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Hanging Positions

Hanging Positions

I’ve been hanging with the Bib Hanger for almost a year. I have worked up to 20lbs for two sets of 20 mins in the AM and when possible the same routine in the PM. I have also have kept up a pretty rigorous jelquing routine to compliment the overall PE effort.

My question is about varying the hanging position. I have almost exculsively hung BTC with a little bit of standing. My routine produces some short-term fatigue on the ligaments on top of the penis, but little or no fatigue elswhere.

Can some of the other hangers here talk a little about their other methods of hanging. For instance I see references to “straight out” and “over the shoulder.” How can these positions be rigged to work, and do you guys believe that a full 360 degree weight stretch is possible / beneficial / essential?


Goog thread.

>My question is about varying the hanging position. I have almost exculsively hung BTC with a little bit of standing. My routine produces some short-term fatigue on the ligaments on top of the penis, but little or no fatigue elswhere.<

That is predictable.

>Can some of the other hangers here talk a little about their other methods of hanging. For instance I see references to “straight out” and “over the shoulder.” How can these positions be rigged to work, and do you guys believe that a full 360 degree weight stretch is possible / beneficial / essential? <

I hung almost exclusively in an executive type office chair. It is adjustable in height, has a long seat, and a high back. A perfect hanging chair. With a weight ‘rack’, the weights hanging horizontally rather than vertically, you do not need a very high chair.

Even as I became longer, I was still able to hang straight out with the hanger toward the edge, and the weights over the edge of the chair. I would put a book down on the edge for the hanger to ride on. Later, I had to make an extension out of six inch PVC pipe. I simply cut off about twelve inches of pipe, then split it to fit the front edge of the chair (not exactly in half), drilled a couple of holes in the top corners, tied a cord from these holes to the back posts of the chair. Then, I would put a four inch diameter piece of pvc within the larger piece. The hanger would ride on this extension.

Some guys set up tripods or a pulley under the desk to hang straight out. You can also have like a folding chair in front of you, and with a rope extension hang over the back of that chair. Just put your feet up in the other chair while hanging. I did this a few times and it was ok. But the extension was much better for me. The other chair is better for explaning to other people though. Kind of like an ottoman.

I also used a piece of large PVC over the top back of the chair and a rope extension to hang OTS. I cut grooves in the PVC for the rope to ride in and keep it from slipping off.

One guy put a pulley in his ceiling to hang straight up.

Besides an executive chair, many of the recliners should work great. You just have to place a hard surface, such as a book, down on the hanging edge to reduce friction.

As far as the benefits of other angles: There are 270 degrees of vertical angles and 180 degrees of horizontal angles that can be hit. I estimate that for me, I could get a different stretch, affecting different structures, with each thirty degrees of change in angles. Some guys do not benefit from a strictly BTC regimen. Those tissues affected are not limiting factors. Some benefit for a while, until other limiting factors require stresses on other tissues, and therefore other angles.

If you continue PE for a long time, there is little doubt but that you will need to use other angles to continue gains.


Thanks Bib for the excellent reply. Like I said I just don’t seem to be stressing anything to the point of gains in the BTC position anymore. Based on your insight and experience with other angles I will give the straight out and over the shoulder a try.

Should I feel ligament fatigue into the next day? Can’t really report having felt anything the next day except maybe at the very beginning. So far I have gained 1.5” in BPEL but only .25 in EG. I’m concentrating more on girth than before, been doing the ULI’s and blasters. Think it’s OK to do both hanging and girth building exercises at the same time?

Thanks Again…


>Should I feel ligament fatigue into the next day? Can’t really report having felt anything the next day except maybe at the very beginning.<

For me, it varied. Sometimes I would be fine the next day. No soreness at all. Sometimes I was sore at the beginning of the day and would have to drop weight immediately. Sometimes I was fine for a couple sets, and then would have to drop.

>So far I have gained 1.5” in BPEL but only .25 in EG. I’m concentrating more on girth than before, been doing the ULI’s and blasters. Think it’s OK to do both hanging and girth building exercises at the same time?<

Those are great gains. Congratulations. I wish more guys would report.

I did not do the girth work and length work at the same time. First, the few times I was a little to stenuous with my jelqing to restore circulation, it hindered my hanging. Jelqing and Ulis tend to make the shaft sore, which makes hanging tough.

Then also, I do not think that additional length would make getting girth gains at a future date harder. I do think additional girth can make getting length gains harder. The thicker a structure is, the harder it is to stretch, all else being equal. It may not make it much harder, but I see no benefit to doing girth work first or during the same time frame as length work. Unless of course you need greater girth for immediate functionality.


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