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Upward Angle Hanging

Upward Angle Hanging

<Mods Please move this thread to the hanging forum - as I cannot post there yet>

Hello guys.

So I have done alot of searching for in depth analysis of effective methods for hanging at upward angles, and so far there does not seem to be much information here ( at this website ) on an effective process. I myself have experimented with upward hanging, and hanging a weight over a chair in front of me- etc- but have not yet found a comfortable method that can make me feel a really nice stretch on my tunica. I am at my wits end here about this. Downward hanging is obviously very easy to get a hang < get it?> of, but the upward thing gives me alot of concerns- especially with how it seems to put aquard stress on the glans.

Once again, I am trying to follow the LOT theory and do more upward stretches but am not finding a good way to do this. Can you expert hangers give your personal advice here on how you do it? Thank you so much


PS: I really hope someone makes a nice tutorial compilaton on upward hanging how-tos that matches the ones for all the other aspects of PE already posted here on this wonderful site :)

>So I have done alot of searching for in depth analysis of effective methods for hanging at upward angles, and so far there does not seem to be much information here ( at this website ) on an effective process.

Try searching on OTS. That should turn up more of the results you were looking for.

The standard method is to use a relatively long strap or cord attached to the weights. The strap goes over your shoulder so the weights hang behind you. You’ll need something to prevent the strap from digging into your traps. IIRC, Bib recommended some sort of plastic thing. I might be wrong about that. I tried a portion of a 2 liter pop bottle, but it didn’t work. A towel rolled up or folded over on itself a bunch of times is the best solution I’ve found for padding the shoulder. Use a wide strap if you can instead of a small diameter cord.

Here is a different approach to OTS.

Otherwise, rig up a pulley system. Small pulleys are cheap at Lowe’s or Home Depot.

You might also try a search on SU hanging.

What I do is use a Bungi cord anchored to an eye lag mounted up high. I then can not only get a true upward angle but can rotate my hips for multiple angles and can apply a fulcrum at the same time. You just have to calibrate the stretch of your bungi length to a specific weight to know what your equivalence weight is.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I also have lots of trouble with pressure on the glans with upward hanging, I have hung ots before but can only do about 5lbs and even that puts major stress on the glans. 5lb isn’t enough for a good stretch for me. any ideas?

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