Hanging time
There’s one thing about hanging that I’m curious about… I read that 10 hours of hanging a week should be minimum, which is 2 hours a day doing 5 on 2 off routine. With 20 minute sets and 10 minute pauses in between that’s 2 hours and 50 minutes a day. Where do you people get that much spare time and privacy every day just to hang? And that’s recommended minimum, not to mention those who do it even longer…
When I first got into PE I thought I would never do anything except for manual exercises and clamping. Then I gave ADS a green light. Now I’m even considering hanging in future if manual exercises stop wielding gains before I reach my goal. However, too much time required is really puttin me off. I got in PE with 25-30 minutes a day in mind. It gradually increased 45-60 minutes which is also fine with me. But 3 hours? That’s a bit too much. I mean, I do spend a lot of time at the computer and studying, I do have my own room, but what would I say to my parents if they came in, which they do more often than not? When they enter my room I’m at the opposite side of the door, behind the desk. That gives me a small advantage so I’d have to find a way to quickly detach everything and hide it below the desk before they come close, I guess.