Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging for the uncut?


I did some hanging before I got a minor injury and did not have many problems. In the beginning, it took some practice. I used a captain’s wench and hung in a variety of directions. Bottom line is…your grip has to be tight. Use a cloth, ace bandage and theraband before applying the hanger and grip it tight. You can tell all is fine before adding your weights when you apply some force manually to the hanger and it moves an inch or so but not more. The hanger is supposed to grip beneath the skin for hanging to be of any use at all.

It shouldn’t make a huge difference whether someone is cut or not. I can see hanging being more of a challenge for those with a cone shaped penis regardless of being circumsized or not.

Current (Sept 15, 2011) BPEL - 7.6 MSEG - 5.8

Goal 8 x 6 (preferably NBPEL)

I have never seen anyone on here that is uncut and has actually been hanging for a long period with success and comfort. That’s the scary part. So I’m done with hanging and I’m sticking to manual stretches that are easy. If anyone know’s anyone that actually has done the impossible, a magician of some sort, that can hang uncut and can repeat it daily, please speak up. Not talking about vaccum hangers, talking about bib.

Originally Posted by Audacia
That ended up happening to me. I’m in my initial testing period using 3lb. My head got engorged and it just helped a lot but it’s not good for your penis and definitely will be bad with higher weights. Better to perfect the method now.

You may be right but it is the only way for me to hang.I tried to perfect the method over and over and I ended up wasting about 3 hours every day for about 30 minutes of hanging.In the end I felt something is not right with my penis because I tried to grab the internal structure by tightening the hanger more and more with no success cause the skin was always passing the head followed by the hanger.I was very close to an injury because I felt I’m going to damage my urethra and I decided to stop thinking that maybe if I will do manual stretches for the same amount of time it will be better.I did only manual for about two months and things went very well but sometimes I just felt I was not doing enough for my ligs so I tried to combine manual with hanging.I have to say that things are going well with this combination.After a few sets of hanging (with engorged head) I do manual stretches and the results are great.I will keep you guys updated about the progress but I feel I’m on the right track.My motto now is do everything you can just don’t give up.
Good luck to every one!

I fail to see how there is any difference if you are cut or not. Sure, if using a vac hanger it might be an advantage to be cut since your glans is more desensitized.

For a clamp-style hanger there should be no difference. If anything, you`ve got less skin to stretch.

The real truth is that the Bib hanger and similar have a steep learning curve and thus people erroneously blame their foreskin for not mastering the hanger.

Originally Posted by Renholder
I fail to see how there is any difference if you are cut or not. Sure, if using a vac hanger it might be an advantage to be cut since your glans is more desensitized.

For a clamp-style hanger there should be no difference. If anything, you`ve got less skin to stretch.

The real truth is that the Bib hanger and similar have a steep learning curve and thus people erroneously blame their foreskin for not mastering the hanger.

I suppose you never tried uncut hanging? Trust me, it’s very different. You have to experience it to know what it feels like. Foreskin simply gets in the way and causes trouble. It’s additional parameter that has to be taken care of.

I’ve been hanging for 50 days strait (uncut). I’m only at 6.5 lbs and do at least 2 hours l, and up to 4 hours a day. If you get the wrap right all else follows. I do think it will be much more difficult at a good weight which is why I’m maximising on the low weight with high volume and no rest. The point is only guys who have hung both ways know and even they may disagree. ;-? IGB

Originally Posted by UpTo7
I suppose you never tried uncut hanging? Trust me, it’s very different. You have to experience it to know what it feels like. Foreskin simply gets in the way and causes trouble. It’s additional parameter that has to be taken care of.

Are you serious?

It would be more correct to assume that I have tried uncut hanging since I make such a statement.

I have put in hundreds, if not thousand hours of uncut hanging, so I believe I know what I`m talking about.

I still stand by my original post. The learning curve with a clamp-style hanger is STEEP and not every guy seem to be able to figure out. The last time I tried hanging I hung comfortably straight away.

I’m uncut and hang. I like that I’m able to be sure that the penis is getting the workout and not the skin because the skin is not a limiting factor. Admittedly, the Bib hanger does sit behind the head rather than an inch behind the head due to the skin stretching out like an accordion. However, this has not caused any discomfort or problems as my weight is low and my sets are short (10 minutes). It took awhile to figure out the best way to wrap and so on but it was worth the time.


Goal: 9" BPEL x 6.5" EG

Current Stats: 7.125" BPEL x 5.5" EG

Originally Posted by Renholder
Are you serious?

It would be more correct to assume that I have tried uncut hanging since I make such a statement.

I have put in hundreds, if not thousand hours of uncut hanging, so I believe I know what I`m talking about.

I still stand by my original post. The learning curve with a clamp-style hanger is STEEP and not every guy seem to be able to figure out. The last time I tried hanging I hung comfortably straight away.

Oh, sorry for assuming you’re cut then… Care to share your wrapping technique with me?

Originally Posted by UpTo7
Oh, sorry for assuming you’re cut then… Care to share your wrapping technique with me?

I use a cloth first and then finish with theraband. Nothing fancy. Not too bulky. Start the wrap roughly 1-2 inches behind the head and spiral towards the base while smoothing the skin towards the base at the same time.

Check out this thread:

How I attach the hanger!

The technique I`m mentioning is called pulse pushing the hanger when attaching. I believe Bib has mentioned it many times, but I believe this is a critical piece that many guys seem to not capture.

I think there are few variables that make the difference between a successful hanging session and a bad one.

The penis is different from person to person and we can even find big differences between the state of our own penis from day to day even hour to hour.

The head of the penis is what allows you to grab your penis when you stretch or hang.If the head is small and soft and the corpus of the penis is tough and thick,there is no way you will be able to get a good grip on that thing.The skin is something that rides over the internal structure so it slides no matter what you do instill it gets to the head where it should stop.

There are very different types of penis shapes out there so concluding that someone has a bad technique is irrelevant unless you tried to hang having his penis.

My experience tooth me that before a good stretching or hanging session I should work to get an engorged tough head and a soft and thin corpus.

I am uncut and getting prepared to hang, so the advise and warnings are well heeded.

Made my own hanger and found that crepe bandages work pretty well so far, on my few minutes of practicing.

Seems getting the unit to stretch and not just the skin is the secret?


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