Thunder's Place

The big penis and mens' sexual health source, increasing penis size around the world.

Hanging time


Hanging time

There’s one thing about hanging that I’m curious about… I read that 10 hours of hanging a week should be minimum, which is 2 hours a day doing 5 on 2 off routine. With 20 minute sets and 10 minute pauses in between that’s 2 hours and 50 minutes a day. Where do you people get that much spare time and privacy every day just to hang? And that’s recommended minimum, not to mention those who do it even longer…

When I first got into PE I thought I would never do anything except for manual exercises and clamping. Then I gave ADS a green light. Now I’m even considering hanging in future if manual exercises stop wielding gains before I reach my goal. However, too much time required is really puttin me off. I got in PE with 25-30 minutes a day in mind. It gradually increased 45-60 minutes which is also fine with me. But 3 hours? That’s a bit too much. I mean, I do spend a lot of time at the computer and studying, I do have my own room, but what would I say to my parents if they came in, which they do more often than not? When they enter my room I’m at the opposite side of the door, behind the desk. That gives me a small advantage so I’d have to find a way to quickly detach everything and hide it below the desk before they come close, I guess.


Originally Posted by UpTo7
There’s one thing about hanging that I’m curious about… I read that 10 hours of hanging a week should be minimum, which is 2 hours a day doing 5 on 2 off routine. With 20 minute sets and 10 minute pauses in between that’s 2 hours and 50 minutes a day. Where do you people get that much spare time and privacy every day just to hang? And that’s recommended minimum, not to mention those who do it even longer…

Just a note: you are basically describing Bib’s school of thought. There are other hanging methods, including high weight low frequency stuff (see marinera’s posts or xenolith’s, the former does not agree with Bib’s method and has a great thread called “Loading, Lengthening, and Hanging” while the latter tried a different method and described it extensively in his log). Also, if you WERE to follow Bib’s method, you would not be taking ANY days off unless you have an injury or feel one approaching. Bib discusses this a lot on his forum - he even suggests that if hangers cannot hang properly for a day or two of the week they should at least do one set as a bare minimum.

All in all, his approach is: a minimum of 10 hours per week, broken down into 4-5 20 minute sets per day, with no rest days unless an injury is approaching or already incurred.

Originally Posted by UpTo7
But 3 hours? That’s a bit too much.

Bib-type hangers multi-task while hanging. I suspect most of them work out of home, or live a single life (bachelor pad situation) with many hours at home. I remember someone commenting on this in his forums and he replied “I hope you’re multi-tasking.” They aren’t just hanging and staring at a wall.

With that said, I find it extremely difficult to work while hanging BTC due to the position I’m in. I can read, so that’s what I do.

I consider two hours a marathon session. I hang 40-60 per day, and do manual stretches of all kinds when the mood strikes me: peeing, sitting around, etc. Even bib suggested there was no way to verify a minimum, or maximum amount of time. The two hour minimum appears to be a textbook sort of answer in the PE world but no one can say for sure without bringing scientific testing into the mix IMHO. I rarely take a rest day either, so that may have helped my progress.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

I often find myself staring at the wall while hanging. Sort of a PE trance; my meditation ;)

10/2008 BPEL= 6.5" NBPEL= 6" EG= 5"

6 month goal: NBPEL= 6.75" EG= 5.25"

Main Goal: NBPEL= 8" EG= 6"

I never put in 2 hours of hanging ever.
My routine would last maybe 1 1/2 hours and that would be 3 sets of 20 minutes. And never over 20 pounds and even that was after 3 years. Starting at something reasonable like 5 pounds you shouldn’t have to increase weight but once every couple of months maybe. Depends on your gains curve.
Every day is not necessary if your using your ADS.

Bib worked at home and therefore he didn’t have problems with family and jobs pulling him away. How nice that would be huh!
The point is, he didn’t have routine interruptions as we normally do. What he did have is the ability to have a daily hanging routine which meant he didn’t have to be concerned with plateau’s. He was constantly disrupting his ligaments healing process. That is what is key to his gains. We don’t have that luxury so we need to us an ADS to keep things stretched between hanging sessions. So your good there.

I have one suggestion that you should establish with your family.
Put a sign on your door: ‘Please knock before entering.’ or just plain ‘Please Knock’
You sound old enough, I should think they would understand and respect your privacy.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

The most I’ve been able to manage in one week was 8 hours, and that was when my wife and kid were out of town. My average is more like 4-5 hours, and even that seems difficult to accomplish — life gets in the way. But I do practice what Monty preaches — i.e. I use an ADS (Xleeve, almost full-time).

The ads is definitely the key. I’m starting to believe one a one set max, followed by hours in the ads might actually be better than a set amount of time in the hanger. Its not my theory, another member posted it - just can’t remember who.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Originally Posted by LongVehicle
Just a note: you are basically describing Bib’s school of thought. There are other hanging methods, including high weight low frequency stuff (see marinera’s posts or xenolith’s, the former does not agree with Bib’s method and has a great thread called “Loading, Lengthening, and Hanging” while the latter tried a different method and described it extensively in his log). Also, if you WERE to follow Bib’s method, you would not be taking ANY days off unless you have an injury or feel one approaching. Bib discusses this a lot on his forum - he even suggests that if hangers cannot hang properly for a day or two of the week they should at least do one set as a bare minimum.

All in all, his approach is: a minimum of 10 hours per week, broken down into 4-5 20 minute sets per day, with no rest days unless an injury is approaching or already incurred.

Bib-type hangers multi-task while hanging. I suspect most of them work out of home, or live a single life (bachelor pad situation) with many hours at home. I remember someone commenting on this in his forums and he replied “I hope you’re multi-tasking.” They aren’t just hanging and staring at a wall.

With that said, I find it extremely difficult to work while hanging BTC due to the position I’m in. I can read, so that’s what I do.

The thing that also put me off was someone saying less than 10 hours a week is waste of time. So it all comes to longer sessions with lower weight or shorter sessions with higher weight. Problem is, I’m not really a fan of hanging heavy weights off my dick. I was thinking of some 10 pounds at most, to be honest I’d be afraid to try more. I know I’d probably change my opinion if I actually started out low and gradually increased it, but still…

Originally Posted by hopeful2hanglow
I consider two hours a marathon session. I hang 40-60 per day, and do manual stretches of all kinds when the mood strikes me: peeing, sitting around, etc. Even bib suggested there was no way to verify a minimum, or maximum amount of time. The two hour minimum appears to be a textbook sort of answer in the PE world but no one can say for sure without bringing scientific testing into the mix IMHO. I rarely take a rest day either, so that may have helped my progress.

40-60 minutes is a lot more reasonable.

Originally Posted by Monty:
I never put in 2 hours of hanging ever.
My routine would last maybe 1 1/2 hours and that would be 3 sets of 20 minutes. And never over 20 pounds and even that was after 3 years. Starting at something reasonable like 5 pounds you shouldn’t have to increase weight but once every couple of months maybe. Depends on your gains curve.
Every day is not necessary if your using your ADS.

Bib worked at home and therefore he didn’t have problems with family and jobs pulling him away. How nice that would be huh!
The point is, he didn’t have routine interruptions as we normally do. What he did have is the ability to have a daily hanging routine which meant he didn’t have to be concerned with plateau’s. He was constantly disrupting his ligaments healing process. That is what is key to his gains. We don’t have that luxury so we need to us an ADS to keep things stretched between hanging sessions. So your good there.

I have one suggestion that you should establish with your family.
Put a sign on your door: ‘Please knock before entering.’ or just plain ‘Please Knock’
You sound old enough, I should think they would understand and respect your privacy.

I’m 20. My parents do knock maybe 3 out of 4 times, but even when they do, telling them to wait a bit would be awkward because who knows what would they think I’m doing. :/

Originally Posted by MyQuest
The most I’ve been able to manage in one week was 8 hours, and that was when my wife and kid were out of town. My average is more like 4-5 hours, and even that seems difficult to accomplish — life gets in the way. But I do practice what Monty preaches — i.e. I use an ADS (Xleeve, almost full-time).

Originally Posted by hopeful2hanglow
The ads is definitely the key. I’m starting to believe one a one set max, followed by hours in the ads might actually be better than a set amount of time in the hanger. Its not my theory, another member posted it - just can’t remember who.

Yes, I’ll definitely use an ADS.

So my question is, if I can’t spare more than 1 hour a day for hanging and if I’m not willing to go over 10, maybe 15 pounds, is it even worth starting?

Its definitely worth it dude. Just do it and see how you feel and you will know. I stayed under 10 pound for a year or more. Recently after exploring every angle, and incorporating SO hanging with a pulley system, I can comfortably hang in the 12 to 15 pound range. All along I have been in the 40 to 60 min range, or 2 to 5 sets. I make sure I feel a pull, and use my IR lamp religiously. I respect all advice on this forum, but you have to remember that you are allowed to think for yourself once you get some hang time in.

Getting in the 9-15 pound range is heavy, so trust me its worth it, and it will pull your dick.

Also if you get your hanger right, and perfect your wrapping technique you may find that you can hang a bit longer. I have my rig set up so that I still get great blood flow on my first set with 10 pounds - so my head still stays a normal color. Once I’m up to 12 pounds and higher I have to tighten the clamp on my wench tighter, and the blood flow is cut off. So, my first set is actually longer and helps induce fatigue much better by the second set. I don’t want to get flamed so I won’t post how long it is, but I definitely have blood flow, and no numbness, or color change.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

How much did you gain with that routine?

I actually stayed under 10 pounds for close to 2 years. I have always done hanging of one sort, or another. The last year and a half I’ve been dedicated, particularly the last year. In that time I’ve gained a little over an inch in length, and some base girth likely from hanging, but I do get on a clamping kick once in awhile, so the base girth could be from that.

I rarely measure either man. Unless you can gain inches in a month, then stay away from measuring. If I was looking for quick gains I would have been done for long ago to. You can’t believe all the hype, but hanging does work if you let it.

In all honestly though if I had been dedicated and smart for the last three years, I would likely be a fair bit more ahead. So starting right and sticking to it is important.

My signature is all hanging gains though long story short.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Cool, that definitely gives me motivation. :) I have a bit less than an inch of length remaining to hit my goal and I’m still gaining from manual exercises, now I have new hope that I will reach my goal if manual exercises stop getting me gains. :) Thank you.

(I know that everyone’s different and thing that works for one may not work for another, but we have to get our motivation somewhere, right? :) )

Originally Posted by UpTo7
So my question is, if I can’t spare more than 1 hour a day for hanging and if I’m not willing to go over 10, maybe 15 pounds, is it even worth starting?

Yes, and I say that because the gains are accumulative. When you apply an ADS to your daily applications your gains will become consistent with the number of heavier hanging sessions you can get in. The less sets you do the longer it’s take to achieve your goal but you will get there.

One thing you might consider is to not take your hanger off between sets. Loosen it so the blood can flow again and when it’s pinked up clamp back up for another set. I would usually allow about 5 to 10 minutes for circulation and then tighten up for another set. that way you can get in 2 sets an hour easy.

09-2003 BPEL:6.0x5.5

11-2004 BPEL:8.25x6.25 . . 9+ by Spring is the goal AIR CLAMP

Now BPEL:8 5/8 x 6 5/8 PE Weights

I do the same thing keeping my hanger on Monty. That also gives you one less chance to back out on the next set, lol.

I'm consistent in spurts, but gains are undeniable!

2007: BPEL 5.5" / MSEG 4.7" / BG 5.5"

2017: BPEL 6.8" / MSEG 5.3" / BG 6"

Are you going to buy a hanger?. Or make one?.


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