I did alot more pulling than you plan on doing. Key is everyday.. Don’t skip a day unless you have absolutely no choice or have numbness or some other injury. Over a years time I missed maybe 7 days total. Bib is right, don’t give your penis time to retract and heal. Dedication is key to success.

2009: 5.8 BPEL 5.0 EG Before hanging.

2011: 7.7 BPEL 5.4 EG Hanging 1 to 2 hours a day with Bib starter (padded).

Goal : Length goal hit, cementing now. working on 6.0 EG now.

Do you use ADS? How important is it?

I see many people give great importance to it, but I see it as one big hassle to wear for hours every day. :/

YES, very important imo. I use a theraband homemade all day stretcher so I don’t turtle.. NEVER let him turtle, when your penis turtles up, it’s healing in that position. This will also help with flaccid lengths. I took biggers advice and starting wearing one about 2 months after I started pulling. I used to be a grower (2 to3 inches flaccid), now I’m a shower (5 to 6 inches flaccid). I’m constantly catching girls staring at my crotch in the gym. To me an all day stretcher is very convenient actually. I wear it all day at work and no one ever notices. Actually I have LESS of a bulge when I have my ADS on, because it pulls my penis down the side of my leg. I wished hanging heavy was that easy.

2009: 5.8 BPEL 5.0 EG Before hanging.

2011: 7.7 BPEL 5.4 EG Hanging 1 to 2 hours a day with Bib starter (padded).

Goal : Length goal hit, cementing now. working on 6.0 EG now.

Tester, I’m about to start hanging. Quick question:

Would you recommend hanging down, out, and up from the beginning?

I.e. If I was going to hang for 60 minutes per day, should I spend 20 minutes in each direction?


Thedude, you need to read up on bibs lot theory before deciding which direction you need to pull. Read these first before you start pulling.

Bib’s LOT Theory

2009: 5.8 BPEL 5.0 EG Before hanging.

2011: 7.7 BPEL 5.4 EG Hanging 1 to 2 hours a day with Bib starter (padded).

Goal : Length goal hit, cementing now. working on 6.0 EG now.

LOT theory is considered invalid here on Thunder’s.

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