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3 or 4 hours hanging matter in the long run?

3 or 4 hours hanging matter in the long run?

I’m making this post for my future reference in figuring out how my penis grows. All replies are welcome, especially from vet hangers. I’m leaving for the beach in 3 days and I’m trying to figure out whether or not I can do some hanging that will make any sort of difference in the long run.

I haven’t been hanging for the past 4 or 5 days because of increase in social life. I’d been on a regular routine before then for a couple of weeks. I’m going to be hanging for 1 -2 hours a day for the next 3 days. My question is, if I havent’ been hanging, and all of a sudden I start soon to stop again, will it make any difference in the long run, or is it a complete waste of time? I don’t think it’s a complete waste of time. Gains are made doing 5 hrs./week, I’ll probably put in 5 hours in the next 3 days. If you could only hang 3 days in a row per week, 5 hours total a week, do you think you’d make gains? What about if you could only hang for 3 days-5hours a week every 1 1/2 weeks, would you still gain? If not, do you think you’d gain from hanging 4 days-7 hours every 1 1/2 weeks?

Basically I’m trying to delve down into the question of how long it takes for gains to become permanent.

Ok, everybody just look and no one reply.

No disrespect intended but maybe if you refine the question you’ll get more input. That or reword it.
I’m not sure what exactly you’re asking.


what he means it that he is wondering what mattered how many days hes done his hanging just the amount of time

Thanks Carnivore. Now I understand.

If you reach maximum fatigue at each session 5 times per week, that would be better than cramming the same amount of hanging hours in 3 days because you would have to lower the weight to be able to handle the increase in time.

You could calculate your total weight hang ( weight X time ) and get a bigger number with the 5 day/wk routine than the 3 day/wk routine because you are hanging with a constant max weight during the 5 day/wk routine.

Hanging with too many rest days in between, in my opinion, could be a waste of time since there is too much healing time involved, making the ligs stronger/thicker against the hanging weight and therefore resistant to gains.

Starting: 5 BPEL x 4.5 EG on 4/19/03

Latest: 6 BPEL x 5 EG on 2/17/04

Goal: 7 BPEL x 6 EG

I’ve kept a diary of my hanging gains, and they bear no clear relationship at all to the time or number of days I’ve put into it each week. The great minds at Thunder’s have put together some excellent theories grounded in anatomy, but there’s still a dearth of systematic data to confirm or disconfirm the theories.

In other words, I’d say just try whatever is convenient for you, and see if you gain. If not, then try another way. But CC’s advice above is definitely the conventional wisdom and your best bet if you don’t have strong factors pushing you one way or the other.

I think CC’s on the right track. It’s the off time in between hanging that will limit your gains and might even disable gains for the next hanging session because healing time will strengthen your ligs. The trick is to keep the ligs in a state of stretched condition and disallow healing which shortens the ligs.

Take a fast read at this sight. It will give you an idea of how the healing process works and how ligs shorten.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

Interesting thread.

I have been hanging in the evenings for 3 hours without a day off for 10 days now, so my ligs have almost a full day to heal and shorten.

Therefore would it be better for me to hang 1 1/2 hours in the morning and 1 1/2 hours in the evening if I am unable to dedicate more than 3 hours (plus breaks) to hanging per day?

>>>Therefore would it be better for me to hang 1 1/2 hours in the morning and 1 1/2 hours in the evening if I am unable to dedicate more than 3 hours (plus breaks) to hanging per day?<<<

Most hangers would say Yes, the split routine is better if you can reach fatigue during each 1.5-hour session.

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