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Hanging For Girth?

Lostracco, basing on your last pic, penis isn’t pulled out: it’s growing. Deforming in the proper meaning is something that does apply to not living things; living tissue isn’t normally deformed: it adapts to a stress.

The tissue is in a certain way damaged by a stressor agent, and react to that stress changing his structure.

So, yes, the mechanism isn’t so different from what happens in muscles trained lifting weights. Sure, you want to make your penis longer, not stronger; but the inner penis is made in a way that mother nature prevent it coming out - so, very near the base, it react to the stress becoming girthier - I think this makes sense.

Speaking in specific about connective tissue, there is a kind of ‘deformation’, due to the viscoelastic properties of that kind of tissue, but it isn’t permanent - I don’t think you are speaking of this kind of deformation, right?

Have you ever heard someone saying ‘Hey, my bulb popped out!’; even Bib, who claimed several inches of gains by hanging, never said such a thing - and believe me, if your bulb were going out of your body, you would be aware of that.

About ligs, they only attach the penis to your body, so they can’t add girth to your penis. But if ligs were pulled out of your penis, your dong would have a really weird look :) .

I also never had that feeling of light aching in the inner part of penis, signs of lenght gains : the most aching points of penis, when doing long time stretching/hanging, is at the base and near the midshaft of the penis - and those are the ‘zones’ that elongate the most as consequence of hanging.

I might add this: I did hanging with a device that avoided skin-growth (I am uncut); I have a mark on the skin at about 1” from the base. Despite the gains in length, that mark is always at that point: 1” from the base.

Originally Posted by marinera
Lostracco, basing on your last pic, penis isn’t pulled out: it’s growing. Deforming in the proper meaning is something that does apply to not living things; living tissue isn’t normally deformed: it adapts to a stress.

I kind of liked Lostracco’s example, it illustrates that when you’re stretching your entire penis with SO or higher angles and your penis has lengthgains innerpenis can come out. You wouldn’t be able to tell it came out if it did but it seems plausible.

Originally Posted by marinera
The tissue is in a certain way damaged by a stressor agent, and react to that stress changing his structure.

So, yes, the mechanism isn’t so different from what happens in muscles trained lifting weights. Sure, you want to make your penis longer, not stronger; but the inner penis is made in a way that mother nature prevent it coming out - so, very near the base, it react to the stress becoming girthier - I think this makes sense.

It doesn’t make sense to me. If the tunica which is tubelike in shape unlike muscles is adapting to the stress why would it expands it’s diameter? That would spread out tunica tissue over an even larger area making it weaker. You could make an argument that the tunica would increase it’s wall thickness to counter the stress. No idea if it can do that btw. Without any perpendicular tension I don’t see the penis increasing in girth from stress.

With differences in girth I can see the girthier areas put perpendicular tension on adjacent areas lower in girth.

Originally Posted by marinera
I also never had that feeling of light aching in the inner part of penis, signs of lenght gains : the most aching points of penis, when doing long time stretching/hanging, is at the base and near the midshaft of the penis - and those are the ‘zones’ that elongate the most as consequence of hanging.

When I hang SO or higher angles I also feel the stress inside my body. I wouldn’t call light aching anywhere in the penis from hanging signs of length gains. After my lenghtgains ceased I hung for another year with plenty of aching and no gains ;)

What I can gather from all the pics here is that the individual CC’s get smaller near their anchorpoints. However I can’t tell from just these few pics whether for some men the CC’s could be slightly thicker behind the base. We could argue about it for hours but without a huge x-ray survey it would be pointless. I can tell that one of the CC’s goes left and the other right making the CC’s seem wider inside. The CS is definately bigger inside because of the bulb. Obviously no one’s entire bulb will come out but if the bulb area is big enough it could be the cause of an increased CS at the base.

So we have CC’s getting smaller from a certain point but also wider (because they’re moving apart) and a CS getting larger. I think it’s safe to say that based on these pics the innerpenis can be bigger inside (for some men).

What I haven’t seen mentioned yet in this thread is that in a clampstyle hanger the clamped area can expand as well.

On a sidenote my penis is wedgeshaped and starting from 2cm off of the base my girth seems to expand exponentionally. I find it hard to believe that where I would draw the line between outer and innerpenis my penis would simply decrease in girth especially if I take my huge bulb area into account which almost seems thicker than my outerpenis when I’m erect :D

I think the more girthy a cylinder-shaped thing becomes, the harder it becomes to expand axially. Muscle fibers are disposed axially in most muscles (in a biceps, just as example), so the analogy stands.

I can’t understand why SO or SU can make any difference if the penis was coming out, without you being able to see if it is ‘outing’: the penis should come out as a whole.

TA can become thicker; likely, it becomes thicker while becoming harder. We are speaking of living tissue: if becoming thicker is a good reaction to a given stress, the body will react that way. But what mostly weighs in the circular elongation is smooth muscle, I guess. TA should become thicker in a 10000% ratio to make a relevant difference in girth.
Smooth muscle can experiment hyperplasia (cellular proliferation) and hypertrophy (cell enlargement), and still is a muscle, so if you pull it with a wight it becomes stronger :) . The argument still stands to me.

“Anyway, I think this debate is born dead, if this is true:
Again: penis surgery produce negligible gains in erect state, despite the fact that ligs are cut; as for length:
<<…The advancement of the penis by ligamentolysis does not produce genuine lengthening because the length of the penile structures remains the same; any increase in penile length is noticeable when ¯accid but is minimal when erect….>>”
from marinera - Hanging For Girth?

You could note that it doesn’t speak at all of any increase in girth after a penis surgery.

Last edited by marinera : 01-14-2009 at .

Originally Posted by marinera
Lostracco, basing on your last pic, penis isn’t pulled out: it’s growing. Deforming in the proper meaning is something that does apply to not living things; living tissue isn’t normally deformed: it adapts to a stress.

Just to clarify, I took the top pic of the penis and increased the horizontal width only in the bottom pic. And yes, it’s growing, but that effect (for our purposes) can be called getting “pulled out”. Yes I agree that it adapts to stress, but what is the final net effect? Deformation.

Originally Posted by marinera
The tissue is in a certain way damaged by a stressor agent, and react to that stress changing his structure.

So, yes, the mechanism isn’t so different from what happens in muscles trained lifting weights. Sure, you want to make your penis longer, not stronger; but the inner penis is made in a way that mother nature prevent it coming out - so, very near the base, it react to the stress becoming girthier - I think this makes sense.

It would make sense that it’d get stronger, but I think the girth theory is flawed in practice. What would get girthier? How? If I might introduce the example of indian tribes who put large holes in their bodies in ears noses and other places, and modern day body-mod enthusiasts. Those holes they place don’t cause the structure or area around the hole to expand in girth besides the initial healing that takes place directly around the inserted object. The rest is simply deformed.

Originally Posted by marinera
Speaking in specific about connective tissue, there is a kind of ‘deformation’, due to the viscoelastic properties of that kind of tissue, but it isn’t permanent - I don’t think you are speaking of this kind of deformation, right?

Doubtful. I’m aware of the difference between temporary and permanent deformation, and I think the focus of this topic is definitely the effects of the permanent kind.

Originally Posted by marinera
Have you ever heard someone saying ‘Hey, my bulb popped out!’; even Bib, who claimed several inches of gains by hanging, never said such a thing - and believe me, if your bulb were going out of your body, you would be aware of that.

No I have not. But again, we’re going for that zone in between pulling it completely out and let it completely heal. The “pulling out” I’m speaking of could actually be rephrased to “deformation”. For our purposes I assumed that “pulling out” is a good way to describe it.

Originally Posted by marinera
About ligs, they only attach the penis to your body, so they can’t add girth to your penis. But if ligs were pulled out of your penis, your dong would have a really weird look :) .

Agreed. I think any girth obtained from lig stretch would be solely from the inner penis being exposed.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Originally Posted by marinera
I think the more girthy a cylinder-shaped thing becomes, the harder it becomes to expand axially. Muscle fibers are disposed axially in most muscles (in a biceps, just as example), so the analogy stands.

I can’t understand why SO or SU can make any difference if the penis was coming out, without you being able to see if it is ‘outing’: the penis should come out as a whole.

TA can become thicker; likely, it becomes thicker while becoming harder. We are speaking of living tissue: if becoming thicker is a good reaction to a given stress, the body will react that way. But what mostly weighs in the circular elongation is smooth muscle, I guess. TA should become thicker in a 10000% ratio to make a relevant difference in girth.
Smooth muscle can experiment hyperplasia (cellular proliferation) and hypertrophy (cell enlargement), and still is a muscle, so if you pull it with a wight it becomes stronger :) . The argument still stands to me.

Anyway, I think this debate is born dead, if this is true:
Again: penis surgery produce negligible gains in erect state, despite the fact that ligs are cut; as for length:
<<…The advancement of the penis by ligamentolysis does not produce genuine lengthening because the length of the penile structures remains the same; any increase in penile length is noticeable when ¯accid but is minimal when erect….>>
from marinera - Hanging For Girth?

I think the language barrier might be making this one difficult - however I think what you’re trying to say is how you can’t see how hanging SO or SU could make the inner penis more visible than other angles? Note that we’re only dealing with a small area of 1 or 2 inches where you could discern a difference, and I do think that when hanging in different directions you can see different areas clearer. I never knew I had ligs that long until BTC hanging.

In response to the muscle analogy - wouldn’t that pull you’re speaking of just deform the muscle to be longer or wider rather than building it up in the way that you’re comparing to the girth expansion in hanging?

I don’t think that argument deadens this debate at all. Being a lig-cut survivor myself (yes I had the surgery) and a hanger, I can say that that statement is definitely true, however what it’s not mentioning is that the ligs are not the only structure that be deformed by hanging and stretching. The ligs will be cut in that surgery, but the tunica will remain unaffected. All you might see is a change in the way your penis hangs and no genuine growth, unless your ligs were so incredibly high and tight that they were preventing some inner penis from being exposed. Through hanging and stretching, you can deform the tunica and cause that genuine growth.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Now you are confusing me, lostracco; you do believe the penis is pulled out or not? Maybe just when the weight is attached?

Deformation is the growth of new tissue or not in your view?
I can’t understand the lobe analogy, sincerely. You are not doing holes in your penis, neither lobes have TA and smooth muscle, so?

However, if when ligs are cut AND weigths are attached (so, lig-cut+hanging), as in PE surgery, is written in the study I posted that the penis don’t come out, how could hanging alone make the penis come out?

“Pulled out” is the phrase I’ve been using to describe deformation. I’m not saying the penis is literally detached - that’d be absurd and members would be in the hospital. When the weight is attached, it’s stretched, and there’s tension.

I’ll rephrase the lobe analogy:

Besides the healing folds that fill in between the tears that we’re making during hanging, the change that occurs from hanging in the penis I do not believe includes building up or growth of any new tissues. I don’t think that by hanging off your penis you’re going to grow in girth, or really in anything. I think the explanation instead is deformation, and that the already girthier inner penis has been deformed (along with all the other structures) and now passes out through your exit point, causing a “growth” in girth.

To put it a bit more simply: we’re not literally “growing” penis, we’re just changing its shape. On that example pic I took the top picture and simply resized it horizontally. That’s the change I believe is occuring with hanging.

In response to the hanging and lig stretch question - I think this is a seperate issue entirely, but the explanation lies in the fact that with either scenario (lig cut/lig cut+hanging) ligs might not have been the limiting factor. Unless your ligs are so high and tight that they’re literally preventing some of your penis from hanging out, cutting them won’t do much whether you’re hanging or not. You’d need to hang at straight out, upward angles, or fulcrum angles that stress the inner tunica. Once that’s deformed, to the point where ligs might again be holding the penis back from maximum length, (and we may be talking over the course of years here) lig stretch might once again become effective, and at that time hanging at ligament-targeted angles like BTC would be appropriate.

I’ll cite the “See-saw effect”, a theory whereby once guys accomplish all the gains available at one end of the spectrum (ligs or tunica) it is possible to return to the other end, and they may find even greater potential for gains than there was before.

Like bending a tree branch back and forth!


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Honestly, those seems confused ideas to me - maybe my English doesn’t allow me to understand what you are speaking of, but…if your base is girthier, and your penis is longer, you have an augment in volume in that bodypart; how can you have more volume without growth (AKA - more tissue)? Real permanent deformation can’t happens without growth, I think. Do you have a void penis, as a consequence of hanging?

As another example, this:
>>Unless your ligs are so high and tight that they’re literally preventing some of your penis from hanging out, cutting them won’t do much whether you’re hanging or not. You’d need to hang at straight out, upward angles, or fulcrum angles that stress the inner tunica. Once that’s deformed, to the point where ligs might again be holding the penis back from maximum length, (and we may be talking over the course of years here) lig stretch might once again become effective, and at that time hanging at ligament-targeted angles like BTC would be appropriate. <<

doesn’t means anything to me. What is preventing your inner penis from being pulled out, if not ligs? Answer this question please.

Another point you should consider, is that base girth gain is not a phenomenon confined to hanging: clampers also have most of girth gains at the base. Is it the penis being pulled out? Or is the penis growing more at the base?

For the sake of this argument let’s not involve clamping gains. I already find the current topic confusing enough :)

I have thought of something else that might be partly responsible for basegirth gains. When hanging SD or BTC the suspensory ligament takes most of the tension. Which means that the area of the tunica the suspensory lig is attached to (basically a line if I interpret the pics correctly) takes the same amount of tension. Further away of the base the tension on the tunica is more spread out over it’s entire girth. This could mean that near the base you’re actually targeting more girth than length when hanging SD or BTC.

Originally Posted by marinera
Do you have a void penis, as a consequence of hanging?

What is a “void penis”?

My goal is to be the best me, mind, body and soul, PE is part of achieving the best me.

Originally Posted by HardbodyPEer
What is a “void penis”?

A ‘void penis’ is a penis with tunica albuginea not entirely filled with smooth muscle, as lostracco seem’s to figure out - just deformation without growth.

Originally Posted by Piet
For the sake of this argument let’s not involve clamping gains. I already find the current topic confusing enough :)

I have thought of something else that might be partly responsible for basegirth gains. When hanging SD or BTC the suspensory ligament takes most of the tension. Which means that the area of the tunica the suspensory lig is attached to (basically a line if I interpret the pics correctly) takes the same amount of tension. Further away of the base the tension on the tunica is more spread out over it’s entire girth. This could mean that near the base you’re actually targeting more girth than length when hanging SD or BTC.

I think this makes sense.

Originally Posted by marinera
Honestly, those seems confused ideas to me - maybe my English doesn’t allow me to understand what you are speaking of, but…if your base is girthier, and your penis is longer, you have an augment in volume in that bodypart; how can you have more volume without growth (AKA - more tissue)? Real permanent deformation can’t happens without growth, I think. Do you have a void penis, as a consequence of hanging?

When you’re taking a BPEL measurement, you’re still stopping at a point that’s farther out from the body than a portion of the penis. Deforming the whole structure from head to inner penis would increase the volume when measurements are taken from that BPEL measurement point.

Originally Posted by marinera
As another example, this:
>>Unless your ligs are so high and tight that they’re literally preventing some of your penis from hanging out, cutting them won’t do much whether you’re hanging or not. You’d need to hang at straight out, upward angles, or fulcrum angles that stress the inner tunica. Once that’s deformed, to the point where ligs might again be holding the penis back from maximum length, (and we may be talking over the course of years here) lig stretch might once again become effective, and at that time hanging at ligament-targeted angles like BTC would be appropriate. <<

doesn’t means anything to me. What is preventing your inner penis from being pulled out, if not ligs? Answer this question please.

Limiting factors can be anything from skin to the septum of the tunica to the left side to the right side, etc. If you hang enough to deform the ligs so they are long and loose, the only thing holding the inner penis back from being deformed would be.. well.. not hanging.

Is this what you’re asking?

Originally Posted by marinera
Another point you should consider, is that base girth gain is not a phenomenon confined to hanging: clampers also have most of girth gains at the base. Is it the penis being pulled out? Or is the penis growing more at the base?

That would be something to ponder, I suppose. I don’t know much about clamping.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

For the sake of this argument let’s not involve clamping gains. I already find the current topic confusing enough

I have thought of something else that might be partly responsible for basegirth gains. When hanging SD or BTC the suspensory ligament takes most of the tension. Which means that the area of the tunica the suspensory lig is attached to (basically a line if I interpret the pics correctly) takes the same amount of tension. Further away of the base the tension on the tunica is more spread out over it’s entire girth. This could mean that near the base you’re actually targeting more girth than length when hanging SD or BTC.

(I’m having some difficulty with the quote function.. 404 not found?)

BTC and SD do stress the outer tunica more. As far as pulling horizontally a bit on it rather than downward in those positions, it sure might. I don’t believe the horizontal pull would be enough to cause a huge jump in girth. It would occur to me that you’d have to be somehow stressing the tunica from both sides of it at the same time horizontally to cause that kind of expansion. Maybe that’s a form of PE we’ll explore someday.. expanding girth with an external force rather than clamping or jelqing that expand smooth muscle tissue internally? Pumping I think would be our closest current method to what you’re getting at.


"HALT! This is a no-turtle zone."

5/14/09 - BPEL 7.0" BPFSL 8.25" EG 4.5"

1/1/10 - BPEL 7.5" BPFSL 9.0" EG 5.0" - GOAL

Originally Posted by AlmaDiedAlone
Does pure hanging ever attribute to girth gains? I thought I recall reading that hanging increases girth at the base of the shaft more than anything. If that’s true, then why?

Absolutely yes, hanging often (not always) increases base girth gains. I know we can say most likely these gains are coming because hanging puts the most stress at the base (logically, as Marinera pointed out).

To go beyond that & speculate about whether the inner penis is pulled out, is simply just that—speculation. Sure it’s possible, but whether or not that does or would create substantial gains, almost to some extent doesn’t matter.

Sure, it’s great to know ‘why’ hanging creates base girth gains, although I’m just happy that it does. In fact, hanging has given me some really good base girth gains myself…

Originally Posted by AlmaDiedAlone
Second question: Do you hangers normally do anything else along with your hanging? Or do you mainly leave it at that?

Light jelqs between & after sets, BTB, or whatever you need to do to make sure you restore bloodflow. You wouldn’t want any tissue death from lack of oxygen.


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