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Hanging from a cable clamp? Bad idea?

Hanging from a cable clamp? Bad idea?

Would it be abad I dea to hang from a cable clamp?

I have a little hole in mine that would be perfect for hanging from but want to know if there would be a problem with a non-uniform hang?

Hanging? from a cable clamp? in the base of your penis? Well, maybe it is a good idea, if you are willing to get a Indian bruise!!!!! Imagine yourself watching how the cable clamp slides “gently” all over your dick, forced by the 8 pounds hanging of it. But you can still try! but I dont see any benefit of pulling your penis only from the base. but still, you can try !:D

Sorry I meant clamping at the head.

Clamping at the head is not good, too many nerves would be impacted.

You might be able to do it if you move the clamp back and inch or so.

Non-uniform meaning wgt attached to just one point on the clamp?
Doesnt make a pretty pictiure in my head, and I doubt your dick will enjoy it.
I’d suggest having 2 to 3 holes, and make a quickie harness to distribute the wgt properly

If you do it, keep the wgt light.

Postatem obscuri lateris nescitis.

I wouldn’t use just a cable clamp, you’re going to get some serious scratches doing that. Make a Captains Wench and use the cable clamp on that.

Start date 12-10-05 Old: NBPEL - 4.5" BPEL - 5.75" EG - 4.625" Current: NBPEL - 5" BPEL - 6.25" EG - 5.1" Goal: NBPEL - 7.5" BPEL - 8.25 EG - 6.00" - I want a big floppy donkey dick!


If you start doing this, you can already make an appointment with the doctor.

The Captains Wench is essentially a way of using a cable clamp to hang with. If you use the clamp itself, you’ll need a good wrap. The Wench is sort of a wrap and it also allows you to hang the weight from the end strap, which solves the problem of the weight being put on just one side of the clamp.

The Wench is cheap to make and if you have trouble finding all the supplies to make it on your own Monty sells some of the hard to find parts.

Good luck.

Before: I'd like to show you something I'm very proud of, but you'll have to move real close.

After: I\'d like to show you something I\'m very proud of, but you guys in the front row will have to stand back.

God gave men both a penis and a brain, but unfortunately not enough blood supply to run both at the same time. - Robin Williams (:

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