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Hanging for the uncut?


Hanging for the uncut?

I would really like to take advantage of hanging gains, but I’m uncut so would anything work for me? Your opinions and suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Gardenier90,

Hanging uncut is a bitch, a real ugly nasty bitch. Worse than your mother in law if you have one. The problem is that skin is very weak, and so is very prone to injury like blisters, bruising, scarring, strech marks etc. My foreskin is very discoloured from hanging, which is a bitch too. If you start with low weights and build up slowly the skin will toughen up and thats what you have to do, as the foreskin can get injured with weights that the ligs can easily handle.

One other thing is to never hang with the foreskin pulled back, this is very bad and can lead to permanant damage.

Maybe phat9 can add some more information, he is an experienced uncut hanger too (if I remember right, sorry if im wrong)…

Good Luck

I’m uncut as well and will be starting soon. Hopefully theres some sort of technique that works. A good wrap is obviously the key but I’m not sure if such thing exists for us uncuts. Will keep you updated for sure if I can come up with something.

Yeah tricky, wrapping right helps, You have wrap at just the right position. If you pull the skin back to far you get nasty damage (at worst) like I said before, or slippage at best. Push it too far forward and the skin takes too much stress and the ligs dont get as much work. After a while you learn where to put it through trial and error, although you will still get it wrong and have to re-wrap occasionally. You can tell when something is wrong as you put the weight on, sometimes you get a painful twinge somewhere, sometimes the hanger slides down even though you tighten more, and sometimes it just doesnt feel right and you know you have to change something. Thats why you need to start with low weights, so you can get used to the signs.


SS4Jelq is correct

There is little academically I can add.

I had to quit and posted I could never hang again due to a recurring
knot on my prepuce (sp?). Well, after many months I am back at
lower weights, swinging wildly BTC again……..

Only now there is almost zero swelling, little discoloriation and no

Go figure. I have no clue

I can only figure it was indeed a thrombosed vein (but the very
tip is an odd place but it was on a vein) that I did not give
adequate time to heal, and that ended up being over two months

Along the way I had to put up with the swollen skin and I am sujre
I’d have gotten more gains if I were uncut.

That said, I’d never want to be cut. NO way Jose. Uncut is just
better for man and woman. I’ll not descend into that argument
since it’s been beaten to death. But ask Bib, who is more
sensitive now with foreskin.

So, the benefits of being uncut to me outweigh (just barely though)
the costs of hanging problems.

I have developed a whole lot of new skin and I have stretched my
foreskin to the point that it “rolls” better, which is yet another
pleasure to be enjoyed.

So, count your blessings while you endure the pain.

Damnit there has to be a solution to this problem! I know sometimes when I stretch manually I am able to grip a ways behind the glans and get a good stretch on the internal structures. Maybe its possible to duplicated with a hanger? I’ve also seen mention of one guy adding a “cushion” behind his glans so that the hanger doesn’t slide and instead rests most of its weight on the padding. I’m discouraged a little bit but I guess trial and error is the only real way to find out! My BIB Hanger has been shipped so I’ll be joining the hangers club soon enough.! Can’t wait.


don’t be discouraged. You can hang, it’s just more trouble.

I’d suggest not moving up in weights if the foreskin swells
excessively, and depending on how nature built your prepuce,
move down or rest up.

Wrap carefully and all the way to the base. Experiment with
different tensions, and know that the Bib hanger takes some
finagling to get the right settings.

Do not hesitate to move down in weight if it hurts.

My hanger just arrived yesterday and I’ve been doing some test wraps and trial runs before I get started. I know as per BIBs directions you’re supposed to attach the hanger about 1 inch behind the head. When I do this I find that the my foreskin will allow the hanger to push forward up against the glans. I’ve been testing out using a strip of cotton wrapped just behind the glans to use as a cushion.

Do you guys think its dangerous for the hanger to be applying pressure to the head? I’m not finding it very painful hanging with the foreskin retracted as long as the wrap is tight and that cushion is there. I even tried attaching the hanger to the wall and leaning back. It wasn’t really uncomfortable, but then again I didn’t try it for too long. The real pain is when I’m unwrapping the theraband ouch.


>I know as per BIBs directions you’re supposed to attach the hanger about 1 inch behind the head. When I do this I find that the my foreskin will allow the hanger to push forward up against the glans. I’ve been testing out using a strip of cotton wrapped just behind the glans to use as a cushion. <

You probably just do not have the hanger adjusted properly yet, or it is not tight enough. I don’t know anything about the cotton cushion.

>Do you guys think its dangerous for the hanger to be applying pressure to the head?<

If the internal structures of the shaft are ‘sliding’ through the hanger and skin, and the hanger is actually on the head, that is bad. If the hanger is riding on the ‘shoulders’ of the head, the upper shaft being compressed against the head, that is correct.

>I’m not finding it very painful hanging with the foreskin retracted as long as the wrap is tight and that cushion is there.<

If you wrap tightly, be aware of sufficient blood flow.

>I even tried attaching the hanger to the wall and leaning back. It wasn’t really uncomfortable, but then again I didn’t try it for too long. The real pain is when I’m unwrapping the theraband ouch. <

For the wrapping, either use a cloth underwrap, or be sure and put some talc on the wrap and/or penis.


“If the internal structures of the shaft are ‘sliding’ through the hanger and skin, and the hanger is actually on the head, that is bad. If the hanger is riding on the ‘shoulders’ of the head, the upper shaft being compressed against the head, that is correct.”

The hanger isnt actually sliding onto/over the head it stays behind it. I think when you say ‘shoulders’ of the head that sounds about right. Theres no gap between the hanger and head when its being weighed down. So some of the head (shoulders) is taking a portion of the force as well as some of the internal structure.

I have noticed that its the internal structures being stretched rather than the skin because at the base of the shaft the skin is not tight while the internals definately are. Which is good!

Originally posted by Tricky2
I have noticed that its the internal structures being stretched rather than the skin because at the base of the shaft the skin is not tight while the internals definately are. Which is good!

I always have a really hard time trying to get this effect. What would you attribute it to? the cushion? the wrapping? hanger position? I am uncut also.

Chi - I think it has to do with wrapping while foreskin is retracted. But then again I’m a hanging newbie so I’m not sure how this will work with high weight/long sessions.

Where can I get a BiB? Are they expensive?

check out the link at the bottom of the page to the “bib hanger site”

Are there any instructions for making my own?

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