Hanging gainers, Chime in please.
I just wanted to collect up some info that I’ve been curious about and I think many will benefit from. Most of the question’s involve what you do AFTER hanging.
I believe this to be very important to gains. I’d like to see how many of the gainers do anything AFTER their sessions.
Ideally, could you explain your answers and routines for clarity.
The questions require about 5-10 mins or so to answer. Depending on detail.
I appreciate all participation!
What device do you use to hang?
Briefly, what is you weekly routine? (Include any jelqing, pumping, clamping, etc.)
Do you warm up?
If so, How long for and what kind of stretches?
Do you cool/warm down?
If so, how do you do so? (Ice, Heat, Holding a stretch using any of the aforementioned, etc)
Do you keep your penis in traction after hanging?
If so, what method do you use? (PE Weights, Vac ADS, Any other ADS, etc)
Do you do fowfers?
If so, when?
Add any notes or routines that you do AFTER your hanging workout that haven’t been covered in the questions, if you can.