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Hanging --how often- how long

Hanging --how often- how long

Would like to see a recommendatiion on the apropriate amount of time to devote to hanging in order to see any gains.


Hey Boxcar,

Welcome aboard!

If you read some of the threads here, you will get an idea of what other guys are doing as far as hang times. One of them may chime in soon.

I have not started hanging yet, so I can’t give any advice as far as how many sets and for how long.

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It all depends on the individual. Most guys seem to hang for however much time they have. To a large extent, the more time you hang, the more you gain. Up to a point.

It is not like a standard workout, where you do so many of one thing etc.

Try to get to your maximum weight; i.e., that weight, at a certain angle, where you know you cannot hang another pound. Then, try to fatigue the tissues until you have to go down in weight. Then, at the lesser weight, continue to hang in the fatigued state. That would be the optimum.

Sometimes it takes many sets to do the above. Sometimes only a few.


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